Employee Testing and Selection
Employee Testing and Selection
Employee Testing and Selection
and Selection
• It is the process of
attracting individuals
on a timely basis,
in sufficient numbers and
with appropriate qualifications, and
encouraging them to apply
Selection is the process of choosing from a
group of applicants those individuals best
suited for a particular position.
The process of making a “hire” or “no hire”
decision regarding each applicant for a job.
The Selection Process
Consists of eight steps:
1. Initial screening
2. Completion of the application form
3. Employment tests
General Intelligence Tests, Aptitude Tests, Personality
and Interest Tests, Performance Simulation Tests.
4. Interviews
Structured Interview, Unstructured Interview, Mixed
5. Background investigation
6. Conditional job offer
7. Medical/Physical exam
8. Permanent job offer
The Selection Process
The Selection Process
1. Initial Screening
Involves screening applications who DO NOT
qualifies as per JDs and JSs.
Job description information is shared
along with a salary range.
The Selection Process
2. Completing the Application Form: Key
Gives a job-performance-related synopsis of what
applicants have been doing, their skills and
Application Forms
The Selection Process
3. Employment Tests
Estimates say 60% of all organizations use
some type of employment tests.
Performance simulation tests: requires the
applicant to engage in specific job behaviors
necessary for doing the job successfully. Work
sampling and assessment centers evaluation
abilities in actual job activities.
Work sampling: Job analysis is used to develop a
miniature replica of the job on which an applicant
demonstrates his/her skills.
The Selection Process
Employment Tests
Assessment centers: A series of tests and exercises,
including individual and group simulation tests, is
used to assess managerial potential or other complex
sets of skills.
• The in basket
• Leaderless group discussion
• Management games
• Individual presentations
• Objective tests
• The interview
Testing in a global arena: Selection practices must be
adapted to cultures and regulations of host country.
The Selection Process
Job Interviews:
A selection device used to obtain in-depth
information about a candidate
Behavioral Interview
Observing job candidates not only for what they
say but for how they behave
Realistic Job Previews
A selection device that allows job candidates to
learn negative as well as positive information
about the job and organization.
The Selection Process
Conditional job offers:
A tentative job offer that becomes permanent after
certain conditions are met.
Background Investigation
Former employers
Educational accomplishments
Legal status
Criminal records
Background checks
Online searches
The Selection Process
Medical/Physical examination:
An examination to determine an applicant’s
physical fitness for essential job performance.
Job offers:
Individuals who perform successfully in the
preceding steps are now considered eligible to
receive the employment offer.
Comprehensive approach:
Applying all steps in the selection process before
rendering a decision about a job candidate.