Notions of Elasticity: Prepared by
Notions of Elasticity: Prepared by
Notions of Elasticity: Prepared by
Prepared by:
In the given figure, price and quantity demanded are measured along the Y-axis
respectively. The demand curve DD is a horizontal straight line parallel to the X-axis. It
shows that negligible change in price causes infinite fall or rise in quantity demanded.
2. Perfectly Inelastic Demand (EP = 0)
The demand is said to be perfectly inelastic if the demand remains
constant whatever may be the price (i.e. price may rice or fall). Thus, it is also
called zero elasticity. It is rarely found in real life.
In the given figure, price and quantity demanded are measured along the Y-axis and X-
axis respectively. The demand curve DD is a vertical straight line parallel to the Y-axis. It
shows that the demand remains constant whatever may be the change in price. For
example: even after the increase in price from OP to OP2 and fall in price from OP to
OP1, the quantity demanded remains at OM.
3. Relatively Elastic Demand (EP > 1)
The demand is said to be relatively elastic if the percentage change in
demand is greater than the percentage change in price i.e. if there is a greater
change in demand there is a small change in price. It is also called highly elastic
demand or simply elastic demand. For example:
If the price falls by 5% and the demand rises by more than 5% (say 10%), then it
is a case of elastic demand. The demand for luxurious goods such as car,
television, furniture, etc. is considered to be elastic.
In the given figure, price and quantity demanded are measured along the Y-axis and X-
axis respectively. The demand curve DD is more flat, which shows that the demand is
elastic. The small fall in price from OP to OP1 has led to greater increase in demand
from OM to OM1. Likewise, demand decrease more with small increase in price.
4. Relatively Inelastic Demand (Ep < 1)
The demand is said to be relatively inelastic if the percentage change in quantity
demanded is less than the percentage change in price i.e. if there is a small change in
demand with a greater change in price. It is also called less elastic or simply inelastic
For example: when the price falls by 10% and the demand rises by less than 10% (say
5%), then it is the case of inelastic demand. The demand for goods of daily consumption
such as rice, salt, kerosene, etc. is said to be inelastic.
In the given figure, price and quantity demanded are measured along the Y-axis and X-axis
respectively. The demand curve DD is steeper, which shows that the demand is less elastic. The
greater fall in price from OP to OP1 has led to small increase in demand from OM to OM1. Likewise,
greater increase in price leads to small fall in demand.
5. Unitary Elastic Demand (Ep = 1)
The demand is said to be unitary elastic if the percentage change in
quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price. It is also called
unitary elasticity. In such type of demand, 1% change in price leads to exactly
1% change in quantity demanded. This type of demand is an imaginary one as it
is rarely applicable in our practical life.
In the given figure, price and quantity demanded are measured along Y-axis and X-axis
respectively. The demand curve DD is a rectangular hyperbola, which shows that the
demand is unitary elastic. The fall in price from OP to OP1 has caused equal proportionate
increase in demand from OM to OM1 . Likewise, when price increases, the demand
decreases in the same proportion.
Income Elasticity of Demand
Income elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the
quantity demanded for a good or services to a change in income. It is
calculated as the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to the
percentage change in income.
It is computed as:
Percentage change in Equity
ey =
Percentage change in Income
Q2 – Q1
ey =
Y2- Y1
Income Quantity Demanded
P1000.00 200
P2000.00 800
Q2 = 800 Y2 = 2000
Q1 = 200 Y1 = 1000
Q2A – Q1A
P2B – P1B
Qs2 – Qs1
es =
P2 – P1
To solve for the price elasticity of supply, we let:
Qs2 = 56 P2 = 21.00
Qs1 = 38 P1 = 12.00
56 – 38 18
38 38 0.47
es = = = = 0.62
21 – 12 9 0.75
12 12
Note that the coefficient of price elasticity of supply is positive unlike the price
elasticity of demand. This is so because of the direct proportionality of price and
quantity supplied. What does 0.62 means? This means that for every one percent (1%)
increase in the price, quantity supplied will increase by 0.62 or 62 percent (62%).
Supply curve also exhibits different elasticities depending upon its price elasticity
coefficients. If it is greater than one (1), it is an elastic supply curve. If it is less than
one (1), it is inelastic.
Types of Elasticity of Supply
4. Unitary Elastic
For a commodity with a unit elasticity of supply, the change in quantity
supplied of a commodity is exactly equal to the change in its price. In other
words, the change in both price and supply of the commodity are
proportionately equal to each other. To point out, the elasticity of supply in
such a case is equal to one. Further, a unitary elastic supply curve passes
through the origin.
c. Time:
Time also exerts considerable influence on the elasticity of supply. Supply is more
elastic in the long run than in the short run. The reason is easy to find out. The longer the
time period, the easier it is to shift resources among products, following a change in their
relative prices.
Effects of Elasticities on Market
In the course of shifts of the supply and demand curves, the
elasticities of supply and demand may also change respectively.
1. For demand, the more elastic the new demand is, the less
will be the increase in space, and the greater will be the expansion
of quantity sold.
On the other hand, the less elastic the new demand is, the
steeper the rise in price and less the increase in quantity sold.
2. for supply, the less elastic supply is, the higher the increase
in price and the smaller the quantity increase will be, while the
more elastic supply is, the less will be the increase in price and the
greater the increase in quantity sold.
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