Jacquard Shedding Mechanism

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Jacquard Shedding Mechanism

In weaving if we want to make any design in our fabric

we have to separate the warp yarn according to our
weave plan. In tappet or dobby shedding we have some
limitations in shedding for a critical design. But in
jacquard shedding it can be done easily. Jacquard is a
shedding device placed on the top of the loom to
produce large no of patterns by using a very large no of
warp threads separately by means of harness cords,
hooks and needles. The figuring capacity of a jacquard
is 1800+. It means it can produce design with more
than 1800 warp threads by controlling them
individually, which is far beyond the capacity of a dobby
or tappet loom.
Scope of Jacquard/
Advantages & Disadvantages of Jacquard
 It can be used for a large design which cannot be
possible on tappet or dobby.
 No. heald shaft is used in this shedding & every warp is
controlled individually.
 It is possible to lift 200  3000 yarns at any instant
though 8 -12 yarns are drafted in straight line.
 It is the finest of all machines for making the figured
woven fabric that have ever been invented & for superior
capacity to a dobby.
 Produce all types of designs.
 Most costly fabric produced.
1.Large space required
2.skilled worker
3.less speed
@According to the type of shed:
•Bottom closed shed.
•Centre closed shed.
•Semi –open shed.
•Open –shed.
@According to the figuring capacity:
100’s, 200’s, 300’s, ………………..etc.
@ According to the lifting:
•Single lift single cylinder(S.L.S.C.)
•Double lift double cylinder(D.L.D.C)
•Double lift single cylinder(D.L.S.C)
@According to the harness mounting:
Single tie –up.
Repeating tie –up.
Mixed tie –up.
Pointed tie –up.
@According to the mixed /combined shedding:
Jacquard with tappet or cam.
Jacquard with dobby.
Jacquard with tappet & dobby.
Basic Principle of Jacquard:
The unpunched position of the card will press back the
needle & consequently the hook controlled by that will
be away from the path of the using knife. Thus the hook
gets selection according to the design cut for a
particular card. When the hooks are lifted by the knives
the cylinder moves out a limited distance. A catch holds
it against the top corner of the cylinder. The cylinder is
turned about its axis & new card is presented to the
needles during its next cycle.
By this time the griffe along with its knives descend to
lower the warp threads to the bottom shed line for a
fresh warp threads to the bottom shed line for a fresh
selection of the hook at the next pick
@One neck cord control one hook
@One needle control one hook
@one cylinder
@one spring box
@Bottom close shed

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