CH 03
CH 03
CH 03
Chapter Outline
1) Overview
2) Research Design: Definition
3) Research Design: Classification
4) Exploratory Research
5) Descriptive Research
i. Cross-Sectional Design
ii. Longitudinal Design
iii. Advantages and Disadvantages of
Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional
6) Causal Research
7) Relationships Among Exploratory,
Descriptive, and Causal Research
Chapter Outline (cont.)
8) Potential Sources of Error
i. Random Sampling Error
ii. Non-sampling Error
a. Non-response Error
b. Response Error
9) Budgeting and Scheduling
10) Marketing Research Proposal
11) International Marketing Research
Chapter Outline (cont.)
12) Ethics in Marketing Research
13) Internet and Computer
15) Focus on Burke
14) Summary
15) Key terms and Concepts
16) Acronyms
Framework or blueprint
Details the procedure discussed.
“nuts and bolts ” of implementing that
Fig. 3.1 A Classification of Marketing
Research Designs
Research Design
Exploratory Conclusive
Research Research
Design Design
Descriptive Casual
Research Research
Cross-Sectional Longitudinal
Design Design
NASCAR moved to
reach all of
America, not just
the traditional
Southern market.
Fig. 3.2 Potential Sources of Error in
Research Designs
Total Error
Response Non-response
Error Error