Schumpeterian Model: of Economic Growth
Schumpeterian Model: of Economic Growth
Schumpeterian Model: of Economic Growth
Process of Production;
Trends of Growth;
2 Profits are conceived “as a surplus over costs :a difference between the
total receipts and outlay –as a function of innovation
3 With the increase in purchasing power of the customers, the demand for the
products of the old industries increases to the supply.
4 Price rise ,profit increase and old industries expand by borrowing from the
banks. It induces a secondary wave of credit ,inflation which is
superimposed or the primary wave of innovation
5 After a period the new products start appearing in the market displacing the
old products and enforcing process of liquidation and readjustment.
6 The demand for old product is decreased. Their price fall. some are even
forced to run into liquidation.
7 As though innovators start repaying bank loans out of profits, the quantity of
money is decreased and prices tends to fall. profit decline. Uncertainty &the
impulse for innovation is reduced.
Depression entered.
5 Analysis begun with the assumption that country’s economic
performance is in rigid condition, i.e., there are no population growth
and net investment, and high level of unemployment. Some
entrepreneurs committed to reformation and followed by other
entrepreneurs until there is an increase in investment
The impacts are increasing in society’s income and consumption. This
phenomena will lead the entrepreneurs to increase the new capital.