International Credit Rating
International Credit Rating
International Credit Rating
Submitted to- Nidhi Ma’am
Submitted by – Mehazabeen
A credit rating estimates the credit
worthiness of an individual, corporation,
o r e v e n a c o u n t r y. I t i s a n e v a l u a t i o n
made by credit bureaus of a borrower’s
o v e r a l l c r e d i t h i s t o r y. C r e d i t r a t i n g s a r e
calculated from financial history and
current assets & liabilities. A credit
rating tells a lender or investor the
probability of the subject being able to
pay back a loan.
A poor credit rating indicates a high risk
of default of a loan, and leads to high
interest rate, or the refusal of a loan by
t h e c r e d i t o r.
It should be noted that a credit rating is
assigned to the investment instrument
and not to the company issuing it as a
A Credit Rating Agency is a company that assigns
credit ratings for issuers of certain types of debt
obligations as well as debt instruments.
Credit Rating Agencies are regulated by SEBI.
• CRISIL was incorporated in the year 1987 with the name Credit
Rating Information Services of India Ltd. The company was
promoted by leading financial institutions, nationalised banks,
foreign banks and private sector banks. During the year 1995-96,
they formed a strategic alliance with Standard & Poor's rating group,
New York. They also made a tie up with International Information
Vendors for dissemination of CRISIL Ratings. The company
launched CRISIL 500 equity index during the year.