Waveguides & Microwave Devices: Lesson 1

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Waveguides & Microwave

Lesson 1
Microwave Devices

Main Topics:
• Waveguides
• Microwave solid state devices
• Microwave tubes
• Microwave antennas


 At frequencies higher than 3 GHz, transmission of

electromagnetic energy along the transmission lines
and cables becomes difficult.

 This is due to the losses that occur both in the solid

dielectric needed to support the conductor and in the
conductors themselves.

 A metallic tube called waveguide can be used to

transmit electromagnetic wave at the above

WAVEGUIDE is a hollow metallic
tube of uniform cross section used
for transmitting electromagnetic
waves by successive reflections from
the inner walls of the tube.

There are different types of

waveguides for each type of wave:

a.hollow conductive metal pipe -

used to carry high frequency radio
waves, particularly microwaves.
b.fiber optics – used to guide light

• Waveguide can have various cross sections
– Rectangular
– Circular
– Elliptical
• Can be rigid or flexible
• Waveguides have very low loss
A section of flexible waveguide
with a pressurizable flange
Basic features

 Waveguides may be used to carry microwave energy

between pieces of equipment or over longer
distances to carry transmitter power to an antenna or
microwave signals from an antenna to a receiver

 Waveguides are made from copper, aluminum or

brass. These metals are extruded into long
rectangular or circular pipes.

 An electromagnetic energy to be carried by a

waveguide is injected into one end of the waveguide.

 The electric and magnetic fields associated with the

signal bounce off the inside walls back and forth as it
progresses down the waveguide.
Why use waveguide?
• Conventional transmission lines develop too much
loss at microwave frequencies. Hollow waveguides
present an alternative.
• Electromagnetic waves reflect from the walls of the
wave guide as it travels its length.
- Brass, aluminum or silver plated.
• No radiation losses as E and H fields are contained.
• Dielectric (air) losses are small. Minimal losses in
conductive walls.
Waveguide Propagation Mode
EM field configuration within the waveguide

 In order to determine the EM field

configuration within the waveguide, Maxwell’s
equations is used to solve, subject to
appropriate boundary conditions at the walls of
the guide.

 Such solutions give rise to a number of field

configurations. Each configuration is known as
a mode.

Components of Electric and Magnetic
Field Intensities in an EM wave
E y, H y

E z , H z

PH0101 Unit 2 Lecture 4 12

Mode Designations
• TE: transverse electric
– Electric field is at right angles to direction of travel
• TM: transverse magnetic
– Magnetic field is at right angles to direction of
• TEM: transverse electromagnetic
– Waves in free space are TEM
Possible Types of modes

1. Transverse Electro Magnetic (TEM) wave:

- both electric and magnetic fields are directed
components. (i.e.) Ez = 0 and Hz = 0

2. Transverse Electric (TE) wave: - only the

electric field is purely transverse to the
direction of propagation and the magnetic
field is not purely transverse. (i.e.) Ez = 0,
Hz ≠ 0

Possible Types of modes

3.Transverse Magnetic (TM) wave: - only magnetic

field is transverse to the direction of propagation
and the electric field is not purely transverse. (i.e.)
Ez ≠ 0, Hz = 0.

4. Hybrid (HE) wave: - neither electric nor

magnetic fields are purely transverse to the
direction of propagation. (i.e.) Ez ≠ 0, Hz ≠ 0.

Modes of propagation
From these equations we can conclude:
• TEM (Ez=Hz=0) can’t propagate.

• TE (Ez=0) transverse electric

– In TE mode, the electric lines of flux are perpendicular to
the axis of the waveguide

• TM (Hz=0) transverse magnetic, Ez exists

– In TM mode, the magnetic lines of flux are perpendicular
to the axis of the waveguide.

• HE hybrid modes in which all components exists

• Waves can propagate in various ways
• Time taken to move down the guide varies
with the mode
• Each mode has a cutoff frequency below
which it won’t propagate
• Mode with lowest cutoff frequency is
dominant mode
Higher Mode

•It is the mode of operation which deals with the high range of
frequency- 30 MHz to 300 MHz carried out through the waveguide
in form of electromagnetic and horizontal field.

TE mode and TM mode are higher modes.

Lower Mode

•The mode of operation which deals with the frequency less than 3
MHz such as transmission carried out through the micro strip
coaxial cable.

•The movement of electrons for the flow of current is taken in the

lower mode of operation to carry the energy from the source to
Wave propagation
Electromagnetic waveguides are analyzed by
solving Maxwell's equations, or their reduced
form, the electromagnetic wave equation,
with boundary conditions determined by the
properties of the materials and their

These equations have multiple solutions, or

modes, which are eigen functions of the
equation system.
Waveguide Modes
• Single mode operation is achieved by using the mode
with the lowest cutoff frequency (Dominant mode) TE
or TM modes.
• The lowest frequency in which a certain mode can
propagate is the cut-off frequency of that mode.
• The mode with the lowest cut-off frequency is the
basic mode of the waveguide, and its cut-off frequency
is the waveguide cut-off frequency or dominant mode.

Waveguide is used between its cutoff frequency and

that of the mode of the next lowest cutoff frequency.
Location of Modes:
Representation of modes

 The general symbol of

representation is TEm,n or TMm,n
where the subscript m indicates the
number of half wave variations of the
electric field intensity along the a
(wide) dimension of the waveguide.

 The second subscript n indicates the

number of half wave variations of the
electric field in the b (narrow)
dimension of the guide.

 The TE1,0 mode has the longest

operating wavelength and is
designated as the dominant mode. It
is the mode for the lowest frequency
that can be propagated in a
# of variations along b

# of half cycles along a

Rectangular Waveguides
• Dominant mode is TE10
– 1 half cycle along long dimension (a)
– No half cycles along short dimension (b)
– Cutoff for a = c/2
• Modes with next higher cutoff frequency are
TE01 and TE20
– Both have cutoff frequency twice that for TE10
Electric field inside an x-band hollow metal waveguide
Related example of how fields look:
Parallel plate waveguide
- TM modes
 m x  j  t   z 
Ez  A sin
 a




z a x
Rectangular Waveguides
Rectangular Waveguides

 Any shape of cross section of a waveguide

can support electromagnetic waves of
which rectangular and circular waveguides
have become more common.

 A waveguide having rectangular cross

section is known as Rectangular waveguide

Rectangular waveguide

Dimensions of the waveguide which

determines the operating frequency range

Dimensions of the waveguide which determines the
operating frequency range:

1. The size of the waveguide determines its operating

frequency range.
2. The frequency of operation is determined by the
dimension ‘a’.
3. This dimension is usually made equal to one – half
the wavelength at the lowest frequency of operation,
this frequency is known as the waveguide cutoff
4. At the cutoff frequency and below, the waveguide will
not transmit energy. At frequencies above the cutoff
frequency, the waveguide will propagate energy.

Wave paths in a waveguide at various frequencies

Angle of incidence(A) Angle of reflection (B)

(A = B)
(a)At high

(b) At medium

( c ) At low

(d) At cutoff

Wave propagation

 When a probe launches energy into the

waveguide, the electromagnetic fields bounce
off the side walls of the waveguide as shown
in the above diagram.

 The angles of incidence and reflection

depend upon the operating frequency.

 At high frequencies, the angles are large and

therefore, the path between the opposite
walls is relatively long as shown in Fig.in the
previous slide.
Cut off frequency

 The exact size of the wave guide is selected

based on the desired operating frequency.
 The size of the waveguide is chosen so that
its rectangular width is greater than one –
half the wavelength but less than the one
wavelength at the operating frequency.
 This gives a cutoff frequency that is below
the operating frequency, thereby ensuring
that the signal will be propagated down the

Rectangular WG
• the fields components of
the EM wave inside the
– Ez Hz Ex Hx Ey Hy

• Note that waveguides

don’t support TEM waves

Rectangular Waveguides: Fields inside

Using phasors & assuming waveguide filled

with lossless dielectric material and walls of
perfect conductor, the wave inside should
2 E  k 2 E  0
2 H  k 2 H  0
where k    c
2 2
Then applying on the z-component…

 Ez  k Ez  0
2 2

 Ez  Ez  Ez
2 2 2
 2  2  k Ez  0

x 2
y z
Solving by method of Separation of Variables :
E z ( x, y, z )  X ( x)Y ( y ) Z ( z )
from where we obtain :
X '' Y '' Z ''
   k 2
Fields inside the waveguide
X '' Y '' Z '' h  k k k
2 2 2 2 2
   k 2 x y
 k x2  k y2   2  k 2
which results in the expressions :
X ''  k x2 X  0 X(x)  c1 cos k x x  c2 sin k x x
Y ''  k y2Y  0 Y(y)  c3 cos k y y  c4 sin k y y
Z  Z  0
'' 2
Z ( z )  c5ez  c6 e z
X(x)  c1 cos k x x  c2 sin k x x
Y(y)  c3 cos k y y  c4 sin k y y
E z ( x, y, z )  X ( x)Y ( y ) Z ( z ) Z ( z )  c5ez  c6 e z

E z   c1 cos k x x  c2 sin k x x   c3 cos k y y  c4 sin k y y  c5ez  c6 e z 
If only looking at the wave traveling in  z - direction :
E z   A1 cos k x x  A2 sin k x x   A3 cos k y y  A4 sin k y y e z
Similarly for the magnetic field,
H z   B1 cos k x x  B2 sin k x x   B3 cos k y y  B4 sin k y y e z
Other components
From Faraday and Ampere Laws we can find the remaining
four components:
 E z j H z
Ex    2
h x
h y
*So once we know
 E z j H z
Ey   2  2 Ez and Hz, we can
h y h x
find all the other
j E z  H z
Hx  2  2 fields.
h y h x
j E z  H z
Hy   2  2
h x h y
h 2   2  k 2  k x2  k y2
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
We can achieve a qualitative understanding of wave propagation in waveguide by
considering the wave to be a superposition of a pair of TEM waves.

Let us consider a TEM wave propagating in the z direction. Figure shows the wave
fronts; bold lines indicating constant phase at the maximum value of the field (+E o),
and lighter lines indicating constant phase at the minimum value (-Eo).

The waves propagate at a velocity uu, where the u subscript indicates media
unbounded by guide walls. In air, uu = c.
Rectangular Waveguide
• Let us take a look at the field pattern for two modes,
TE10 and TE20
– In both cases, E only varies in the x direction; since n
= 0, it is constant in the y direction.
– For TE10, the electric field has a half sine wave
pattern, while for TE20 a full sine wave pattern is

Rectangular Waveguide
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
Phase velocity
up Wave velocity
Group velocity

Point of contact

Phase velocity u pPhase velocity

Wave velocity
Wave velocity

Group velocity uG Group velocity

Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
Now consider a pair of identical TEM waves, labeled as u+ and u- in Figure (a). The
u+ wave is propagating at an angle + to the z axis, while the u- wave propagates at
an angle –.

These waves are combined in Figure (b). Notice that horizontal lines can be drawn
on the superposed waves that correspond to zero field. Along these lines the u+
wave is always 180 out of phase with the u- wave.
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave
 Since we know E = 0 on a perfect conductor,
we can replace the horizontal lines of zero
field with perfect conducting walls.

 Now, u+ and u- are reflected off the walls as

they propagate along the guide.
 The distance separating adjacent zero-field
lines in Figure (b), or separating the
conducting walls in Figure (a), is given as the
dimension “a” in Figure (b).

 The distance a is determined by the angle 

and by the distance between wavefront
peaks, or the wavelength . For a given wave
velocity uu, the frequency is f = uu/.

 The edge of a +Eo wave front (point A) will line

up with the edge of a –Eo front (point B), and
the two fronts must be /2 apart for the m =
1 mode.
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
The time tAC it takes for the wavefront to move from A to C
(a distance lAC) is
Distance from A to C l AC m 2
t AC   
Wavefront Velocity uu uu

A constant phase point moves along the wall from A

to D. Calling this phase velocity up, and given the
distance lAD is
m 2
l AD 
cos 

Then the time tAD to travel from A to D is

l m 2
t AD  AD 
up cos  u p

Since the times tAD and tAC must be equal, we have

up 
cos 
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation

For any value of m, we can write by simple trigonometry

m 2 2a uu
sin    sin  
m f
The waveguide can support propagation as long as the
wavelength is smaller than a critical value,
c, that occurs at  = 90, or
2a uu
c  
m fc
Where fc is the cutoff frequency for the propagating mode.

We can relate the angle  to the operating frequency and

the cutoff frequency by

 f
sin    c
c f
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
The Wave velocity is given by Phase velocity
1 1 1 1 c up Wave velocity
uu    
  o  r  o r  o o  r r  r r Group velocity
where c  3  108 m/s
The Phase velocity is given by
uu up 

 
up  fc

cos  1

cos   1  sin   1   fc f  2
cos  
2 2

The Group velocity is given by

uG  uu cos 

 
uG  u u 1 
Group velocity, uV g
• Is the velocity at which the
energy travels.

1 c  fc   rad/s   m 
ug 
V  u' 1     rad/m    s 
 /  f     

• It is always less than u’

j     mx  z
Ey  

uVp uVg   uc '

  H o sin  e
2 h2  a   a 

Group Velocity
• Waves propagate at speed of light c inside the
• Waves don’t travel straight down guide
• Speed at which signal moves down guide is
the group velocity and is always less than c
 fc 
v g  c 1   
 f 
Phase velocity and impedance
• The phase velocity is defined as

 2 u p
up   
'  f
• And the intrinsic impedance of the mode is
Ex Ey  fc 

ZTM    Z'o 1   
Hy Hx f 
Phase Velocity
• Not a real velocity (>c)
• Apparent velocity of wave along wall
• Used for calculating wavelength in guide
– For impedance matching etc.

vp 
 fc 
1   
 f 
Guide Wavelength
• Longer than free-space wavelength at same

g  2
 fc 
1 
 f 
 
The condition for the wave to propagate is that λC > λ0
Rectangular Waveguide - Wave Propagation
The phase constant is given by

 
  u 1 
The guide wavelength is given by
 
The ratio of the transverse electric field to the transverse magnetic field for
a propagating mode at a particular frequency is the waveguide impedance.

For a TE mode, the wave impedance is For a TM mode, the wave impedance is

Z mn  , 2
 f 
 fc 
1  c  Z TM
mn  u 1   .
 f   f 
TE Characteristic Impedance
• Z0 varies with frequency

Z0  
 fc 
1 
 f 
 
Variation of wave impedance
• Wave impedance varies with frequency
and mode



 fc,mn
TM Cutoff
  k 2
x  k y2   k 2
2 2
 m   n 
      

 a   b 

• The cutoff frequency occurs when

2 2
 m   n 
When c    then     j  0
  
 a   b 
2 2
1 1  m   n 
or f c     
2   a   b 
Evanescent: 2 2
 m   n 
When  2          and   0
 a   b 

– Means no propagation, everything is attenuated

2 2
 m   n 
• Propagation: When  2         j and   0
 a   b 
– This is the case we are interested since is when the wave is allowed to travel through the
attenuation Propagation

Cutoff of mode mn


• The cutoff frequency is the frequency below

which attenuation occurs and above which
propagation takes place. (High Pass)
2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b
• The phase constant becomes

2 2 2
 m   n   fc 
     
     ' 1   
 a   b   f 
Summary of TM modes
Wave in the dielectric medium Inside the waveguide
 f 
 '   / u '       ' 1  c 
 f 

 fc 
 '  /  TM  ' 1  
 f 

up  /
u '   /  '  f  1 / 
 fc 
 ' 1  
 f 

 
 '  u' / f  f 

1  c 
 f 
attenuation Propagation

TE Cutoff of mode mn


• The cutoff frequency is the same expression as

for the TM mode
2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b

• But the lowest attainable frequencies are

lowest because here n or m can be zero.
• The condition for the wave to propagate is that
λC > λ0
Rectangular Waveguide
• The order of the mode refers to the field Rectangular Waveguide
configuration in the guide, and is given by
m and n integer subscripts, TEmn and TMmn.
• A particular mode is only supported above
its cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency is
given by

Location of modes

2 2 2 2
1 m n c m n
fcmn          
2   a   b  2  r  r  a   b 

1 1 1 1 c
u    where c  3  108 m/s
  o  r  o r  o o  r  r r r
Rectangular Waveguide
The cutoff frequency is given by
Rectangular Waveguide

2 2
2 2 c m n
c m n fcmn      For air  r  1
fcmn      2  a  b
2 r r  a  b and  r  1

where c  3 108 m/s

Table 7.1 Some Standard Rectangular Waveguide

Waveguide a b t fc10 freq range
Designation (in) (in) (in) (GHz) (GHz) Location of modes
WR975 9.750 4.875 .125 .605 .75 – 1.12

WR650 6.500 3.250 .080 .908 1.12 – 1.70

WR430 4.300 2.150 .080 1.375 1.70 – 2.60

WR284 2.84 1.34 .080 2.08 2.60 – 3.95

WR187 1.872 .872 .064 3.16 3.95 – 5.85

WR137 1.372 .622 .064 4.29 5.85 – 8.20

WR90 .900 .450 .050 6.56 8.2 – 12.4

WR62 .622 .311 .040 9.49 12.4 - 18
Rectangular Waveguides
• Dominant mode is TE10
– 1 half cycle along long dimension (a)
– No half cycles along short dimension (b)
– Cutoff for a = c/2
• Modes with next higher cutoff frequency are
TE01 and TE20
– Both have cutoff frequency twice that for TE10
Summary of TE modes
Wave in the dielectric Inside the waveguide
 f 
 '   / u '       ' 1  c 
 f 

TE 
 '  /   f 
1  c 

 f 

up  /
f 
u '   /  '  f  1 /   ' 1  c 
 f 
 
 '  u' / f  f 
1  c 

 f 
Rectangular Waveguide
Let us calculate the cutoff frequency for the first four modes of WR284 waveguide.
From Table 7.1 the guide dimensions are a=2.840 mils and b=1.340 mils.
Converting to metric units we have a = 7.214 cm and b = 3.404 cm.
2 2
c m n
fcmn      where c  3  108 m/s Note: 1 inch = 1000mils = 2.54 cm
2  a  b

c 3 x108 m TM11
TE10: f c10   s 100cm  2.08 GHz
2a 2  7.214cm  1m
TE10 TE20 TE01 TE11

c 3 x108 m 2.08 GHz 4.16 GHz 4.41 GHz 4.87 GHz

TE01: fc 01   s 100cm  4.41 GHz
2b 2  3.404cm  1m

TE20: f c 20  c  4.16 GHz

3 x108 m  1
  1
 100cm
TE11: f c11  s
     4.87 GHz
2  7.214cm   3.404cm  1m
Rectangular Waveguide

Let’s determine the cutoff frequencies for the ff. TE mode for a 20 cm long section of
shorted WR90 waveguide operating at 10 GHz.

From the Waveguide Table 7.1, a = 0.9 inch (or) 2.286 cm and b = 0.450 inch (or) 1.143

Mode Cutoff Frequency Mode Cutoff Frequency

2 2 TE10 6.56 GHz TE10 6.56 GHz
c m n
fcmn      TE01 13.12 GHz Rearrange TE01 13.12 GHz
2  a  b TE20 13.13 GHz
TE11 14.67 GHz
TE20 13.13 GHz TE11 14.67 GHz
TE02 26.25 GHz TE02 26.25 GHz

TE10 TE01 TE20 TE11 TE02

6.56 GHz 13.12 GHz 14.67 GHz 26.25 GHz

13.13 GHz

At 10 GHz, only the TE10 mode is supported!

Rectangular Waveguide

For air c  3 108 m/s

Rectangular Waveguide
Impedance Matching
• Same techniques as for coax can be used
• Tuning screw can add capacitance or
Rectangular Waveguide
Example: f = 10 GHz; fc = 6.56 GHz ; l = 0.2 m. Find Zin and ẞ.
The TE10 mode impedance

120 
Z10TE   500.

1- 
 6.56GHz 

 10GHz 
The TE10 mode propagation constant is given by
2 2
f  2 f f 
  u 1  c   1 c 
 f  c  f 

2 10 x109 Hz   6.56GHz 
1  


3 x108 m  10GHz  m

The impedance looking into a short circuit is given by

Z IN  jZ10 tan   l 
 rad  Z IN  j  500  tan  31.6   j100
Z IN  j  500  tan  158  0.2m 
 m 
Consider a length of air-filled copper X-band
waveguide, with dimensions a=2.286cm, b=1.016cm
operating at 10GHz. Find the cutoff frequencies of all
possible propagating modes.

•From the formula for the cut-off frequency

2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b
An air-filled 5-by 2-cm waveguide has
E z  20 sin  40x  sin  50y  e  jz V/m

at 15GHz
• What mode is being propagated?
• Find 
• Determine Ey/Ex
Power transmission
• The average Poynting vector for the waveguide fields
is 1
Pave 

Re E  H 
* *
 *


Re E x H y  E y H x 
2 2
Ex  E y
 zˆ [W/m2]
• where  = TE or TM depending on the mode

2 2
a b
Ex  E y
Pave   Pave  dS    dy dx [Watts]
x 0 y 0
Attenuation in Lossy waveguide
• When dielectric inside guide is lossy, and walls are not
perfect conductors, power is lost as it travels along
Pave  Pe o
• The loss power is
PL    2Pave
• Where c+d are the attenuation due to ohmic
(conduction) and dielectric losses
• Usually c >> d
Attenuation for TE10
• Dielectric attenuation, Np/m
 ' Dielectric
d   2
 fc 
2 1   
 f 

• Conductor attenuation, Np/m

2 Rs  b  f 

c    0.5   c ,10
 
2  a  f  
 f c ,10     
b ' 1   
 f 
Waveguide Cavities

• Cavities, or resonators, are used

for storing energy
• Used in klystron tubes, band-
pass filters and frequency
• It’s equivalent to a RLC circuit at
high frequency
• Their shape is that of a cavity,
either cylindrical or cubical.
Resonant frequency
• The resonant frequency is the same for TM
or TE modes, except that the lowest-order
TM is TM110 and the lowest-order in TE is

2 2 2
u'  m   n   p 
fr       
2  a  b  c 
Quality Factor, Q

• The cavity has walls with finite conductivity

and is therefore losing stored energy.
• The quality factor, Q, characterized the loss
and also the bandwidth of the cavity
• Dielectric cavities are used for resonators,
amplifiers and oscillators at microwave
A dielectric resonator antenna with a
cap for measuring the radiation

Univ. of Mississippi
Quality Factor, Q
• Is defined as

Time avera ge energy stored

Q  2π
loss energ y per cycle of oscillation
 2

For the dominant mode TE101

a  c  abc
2 2
 1

 2b a 3  c 3   ac  a 2  c 2    
f101 o c
For a cavity of dimensions; 3cm x 2cm x 7cm filled with air
and made of copper (c=5.8 x 107). Find the resonant
frequency and the quality factor for the dominant mode.
2 2 2
3 10
1 1  0
f r110           9GHz
2  3  2  7 
2 2 2
3 1010  1   0   1 
fr           5.44GHz
2  3  2  7 
  1.6 10 6
(5.44 109 )  o c

 72  3  2  7
 568,378

 2  2 3  7   3  7  3  7 
3 3 2 2

Coupling Power to Guides
• 3 common methods
– Probe: at an E-field maximum
– Loop: at an H-field maximum
– Hole: at an E-field maximum
Directional Coupler
• Launches or receives power in only 1 direction
• Used to split some of power into a second
• Can use probes or holes
Example 10-1:

A rectangular waveguide is 5.1 cm by 2.4 cm (inside measurement).

Calculate the cutoff frequency of the dominant mode.


The dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide is the TE 1,0 mode,

with m=1 and n=0.
2 2
u'  m   n 
f c mn     
2  a  b


2 2
u'  m  n
f c mn      
2 a b

λ= Free space wavelength = c/f

Example 10-2:

Calculate the lowest frequency and determine the mode closest to the
dominant mode for the waveguide in Example 10-1.

rectangular waveguide is 5.1 cm by 2.4 cm; fc= 2.94 GHz

TM modes with m=0 or n=0 are not possible in a rectangular

waveguide. The TE0,1, TE2,0 and TE0,2 modes are possible.

The cutoff frequencies for these modes are as follows:

TE0,1 = 6.25 GHz

TE2,0 = 5.88 GHz
TE0,2 = 12.5 GHz

Therefore, the TE2,0 mode has the lowest cutoff frequency of all
modes except the dominant TE1,0 mode.
Vg = waveguide group velocity
Vp = phase velocity
Vc= free space velocity
Group velocity
Phase velocity
Example 10-5: Calculate the formula for cutoff wavelength, in a
standard rectangular waveguide, for the TM1,1 mode.

Standard rectangular waveguide have a 2:1 aspect ratio, so

that b = a/2. Therefore
Example 10-6:

Calculate the characteristic wave impedance for the data of Example

10-3 and 10-4.
Problem: A rectangular waveguide measures 3X4.5 cm internally and has a 9-GHz
signal propagated in it. Calculate the cut-off wavelenght , the guide wavelength,
the group and phase velocities and the characteristic impedance for a) the TE 1,0
mode and b) the TM1,1 mode.
This is a TM mode so the characteristic wave
impedance is:
Example 10-8: A waveguide has an internal width a= 3 cm and carries
the dominant mode of a signal of unknown frequency. If the
characteristic wave impedance is 500 ohms, what is the frequency?

The frequency therefore is: f = vc / λ = 3x1010 / 3.93 = 7.63 GHz

• Thank you for listening

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