History of English
History of English
History of English
Lecture 2
1. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The word was first
used in the middle of the 19th century to emphasize the difference
between a newer approach to the study of language and the more
traditional approach of philology. Unlike philologists, linguists are
involved in the study of spoken languages and to the problems of
analyzing them as they operate at a given point in time.
2. Historical linguistics, also called Diachronic Linguistics, is the
branch of linguistics concerned with the study of phonological,
grammatical, and semantic changes, the reconstruction of earlier
stages of languages, and the discovery and application of the
methods by which genetic relationships among languages can be
The Comparative method
This method is concerned with the reconstruction of an
earlier language or earlier state of a language on the
basis of a comparison of related words and expressions
in different languages or dialects derived from it. The
comparative method was developed in the course of the
19th century for the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-
European and was subsequently applied to the study of
other language families.
The family tree of the Indo-European languages. Proto-Indo-European
West European
Place of IE Germanic
articulation consonants consonants
Labial p, b, bh p, b, f
Dental t, d, dh t, d, þ
Pure k, g, gh k, g, x
Labial velar k w
, g w
, g w
h kw, gw, xw
Aspirated voiced Voiced stops Voiceless stops Voiceless
stops Дзвінкі Глухі проривні Fricatives
Придихові дзвінкі проривні Глухі фрикативні
bh b p f
dh d t
gh g k h
PIE /p/ Germanic /f/