The Molluscicidal Effect of Derris Elliptica On Apple Snails
The Molluscicidal Effect of Derris Elliptica On Apple Snails
The Molluscicidal Effect of Derris Elliptica On Apple Snails
of Derris Elliptica on
Apple Snails
Groups No. of trials No. of dead Average no. Number of In the first set-up, set-up A, the average
apple snails of dead hours the number of dead apple snails was 18.
apple snails apple snails The second set-up, which is set-up B,
were killed also had an average of 18, while the
Set-up A 1 17 18 1 hour last set-up, set-up C had no average
(with tubli 2 19
number since no apple snails were
root extract) 3 18
Set-up B 1 17 18 1 hour
(with Shatter 2 20
mollusicide) 3 18
(water only) 2 0
3 0
ANOVA Summary Table
The ANOVA summary table shows
Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
the computed F value (297.1) is
greater than the F crit which is
Between 660.222 2 330.111 297.1 9.99E- 5.14325 5.143252. This lead to rejecting
Groups 222 111 07 285
the null hypothesis. Therefore,
Within Groups 6.66666 6 1.11111 there is a significant difference in
667 111 the death of apple snails treated
with tubli root extract,
commercial molluscicde, or tap
Total 666.888 8
Tukey Test
Treatments Tukey HSD Q Critical Value Interference The values were computed using the
formula for the Tukey test. A vs B had a
Pair Statistic
value of .5477 which is lesser than the
critical value, therefore there is a
significant difference. A vs C had a
A vs B .5477 4.34 Insignificant value of 29.5772 which is greater than
4.34, thus resulting to a significant
difference. B vs C resulted to a
A vs C 29.5772 4.34 Significant
significant difference because the value
30.1248 is greater than 4.34. A, B, and
B vs C 30.1248 4.34 Significant C were set-ups used in the experiment.
Results showed that an average of 18 out 20 apple snails died after the
application of the extract, thus making the null hypothesis rejected.
This simply means that the Tubli roots extract has a potential to be an
alternative molluscicide. This would be of great help for farmers who
don’t have enough financial assisstance to buy commercial