Developmental Linguistics: Kelompok 7 Evitania Pratiwi (E1D017036) Kartini (E1D017051) Kurniatul Aini (E1D017053)
Developmental Linguistics: Kelompok 7 Evitania Pratiwi (E1D017036) Kartini (E1D017051) Kurniatul Aini (E1D017053)
Developmental Linguistics: Kelompok 7 Evitania Pratiwi (E1D017036) Kartini (E1D017051) Kurniatul Aini (E1D017053)
kelompok 7
Evitania Pratiwi (E1D017036)
Kartini (E1D017051 )
Kurniatul Aini (E1D017053)
What is developmental linguistics?
is the study of the development of linguistic ability in an
individual, particularly the acquisition of language in childhood.
This study looks into how children acquire a languages, and how
the developmental language in childhood is
Language acquisition
1. The concept of Nature vs. Nurture
2. Critical period
3. Social skills
4. Motor skills
5. Music
Stage of language development
There are four stages of language development are:
Stage 1: infant (from birth to 18 months)
Responds to his name
Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes
Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones
Understands simple instructions, especially if vocal or physical cues are given
Practices inflection
Has vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words