Raftaar Terminals Private Limited Mangalore Terminal: 48 National Safety Week 2019

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Raftaar Terminals Private

Mangalore Terminal
48th National Safety
Week 2019
Training Date-
Training Topic
Emergency Response Plan

© 2016 National Safety Council

What is a Emergency
Response Plan?
A basic plan which indicate actions to be
taken in the event of emergencies, which
may involve danger to life, environment or

2 © 2016 National Safety Council

Purpose of Emergency
• Ensure the safety of workers, emergency
responders, and the public.
• Reduce the potential for the destruction of property
or for production losses.
• Reduce the magnitude of environmental and other
• Assist emergency response personnel in determining
and performing proper remedial actions quickly.
• Reduce recovery times and costs.
• Inspire confidence in emergency response personnel,
management, and the public

3 © 2016 National Safety Council

Emergency Scenarios
Following potential emergencies are identified and
Initial course of action has been identified to be
followed in RTPL’s Emergency response plan
• Fire Emergency
• Spill Emergency
• Medical Emergency  
• Emergencies during vessel operations
• Emergency Rescue from Confined Space
• Security Related Incidents
• Major Fire in Neighbouring Companies
• Considerations of additional risks during Emergencies

4 © 2016 National Safety Council

Emergency Levels
Level-I Emergency (Within The control of In-House
This kind of emergency is perceived to be a kind of
situation arising due to an incident which is
confined to a small area and does not pose an Examples: -
immediate threat to life and property and which Small fires.
can be handled with the help of resources Small spills.
available within the terminal premises. Major fire in neighbouring company

Level-II Emergency (Needs assistance from External

emergency response groups)
This kind of emergency is perceived to be a kind of
situation arising due to an incident which poses
threat to human lives and/ or property, having
potential to affect large area within the terminal
premises. This kind of situation is beyond the
control of internal resources and requires Examples:
mobilization of additional resources from other
outside agencies such as Civil Defence, Police and Minor or major spills.  
mutual aid agencies. Minor or Major fire
. Multiple Injuries

5 © 2016 National Safety Council

Response to an
Level- Emergency Emergency
I (Local
Response Team)
Response to level-I incident at the Facility
will be provided by the local response
Team (LRT).
This response team will be led by RTPL
Terminal’s Incident controller and will
follow instructions from RTPL Terminal’s
    Site co-ordinator.
Level-II Emergency  
Site co-ordinator will activate and call up
(Major the response
Incident Response
Team) from Major Incident Team if the response
to incidents
    Has exceeded the Local Response Team’s
 6   After the activation of Level -II emergency
© 2016 National Safety Council
and the time
Emergency Response Teams
• First response to an incident at the Facility
will be provided by the Local Response Team
(LRT). If a response exceeds the Local
Response Team’s capabilities, then RTPL
terminal’s Site Co-Ordinator will activate and
call up the Major incident response team. For
RTPL terminal, the Major Incident Response
Team will consist of members from RTPL
Staff, District Authority & Mutual Aid

7 © 2016 National Safety Council

Team Member Roles &
Once the alarm is raised, the company emergency
procedures will be activated. The principal people
referred to are the coordinator and the incident
controller .
Site Co-ordinator: Incharge of the Facility. Will Liason with
external emergency Agencies, Local Authorties & give
instruction to Incident controller. Response to media

Incident Controller: Will directly execute emergency

response activities. He will lead the local response team
and keep informing the Site coordinator about the resource
requirement. He will handle the situation till the control is
handed over to external emergency incident controller

Nominated Officer from District Disaster Management

Authority: Takes charge of the situation from RTPL’s Site
Co-ordinator and will manage the situation accordingly. He
shall be managing the incident according to instructions of
the District Disaster Authority.
HSE Officer: Assist Incident controller. Coordinates and
© 2016 National Safety Council
Team Member Roles &
Security Guards: Closes the main gate and stop all entry
accesses. Count the number of personnel assembled at
assembly point and tally with entry log register. Inform site
co-ordinator about if someone is missing. Allow entry to
emergency vehicles and direct them to the incident spot. 

Fire combat Team& First Aiders: As the part of Emergency

Response Team Trained fire wardens and first aiders will
perform their duties to combat the incident as per their
roles. All fire warden and first aiders will perform their
duties as per instructions of Incident controller. All these
designated team members will be stationed at assembly
point forming a separate cue as structured in Emergency
Organization chart.

Company Employees: On hearing of emergency alarm all

office work employee shall stop their work activities, leave
the work area and assemble at Emergency Assembly Point
and wait for further instructions of RTPL site coordinator.
9 Assembled employee shall not leave the assembly point
© 2016 National Safety Council
Team Member Roles &
Contract Employees: On hearing of emergency alarm all
contract employee shall stop their work activities, leave the
work area and assemble at Emergency Assembly Point and
wait for further instructions of RTPL site coordinator.
Assembled employee shall not leave the assembly point
until told to do so by the site coordinator.

Visitors: On hearing of emergency alarm all visitors shall

follow the instruction of fire wardens and other RTPL
employees and be assembled at assembly point and wait for
further instructions from site co-ordinator.

10 © 2016 National Safety Council

Safe Assembly Area

Accurately accounting
for personnel after a
evacuation requires
planning and

11 © 2016 National Safety Council

General Instructions for response to any

On identification of an emergency Raise the alarm immediately

by informing on Walkie-Talkie or by activating the MCP.
While reporting about the incident also report about the nature
of incident, location of incident and material involved in the
Attempt to take possible immediate action to eliminate the
emergency, if it is within your capabilities without taking any
When the alarm has raised then, most senior person on the site
takes charge of the situation as site co-ordinator. The site co-
ordinator must carry-out all the following tasks as quickly as

13 © 2016 National Safety Council

General Instructions for response to any

Calling and co-ordinating external emergency services, if

clearly required.
Check the immediate safety of all employees, contractor and
visitors on site and decide on action to be taken.

Nominate the incident controller if the emergency required it.

Set up measures for remedial action.


14 © 2016 National Safety Council

Emergency Control Room: -

CCR – (Central control room) will be used as the ECC.

Provision of external telephones/landline phones shall also be used safely from this location
Important Logs,Data and parameters related to the person shall be easily access, stored and
shared as per requirements from ECR.

Following resources shall be available to aid combat team during incident:

An inventory of materials on site whether in bulk or in drums with a guide to the quantities.

Details of any compressed gases on site.

Location of safety equipment’s.
Details of the fire water systems and additional sources of water. Stocks of any other fire-fighting
materials e.g. foam.
Plans of local road network.
Details of shipping berths/jetties and status of ongoing shipping operations.

15 © 2016 National Safety Council

Print outs of area plans shall be obtained and use for
understanding and explaining as follow:

The areas affected or endangered.

The deployment of emergency vehicles and personnel in the area to be evacuated

Any other relevant information

Note pads, pens and pencils available in this room shall be used for record purposes

16 © 2016 National Safety Council

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