Lecture1-2 15852 Springs

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 A spring is basically defined as an elastic body whose

function is to deformed when loaded and to recover its
original shape when the load is removed

 A spring is a machine member capable of providing large

elastic deformation.
Objectives of Spring

Following are the objectives of a spring when used as a machine

1. Cushioning , absorbing , or controlling of energy due to shock
and vibration.
Car springs or railway buffers
To control energy, springs-supports and vibration dampers.
2. Control of motion
Maintaining contact between two elements
(cam and its follower)
Creation of the necessary pressure in a friction device
(a brake or a clutch)
Spring manufacturing processes

If springs are of very small diameter and the wire diameter is also
small then the springs are normally manufactured by a cold drawn
process through a mangle.

However, for very large springs having also large coil diameter
and wire diameter one has to go for manufacture by hot processes.
Spring Production by a cold drawn

Euclid Brake Shoe Retainer Spring (E2767) production and test

At Suzhou TWO-L Engineering Manufacturing Co., Ltd. China

Spring Production by a Hot drawn
Functions of a spring

 Absorb shocks and vibrations

 Store energy

 Measure force

 Apply force and control motion

Think about……
uses of springs
Pogo stick
A Newton

springs use forces


1)Helical springs:
a)Tension helical spring
b)Compression helical spring
c)Torsion spring
d)Spiral spring

2) Leaf springs
Fig. 10.1 Helical Springs (a) Compression Spring (b) Extension Spring
Fig. 10.2   Helical Torsion Spring
Fig. 10.29  Spiral Spring
Fig. 10.31  Semi-elliptic Leaf Spring

1)Open coil helical spring

2)Closed coil helical spring
3)Torsion spring
4)Spiral spring
Types of helical springs

 Closely coiled helical spring: helix angle is usually

less than 10 degrees

 Open coiled helical spring: helix angle is usually

more than 10 degrees

Open coiled springs have a few applications

as compared with Closed coiled.

Fig. 10.4  Dimensions of Spring

Fig. 10.5  Spring Length Terminology

Nt = Total number of turns (coils)

d = Wire diameter of spring

Compressed Length = length after maximum deflection, δ

Total gap after deflection = (Nt -1)*Gap between adjacent coils.

Either 15% of total deflection, or 1-2 mm under maximum load.

Free length = compressed length + δ
= Solid length + total axial gap + δ

Pitch of coil, the axial distance between the centers of the

adjacent coils in uncompressed state of spring, p.

p = free length/(Nt -1)

Fig. 10.6  End Styles of Helical Compression Springs
No. of active turns for different end

Fig. 10.7  End Styles of Helical Extension Springs
Stress & Deflection Equations

Fig. 10.8 (a) Helical Spring (b) Helical Spring-unbent

Length of single coil of spring = πD

If there are N active coils, then length of equivalent bar = πDN

Torsional Moment, Mt = PD/2

Torsional Shear Stress, τ1 = 16 Mt/πd3

τ1 = 8 PD/πd3

When the equivalent bar is bent in the form of helical coil, then there
Are additional stresses due to two factors:-

1.Direct Shear Stress in the Spring Wire.

2.Stress concentration on inner fiber of wire.(as length of inner
fiber is less than outer)
Fig. 10.9   Stresses in Spring Wire (a) Pure Torsional Stress (b) Direct Shear Stress

(c) Combined Torsional, Direct and Curvature Shear Stresses

The following factors are added to count the effect of direct shear
and curvature effect:-

Ks = Factor to account for Direct Shear.

Kc = Factor to account for stress concentration due to curvature.

Hence, Combined effect is-

K = Ks*Kc

& Direct Shear Stress, τ2 = 4P/πd2 = 8PD(0.5d) (ALTERNATIVE FORM)


Resultant Stress in Spring wire,

τ = τ1 + τ2 = 8 PD + 8PD(0.5d)
3 3
Where Shear Stress Correction factor is,

Ks = (1+ 0.5d/D) or (1+ 0.5/C)


τ = τ1 + τ2 = Ks*8 PD/πd3

AM Wahl derived the resultant stress equation which includes
all factors:-

τ = K*8 PD/πd3
K =4C-1 + 0.615 (Stress Factor/Wahl Factor)
4C-4 C
Angle of twist, ϴ = Mt Ɩ/JG

Ɩ = length of bar(πDN)

ϴ = 16PD2N/Gd4

From geometry:-
δ = ϴ*(D/2)

Put value of ϴ, δ = 8PD3N/Gd4

Fig. 10.10  Deflection of Spring
Fig. 10.11  Load-deflection Diagram
1=1 + 1
k k1 k2

Fig. 10.12   Springs in Series

K = k1 + k2

Fig. 10.13  Springs in Parallel

Spring Material

 High fatigue strength

 High ductility
 High resilience

Mainly depends upon service for which they are used

 Severe
 Average
 Light
There are four basic varieties of steel wire which are used in majority
of applications:-

Patented and cold-drawn steel wire(unalloyed).

Oil-hardened and tempered spring steel wires and valve spring wires.

Oil-hardened and tempered steel wires(alloyed).

Stainless steel spring wires.


Objectives for design:-

Requisite strength to withstand the external load.

Required load-deflection characteristic.

Refrain to buckling under external load.

The main dimensions required for design are:-

Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and number of active coils.

Load-stress equation:-
τ = K*(8 PD/πd3)


τ = K*(8 PC/πd2) as C=D/d

(for wire and mean coil diameters)

Load-deflection equation:-
δ = 8PD3N/Gd4

(number of active coils)

FOS for design of spring is usually 1.5 or less.


τ = Ssy /1.5

Ssy -torsional yield strength

Assuming, Syt = 0.75*Sut & Ssy = 0.577* Syt

τ = 0.3 Sut
According to Indian standard 4454-1981, the recommended
Value of permissible shear stress is:-

τ = 0.5 Sut
Design steps of Helical Spring:-

Step1:- Estimate spring force by using

P = k*δ

Step2 :- Select suitable material and find Sut from data table &
calculate, τ = 0.3 Sut or τ = 0.5 Sut

Step3 :- Assume appropriate spring index, 5< C<12

(for valve and clutches, C=5, is good)

Step4 :- Calculate Wahl’s factor by using,

K =4C-1 + 0.615 (Stress Factor/Wahl Factor)

4C-4 C
Step5 :- Calculate wire diameter using,
τ = K*(8 PC/πd2)

Step6 :- Find mean coil diameter using relation,

D = C*d

Step7 :- Find number of active coils by using relation,

δ = 8PD3N/Gd4 (G=81370 Mpa for steel)

N- Active coils & Nt- Total number ofcoils

Step8 :- Decide the ends styles/conditions and calculate inactive

and active coil to find total number of coils(Nt).

Step9 :- Then find, Solid length = Nt*d

Step10 :- Find actual deflection by using total number of coils,
δ = 8PD3N/Gd4 (G=81370 Mpa for steel)

Step11 :- Assume gap of 0.5 to 2 mm or 1-2 mm & find total gap,

Total gap = (Nt-1)* gap between adjacent coil.

Step12 :- Calculate, free length= Solid length + total gap+δ

Step13 :- Find pitch length,

p = free length/(Nt-1)

Step14 :- Calculate rate of spring, k = Gd4/8D3N

Check to avoid buckling:-

Free length < 2.6 guides not required

Mean coil diameter

Free length > 2.6 guides required

Mean coil diameter
Ks = (1+ 0.5d/D) or (1+ 0.5/C)
Springs are never subjected to reversal loading. In springs load
Varies from zero to endurance limit only. It doesn’t cross zero line.

Fig. 10.14  Pulsating Stress Cycle

For patented and cold-drawn steel wires,

S’se = 0.21 Sut

Ssy = 0.45 Sut

For oil-hardened and tempered steel wires,

S’se = 0.22 Sut

Ssy = 0.45 Sut

S’se = Endurance limit in shear

Ssy = Torsional yield strength

Fig. 10.15  Fatigue Diagram for Spring Design
Fig. 10.16
Fig. 10.17  Valve Spring Mechanism
Fig. 10.18 Mechanism of Spring Balance
Fig. 10.19  Clutch Mechanism
Fig. 10.20
Fig. 10.21  Cam Mechanism
Fig. 10.22  Valve Operating Mechanism
Fig. 10.23  Compensating Valve
Fig. 10.24  Concentric Springs
Fig. 10.25 Nested Spring
 Heavy duty diesel engines.
 Aircraft engines.
 Railroad Suspensions.

 Increased load carrying capacity.
 Fail safe design.

 Springs are made of same material.

 Max. torsional shear is same in both springs.
 Same free length.
 Same solid length (deflection is same)
Clearance between the springs

Fig. 10.26
Optimum Design of Helical Spring

Design based upon certain objectives like in valve spring.

1. Minimum force required

at most extended position.

2. Max shear stress when spring

is fully compressed.
This is known as primary design equation.

Fig. 10.27  Helical Torsion Spring

Mb = P*r

Fig. 10.28  Angular Deflection of Spring

Design of Spiral Springs

Fig. 10.29  Spiral Spring

A spiral spring consists of a thin strip of rectangular cross-section,
which is wound in the form of spiral.

It is also called ‘power’ spring or ‘flat’ spiral spring.

Spiral springs are widely used in watches, cameras, instruments

and automatic weapons. All types of toys are powered by this
type of spring. They are also used as starters for small engines.

..\..\spring and clutch vedio\Spiral spring.mp4

Fig. 10.30
..\..\spring and clutch vedio\A flat spiral spring.mp4

The following notations are used in the analysis of spiral spring:

P = force induced at the outer end A due to winding of the arbor (N)
r = distance of center of gravity of spiral from outer end (mm)
t = thickness of strip (mm)
b = width of strip perpendicular to plane of paper (mm)
l = length of strip from outer end to inner end (mm).
Multi-Leaf Spring

..\..\spring and clutch vedio\LEaf.mp4

Fig. 10.31  Semi-elliptic Leaf Spring

A multi-leaf spring consists of a series of flat plates, usually of
semi-elliptical shape.

Multi-leaf springs are widely used for the suspension of cars,

trucks and freight wagons.

The flat plates are called leaves of the spring. The leaves have
graduated lengths. The leaf at the top has maximum length. The
length gradually decreases from the top leaf to the bottom leaf.

The longest leaf at the top is called master leaf. It is bent at both
ends to from the spring eyes. Two bolts are inserted through
these eyes to fix the leaf spring to the automobile body.
The leaves are held together by means of two U-bolts and a
center clip.

Rebound clips are provided to keep the leaves in alignment

and prevent lateral shifting of the leaves during operation.

At the centre, the leaf spring is supported on the axle.

Multi-leaf springs are provided with extra full-length leaves,

to support the transverse shear force.
For the purpose of analysis, the leaves are divided into two
groups namely, master leaf along with graduated-length leaves
forming one group and extra full-length leaves forming the other.

The following notations are used in the analysis:

nf = number of extra full-length leaves

ng = number of graduated-length leaves including master leaf

n = total number of leaves

b = width of each leaf (mm)

t = thickness of each leaf (mm)

L = length of the cantilever or half the length of semi-
elliptic spring (mm)

P = force applied at the end of the spring (N)

Pf = portion of P taken by the extra full-length leaves (N)

Pg = portion of P taken by the graduated-length leaves (N)

The group of graduated-length leaves along with the master leaf
can be treated as a triangular plate.

it is assumed that the individual leaves are separated and

the master leaf placed at the center.

Then the second leaf is cut longitudinally into two halves,

each of width (b/2) and placed on each side of the master leaf.
Fig. 10.32 Graduated-length Leaves as Triangular Plate
First CA will be on 19th February, 2016.

Springs and Clutches

30 Marks

20 Marks- Spring
10 Marks- Clutches.

Derivation+ Numericals


Number of Questions- Surprise

Fig. 10.33 Extra full-length leaves as rectangular plate
Fig. 10.34  Nipping of Leaf Spring
Fig. 10.35  Belleville Spring
Fig. 10.36 Load Deflection Curves for Belleville Springs
Fig. 10.37  Nesting of Belleville Springs (a) Series Combination
(b) Parallel Combination
(c) Parallel Series Combination
Fig. 10.38  Spring Loaded Relief Valve

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