RA 5487 Governing The Organization and Operation of Private Security Agencies and Company Security Forces
RA 5487 Governing The Organization and Operation of Private Security Agencies and Company Security Forces
RA 5487 Governing The Organization and Operation of Private Security Agencies and Company Security Forces
Lord God, thank you for allowing us to wake up and continue with our lives. Thank you
for giving us the strength to live another day. Thank you for providing for the basic
needs of our families. And thank you for keeping us safe and secure, Lord God.
Lord God, we can no longer control what's happening around us but we know for sure
that whatever is happening is Your will. We may not understand the purpose of this
pandemic and the catastrophe it's causing but we know Lord God that You are mighty
and just. Lord God, we're praying for the safety of our brothers and sisters who are
continuously battling Covid19 as frontliners.
Lord God, we ask for your continuous guidance and love. We pray for protection and
shower us with blessings and provisions.
Private Security Services – shall include the act of providing or rendering services to watch an
establishment whether public or private, building, compound/area or property, to conduct
access control/denial in any form whether physically, manually or scientifically by electronic
monitoring systems, for the purpose of securing such area/property and at the same time
ensuring safety and protection of persons within such areas, to maintain peace and order
within such areas, to conduct private security training, and/or to conduct investigation. It
shall also include the act of contracting, recruiting, training, furnishing or posting any
security guard, to do its functions or solicit individuals, businesses, firms, or private, public or
government-owned or controlled corporations to engage his/its service or those of his/its
security guards, for hire, commission or compensation thru subscription or as a
consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation.
Private Detective Services – shall include among others the act of
providing personal security protection, inquiry and information
gathering, pre-employment verification and individual background
profiling, providing assistance in civil liability and personal injury
cases, insurance claims and fraud, child custody and protection cases,
for the purpose of assisting in gathering information leading to
determination and/or prevention of criminal acts and/or resolution of
legal, financial and personal problems.
Private Security Industry – shall cover those in the legitimate business of
providing private security and detective services.
Private Security Guard (SG) – sometimes called private security guard or watchman shall include
any person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure either a residence,
business establishment, or buildings, compounds, areas, or property, inspects/monitors
bodily checks/searches individuals and/or baggage and other forms of security inspection,
physically/ manually or scientifically electronic, including but not limited to, logging
concessions and agricultural, mining or pasture lands, transportation, for hire or
compensation , or as an employee thereof, including any employee of the national or local
governments or agencies or instrumentality’s thereof and or government owned or
controlled firm or corporations who is employed to watch or secure government buildings,
compounds, premises and other properties, other than members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, guards of the Bureau of Jail management and Penology, Municipal or City jail
guards, and members of the Philippine National Police or of any other law enforcement
agency of the Government.
Private Detective (PD) – shall mean any person who does detective work for hire, reward or
commission, other than members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, guards of the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, municipal or city jail guards, and members of the
Philippine National Police or of any other law enforcement agency of the government. 16
Private Security Personnel – shall be natural persons which include
private security guards, private detectives, security consultants,
security officers and others that may be classified later,
rendering/performing security and/or detective services as employed
by private security agencies and/or private firms.
Government Security Personnel – shall be natural persons which include
government security guards, detectives, security consultants, security
officers and others that may be classified later, except those of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, Bureau of
Jail Management and Penology, Municipal or City Jail guards
rendering/performing security and/or detective services as employed
by government entities.
Private Security Agency (PSA) – shall mean any person association, partnership, firm or
private corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains, furnishes or posts any security
guard, to perform its functions or solicit individuals, businesses, firms, or private, public
or government-owned or controlled corporations to engage his/its service or those of
his/its security guards, for hire, commission or compensation thru subscription or as a
consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation whose business or transactions
involve national security or interest like the operation and/or management of domestic
or ocean vessels, airplanes, helicopters, seaports, airports heliports, landing strips etc.,
or as consultant on any security related matter, or to provide highly specialized
security, detective and investigation services like gangway security, catering security,
passenger profiling, baggage examination, providing security on board vessels or
aircraft, or other security needs that PNP SAGSD may approve.
Private Detective Agency (PDA) – shall mean any person association, partnership, firm or
private corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains, furnishes or posts any private
detective, to perform its functions or solicit individuals, businesses, firms, or private,
public or government-owned or controlled corporations to engage his/its service or
those of his/its detectives, for hire, commission or compensation thru subscription or
as a consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation or as consultant on any
detective related matter, or to provide highly specialized detective and investigation
services, or other detective needs that SAGSD-CSG may approve.
License to Exercise Profession – shall mean any document issued by the Chief, Philippine
National Police or his duly authorized representative recognizing a person to be
qualified to perform his duties as private security or training personnel.
License to Operate (LTO) – is a License Certificate document, issued by the Chief,
Philippine National Police or his duly authorized representative, authorizing a person to
engage in employing security guard or detective, or a juridical person to establish,
engage, direct, manage or operate an individual or a private detective agency or private
security agency/company security force after payment of the prescribed dues or fees
as provided in these Rules and Regulations.
Company Guard Force (CGF) – a security force maintained and operated by any private
company/corporation utilizing any of its employees to watch, secure or guard its
business establishment premises, compound or properties.
Government Guard Unit (GGU) – a security unit maintained and operated by any
government entity other than military or police, which is established and maintained for
the purpose of securing the office or compound and/or extension of such government
PNP as used herein shall mean the Philippine National Police, which was organized
pursuant to the provision of RA 6975 otherwise known as the National Police Act of
SAGSD as used herein shall refer to the current PNP Civil Security Group Security Agency
and Guard Supervision Division or any other PNP Office that may be designated later
as the primary office for supervision of the implementation of these rules and
Duty Detail Order is a written order/schedule issued by a superior officer usually the
private security agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning the
performance of private security/detective services duties.
Section 1. Who
Any Filipino citizen or corporation,
may organize and
association, partnership, one hundred percent
maintain a Private
(100%) of which is owned and controlled by
Security Agency
Filipino citizens, may organize and maintain a
and Private
Private Security Agency or Private Detective
Detective Agency.
a. The operator or manager of an agency including,
managers of branch offices, must be:
○ Filipino citizen;
Section 2. Basic
requirement of ○ Not be less than twenty five (25) years of age;
an operator or ○ College graduate and/or a commissioned officer
manager of in the inactive service or retired from the Armed
agency. Forces of the Philippines or the Philippine
National police;
○ Has taken a course/seminar on industrial
Security Management and/or must have
adequate training or experience in security
business; and,
○ Good moral character
• Maintaining a separate branch, unit or subsidiary office aside from the main
office of the agency situated within the same locality;
• Receiving direct payments from the agency’s clientele and issuing officials
receipt of their own distinct from that issued by the agency concerned;
• Remitting directly Social Security System premiums, Medicare contributions
and other premium for other policy insurance benefits by the
aforementioned branch, unit or subsidiary office;
• Existence of an agreement between the licensee and a branch manager
thereof, whereby the latter obligates himself to pay a certain percentage of
his income to the former on the condition that the control and supervision
of the guards posted by said branch shall course on the manager thereof 32 and
that the licensee shall be exempt from liabilities/ obligations attendant to the
h. Prohibition on “KABIT SYSTEM” operators.
Who may Any Filipino citizen may apply for License to
apply for a Exercise Private Security Profession to
License to engage in the occupation, calling or
Exercise employment either as a Private Security
Private Guard, Private Security Officer, Private
Security Detective and/or Private Security Consultant,
Profession. after complying with both
academic/scholastic and skills/training
requirements subject to other requirements
prescribed herein under provisions.
a. Filipino citizen;
b. Not be less than eighteen (18) years of age.
requirements c. Must have taken a private security
of private course/seminar and/or must have adequate
security training or experience in security business or
personnel rendering security/detective services;
d. Of good moral character and must not have
been convicted of any crime or violation of these
rules and regulations carrying a penalty of
prohibition to be licensed; and
e. Must be physically and mentally fit.
No person shall be licensed as security guard
SECTION 3. unless he possesses the following qualifications:
Qualification A. Filipino citizen;
s a Private B. High school graduate;
C. Physically and mentally fit;
D. Not less than eighteen (18) years of age nor
more than fifty (50) years of age (for new
applicants and SGs in non-supervisory
position); and
E. Has undergone a pre-licensing training course
or its equivalent.
No person shall be licensed as Security Officer
unless he has the following qualifications:
A. Filipino citizen;
s for Security B. Holder of a Baccalaureate Degree;
Officer. C. Physically and mentally fit; and
D. Has graduated from a Security Officer Training
Course or its equivalent.
No person shall be licensed as a Security
Consultant unless he possesses the following
SECTION 5. qualifications:
A. Filipino citizen;
s of Security
Consultants. B. Physically and mentally fit;
C. Holder of a Masters degree in either
Criminology, Public Administration, MNSA,
Industrial Security Administration, or Law;
D. Must have at least ten (10) years experience
in the operation and management of security
No person shall be licensed as a private detective
License to exercise profession processing, standards
and documentary requirements shall be prescribed in
a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by the
Director, CSG.
No person shall be licensed as Government Security
Personnel unless he possesses the qualifications as
prescribed in Section 3, 4, 5 of this rule, provided he
submits an appointment order coming from the Civil
Service Commission.
Disposition All license to exercise private security profession shall
of be processed for the appropriate Approval,
Applications Disapproval, Cancellation or Suspension by the Chief,
for License. SAGSD.
Consistent with laws existing during this formulation, the Chief 73of
Philippine National Police or his authorized representative, after
receipt of the application for license and after finding the applicant
qualified under these rules and regulations, shall approve the
application upon payment of the annual fees in accordance with the
SECTION 1. following schedules:
License Fees. For agency.
○ The sum of two thousand five hundred pesos (P2, 500.00) as
annual national license fee;
○ The sum of fifty pesos (P50.00) as payment for annual
registration fee for each security guard employed.
For individual.
o The amount of one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) per year for
Security Consultant, Security Officer and Private Detectives and
the amount of one hundred (P100) pesos per year for Security
Guard as annual license fee.
Possession of 78
Private Security Agency /Private Detective
Firearms by
Agency/ Company Security Force/ Government
Private Security
Security Unit shall be entitled to possess
Agency /Private
firearms after satisfactorily complying with the
requirements prescribed by the Chief, Philippine
National Police pertinent to the possession of
firearms, provided that the number of firearms
Security Force/
shall not exceed one (1) firearm for every two
(2) security guard in its employ. No private
Security Unit.
security agency/private detective
agency/company security force/government
security unit shall be allowed to possess
firearms in excess of 500 units.
A private detective agency/private security agency/ company
security services/ government security unit is not allowed to
SECTION 2. possess high caliber firearms considered as military-type weapons
Restriction to such as M16, M14, cal .30 carbine, M1 Garand, and other rifles
and special weapons with bores bigger than cal .22, to include
possess high- pistols and revolvers with bores bigger than cal .38 such as cal .
powered 40, cal .41, cal .44, cal .45, cal .50, except cal .22 centerfire
firearms. magnum and cal .357 and other pistols with bores smaller than cal
.38 but with firing characteristics of full automatic burst and
three-round burst. However, when such entities are operating in
areas where there is an upsurge of lawlessness and criminality as
determined by the Chief, PNP, Police Regional Office Regional
Director or their authorized representative, they may be allowed
to acquire, possess and use high-powered firearms under the
following conditions:
A private detective agency/private security agency/ company
security services/ government security unit is not allowed to
SECTION 2. possess high caliber firearms considered as military-type weapons
Restriction to such as M16, M14, cal .30 carbine, M1 Garand, and other rifles
and special weapons with bores bigger than cal .22, to include
possess high- pistols and revolvers with bores bigger than cal .38 such as cal .
powered 40, cal .41, cal .44, cal .45, cal .50, except cal .22 centerfire
firearms. magnum and cal .357 and other pistols with bores smaller than cal
.38 but with firing characteristics of full automatic burst and
three-round burst. However, when such entities are operating in
areas where there is an upsurge of lawlessness and criminality as
determined by the Chief, PNP, Police Regional Office Regional
Director or their authorized representative, they may be allowed
to acquire, possess and use high-powered firearms under the
following conditions:
a. The acquisition of the high-powered firearms shall be at the
expense of the private security agency/private detective
SECTION 2. agency/company security force/government security unit
Restriction to concerned;
possess high- b. The firearms should first be registered with the Firearms and
Explosives Division before issuance and shall not be used or
powered transferred in places other than those specially authorized by the
firearms. Director, CSG;
c. The total number of high-powered firearms that an agency or
security force/unit is authorized to possess shall not exceed ten
percent (10%) of the total number of security guards of watchmen
in its employ; and
d. The duly licensed security guards or watchmen who will use the
firearm shall first be given adequate training in the care and use
thereof and will be under the supervision of qualified officers and
men of the Philippine National Police.
a. Unless specified and/or exempted pursuant to provisions of
these rules and regulations and/or firearms laws, no firearm shall
be borne nor be in the possession of any private security
SECTION 3. personnel except when in the actual performance of duty, in the
Limitations in prescribed uniform, in the place and time so specified in the DDO.
the carrying of b. The firearm issued to security personnel of private security
firearms. agency/private detective agency/company security
services/government security unit shall be carried by the security
personnel only within the compound of the establishment where
he is assigned to guard, except when the security personnel is
escorting big amount of money or valuables on conduction duties
outside its jurisdiction or area of operation, upon prior
coordination with the nearest PNP units/stations, or when in hot
pursuit of criminal offenders.
Private security agency/private detective agency /
company security services/ government guard unit
detailing their security personnel on duty under the
circumstances mentioned in the preceding section
Detail Order
or while escorting big amount of cash or valuable
outside its jurisdiction or area of operation, shall
issue an appropriate duty detail order to the security
personnel concerned using SAGSD Form No. 12-94
under the following conditions:
a. DDOs for the purpose of transporting agency licensed firearms
from agency vault/office to post and back for posting, for routine
rotation, replacement of firearms or for conduction service duties,
shall be issued for not more than a duration of twenty-four (24)
SECTION 4. Duty hours;
Detail Order b. DDOs for the purpose of post duties not requiring transport of
(DDO) firearms outside of the physical compound or property of a client or
client establishment/firm shall be issued for not more than a thirty
(30) day duration;
c. Transport of firearm other than those covered in paragraph a and b,
Section 4, Rule VII above, shall require the appropriate transport
permit issued by the Firearms and Explosives Division or Police
Regional, Provincial or City Office nearest the place of origin;
d. The issuance of DDOs for private detective personal protection
service duties shall be prescribed in an SOP to be issued by NHPNP in
consideration of Rule XII of these rules and regulations; and
e. All DDOs shall indicate the following:
The uniform of private security guard/either96
from the private security agency/company security
force/ government security unit shall consist of
headgear, service shirt, service trousers service
belt and footwear as herein prescribed.
(male). The uniform shall be made of fast navy blue
thick fabric for the trouser for daily security
officers wear and for service shirts of field or
perimeter guards while a choice of light blue
and/or white service shirts for internal guards for a
private security agency; light gray for company
security force and white for government security
(a) Leather pistol belt with (a) Black leather belt for pistol
g. and nightstick with regulation
regulation buckle; and
Equipment buckle
(b) Holster, black leather.
and (b) Holster, black leather for
paraphernali pistol, night stick and handheld
(c) Nightstick (Baton) with
horizontal handle
(d) Whistle with lanyard
(e) Pocket notebook with
writing pen.
A special set of security personnel uniform shall be
prescribed for security personnel posted at hotels,
SECTION 4. resorts, cultural and entertainment areas and other
Design and sites noted as tourist-heavy areas.
Use of White A special set of security personnel uniform shall be
Uniform. prescribed for security personnel posted at department
stores noted as tourist-heavy areas, banks and other
foreign clientele.
(1) Pershing cap – same as defined in Section 1 a (2), Rule VI. It shall be fast
navy blue with gold strap, black visor, octagonal nylon net top113and
a. Uniform prescribed metal cap device. It shall be worn by security agency officers and
(male) guards while wearing a complete special type of uniform. (See illustration in
The special set of uniform
for security agencies
officer/guard and lady (2)Service Bush Jacket - It shall be white ramie polyester fabric and shall be
guard shall consist of sewn short sleeves with shoulder straps, two each breast and front pockets
pershing cap, ball cap, with cover flaps and fixed cloth belt fastened with metal buckle. It shall be
service bush, jacket, worn by security agency officer while on duty at indoor places with
service shirt, service complete prescribed paraphernalia and agency/client patches. (Fig.2)
trousers, service belt, (3) Service Shirt - It shall be white cotton/cotton polyester fabric and shall
necktie, lanyard and be sewn short sleeves as the case maybe, shoulder straps, two breast
footwear. pockets with cover flaps and white front buttons. It shall be worn by security
guards while on duty as designated indoor places with complete prescribed
paraphernalia and agency/client patches. Tuck-in. (Fig. 3)
(4) Service Trousers - Fast navy blue color, straight cut, slanted pockets and
two back pockets with cover flaps. It shall be worn by security agency officer
and security guards. (Fig. 2)
(5) Service Belt - It shall be black in color, leather, to be used as pistol
belt measuring four and one-half centimeters in width. (Fig. 5) It114 shall
a. Uniform
be worn by both security officers and security guards while in complete
The special set of uniform special type of uniform.
for security agencies (6) Necktie - Plain fast navy blue and five centimeters wide. It shall be
officer/guard and lady worn by security guards while in complete special type of uniform. (Fig.
guard shall consist of 23)
pershing cap, ball cap,
service bush, jacket, (7) Lanyard - Navy blue in color, same style as used by AFP or PNP
service shirt, service Personnel. It shall be worn by security agency officers and security
trousers, service belt, guards while in complete special type of uniform. (Fig. 21)
necktie, lanyard and (8) Footwear - Black leather shoes with rubber heels and soles, plain top
footwear. low-cut and black shoelace to be worn with plain black socks. (Fig.6)
(9) Ball cap - It shall be fast navy blue round nylon net top with visor
and prescribed embroidered cloth cap device. It shall be optional in
lieu of the pershing cap. (See Fig. 24)
(1) Bush cap - Fast navy blue (2 ply) without piping but with regulation cap
device. (Fig. 25)
b. Uniform (2) Service Bush Jacket - It shall be white in color and shall be sewn in same style
(Female) as that of security agency officer. It shall be worn by security lady officer with
The uniform for a lady complete prescribed paraphernalia, name cloths and agency/ client patches. (Fig.
security guard shall 10.)
consist of an oversea (3) Service Shirt - White ramie polyester fabric and shall be sewn short sleeves or
cap two (2) ply service long sleeves as the case maybe, shoulder straps, two breast pockets with cover
bush jacket, service flaps and navy blue front buttons. It shall be worn by private security lady guard
with complete prescribed paraphernalia, name cloth agency/client patches,
belt, lanyard and black
service belt, lanyard. Tuck in. This type of uniform shall be worn only at indoor
leather shoes. places (Fig.9).
(4) Service Belt - (See illustration in Fig.19)
(5) Lanyard - (See Fig. 21)
(6) Service Skirt - A line skirt with two front slide pockets,. It shall be worn when
posted indoors (Fig.11).
(7) Footwear - Plain black leather shoes, low-cut rubber sole and heel (maximum
of five cm) and black shoelaces. (Fig. 12)
c. Paraphernalia - As prescribed under Sec.3 Rule VI, IRR, RA 5487, as amended. (See
illustrations in Fig.13, 14,15,16,17).
The Board shall at least be composed of representatives
from the PNP, PADPAO and/or concerned sector of
the private security industry, Licensed Security
Personnel Practitioners and if needed representative
client/clients of distinguished reputation.
The security agency operator/owner must observe the required major ranks and
positions in the organization of the agency.
a. Security Management Staff
1. Security Director (SD) – Agency Manager/Chief Security Officer.
2. Security Executive Director (SED) – Assistant Agency Manager /Assistant Chief
SECTION 1. Security Officer;
3. Security Staff Director (SSD) – Staff Director for Operation and Staff Director for
Ranks and Administration.
Position 4. Security Staff Director for Training – Staff in-Charge for Training
b. Line Leadership Staff
1. Security Supervisor 3 – Detachment Commanders
2. Security Supervisor 2 – Chief Inspector
3. Security Supervisor 1 – Inspector
c. Security Guard
1. Security Guard 1 – Watchman/guard
2. Security Guard 2 – Shift in-charge
3. Security Guard 3 – Post in-charge
d. Security Consultant – (optional)
a. The agency manager is automatically the Security Director who shall126
be responsible for the entire operation and administration/management
SECTION 2. of the security agency. He shall be the authorized signatory to all Duty
Detail Orders, and all other documents and communications pertinent to
Staffing the operation and management of a security agency. He may delegate
Pattern. certain functions to a subordinate, provided the subordinate is qualified
to discharge the given function in accordance with law.
Security agency owner/
manager shall follow the b. The Security Agency shall appoint a staff officer as Security Training
required staffing pattern as Officer, who shall be responsible for the training of the Agency’s security
follows: personnel in accordance with the requirements of RA 5487 and the IRR.
The Training Officer shall be licensed as a Security Officer and likewise
accredited as such by the Training and Education Branch, SAGSD.
c. The Staff Director for Operation is the staff assistant of the security
manager for the efficient operation of the agency. This position includes
the responsibility to canvass clientele and the implementation of
contract and agreement. He is also responsible for the conduct of
investigation and the conduct of training.
d. The Staff Director for Administration is the staff assistant of the
agency manager for the effective and efficient administration and
management of the agency. He is responsible for the professionalization
SECTION 2. of the personal, procurement/recruitment, confirming of awards, mobility
Staffing and issuance of FA’s.
Pattern. e. The Detachment Commander is the field or area commander of the
agency. The Detachment shall consist of several posts.
Security agency owner/
manager shall follow the f. The Chief Inspector shall be responsible for inspecting the entire area
required staffing pattern as covered by the detachment.
follows: g. Security Inspector is responsible for the area assigned by the Chief
Inspector of the Detachment Commander.
h. Post-in-Charge is responsible for the entire detailed security office
within a certain establishment.
i. Shift in-Charge is responsible for the security officers who are
scheduled in a certain shift for a particular period.
j. Security Guard is the one actually posted as watchman and or guard.
No person shall be designated nor be allowed to fill-up 128
positions enumerated and described in the preceding sections
unless he is licensed security personnel as follows:
a. must at least be a licensed Private Security Officer to
SECTION 3. occupy Security Management Staff position as Security
License Director, Security Executive Director, or Security Staff
Requirement. Director;
b. must at least be a licensed Private Security Training
Officer to occupy Security Management Staff position as
Security Staff Director for Training; and
c. must at least be a licensed Private Security Guard with
Supervisory Training to occupy any positions in the Line
Leadership Staff.
Security All members of the private security agency
Guard Creed, and private detective agency/company
Code of security force/government security unit duly
Ethics, and licensed in accordance with RA 5487, as
Code of amended, and its implementing rules and
Conduct.- regulations shall strictly observe the
The following provisions encompass all
persons, natural or juridical, who
SECTION 1. conduct and/or provide private
Policy. security training and/or training
It shall refer to training and academic programs
and courses duly approved or prescribed by the
SECTION 2. Philippine National Police and adopted by the
Private Technical Education and Skills Development
Security Authority. It includes the pre-licensing
Training. requirements of individual security guards and
other security personnel approved by RA 5487,
the periodic and non-periodic in-service skill
refreshers for such security personnel, and other
specialized, individual or group, private security
personnel skills development.
These shall refer to the conduct of Private
SECTION 3. Security Training, provision of the physical
Private facilities and installation necessary in the
Security conduct thereof, and the provision of the
Training appropriate management, administrative, and
Services. instructor/training staffs therefore, the actual
performance and/or exercise of which
requires the appropriate permit and/or
authority as herein provided.
These shall refer to all persons, natural
SECTION 4. and/or juridical, who/that provide and/or
Private conduct private security training, and/or
Security services.
○ Pre-Licensing Training Programs. As a matter of
licensing prerequisite, Pre-Licensing Training
SECTION 5. Programs include all training and/or academic
Categories of programs and courses whose objective is to
Private indoctrinate the individual with the basic skills and
Security educational backgrounds necessary in the effective
Training. exercise and performance of his/her elected/
would-be security/detective profession. It includes
but is not limited to the Basic Security Guard
Course, the Security Officers Training Course,
Private Security Agency Operators
Training/Seminar, Private Security Training Trainors’
○ Refresher Training Programs. This shall refer to
periodic and non-periodic training programs and
courses designed with the objective of
SECTION 5. reinvigorating and/or developing basic skills and
Categories of knowledge gained previously or gained while in the
Private exercise of his/her profession as a matter of
Security experience, to enhance current in-service and
Training. future individual and/or collective exercise of
profession. This includes mandated periodic in-
service training to be initiated by employer-security
agencies which is further a pre-requisite for the
renewal of individual professional security licenses.
It includes but is not limited to the periodic Re-
Training Course, Basic Security Supervisory Course,
and Security Supervisor Development Course.
○ Specialized Training Programs. This shall refer to
training program and courses other than those
described in the preceding categories designed at
SECTION 5. developing previously-gained skills and knowledge,
Categories of designed at augmenting or expanding current skills
Private and knowledge, and/or designed at developing
Security current skills and knowledge to suit identified
Training. future applications. It includes but is not limited to
such courses as the Intelligence/Investigator
Training Course, Basic Crises Management Course,
Personal/VIP Security Training Course, Armoured
Car Crew Training Course, Bomb Disposal Training
Course, Bank Security Training Course, and Basic
Aviation Security Specialist Course.
4. GKE Certificate
8. Course title, Class Number, Letter Authority Number and Control Number
and Inclusive dates of training.
Accredited Training Schools, Centers or PSAs shall have the 157
responsibility of and be accountable for the initial processing for the
qualification and fitness of all applicants/registrants for enrollment to
the corresponding class/course being applied for with their
respective schools, centers or PSAs.
Processing of
Duration of courses shall conform with the corresponding 158
Program of Instructions (POI) for each type of
course/training/seminar, prescribed by the PNP and adopted by
the TESDA.
Duration of
The following shall at least be the basic knowledge and/or 159
subject requirements on guarding or providing security that
private security personnel trainees should be imparted with:
○ Principles, definitions, aspects and risks of guarding and
SECTION 16. security
Basic Guarding ○ General Orders and Functions of a Guard
Subjects. ○ Patrolling, observation and description, recording and
reporting, investigation
○ Visitor, material and vehicle movement/access control/denial
○ Inspection and key control procedures
○ Public relations, regulation/law enforcement and arrests
○ Communications and other equipment
○ Reaction to emergencies (bomb threat, disaster, fire, injury or
sickness etc)
Consistent with laws existing during this formulation, the Chief 160
of Philippine National Police or his authorized representative shall
impose the following fees and charges relative to private security
Fees and
The same schedule of fees will also be charged from individual 161
walk-in applicants who will avail of the private security training
Serialized certificates of completion/participation shall be given
SECTION 17. to each participant which issuance shall be managed by SAGSD.
Fees and The following shall be collected as permit fees from among the
Charges Private Security Training Institutions which are conducting
Private Security Training, for every Letter of Authority / Training
Directive for:
The following shall be collected as accreditation fees from among
the approved applicants for:
Fees and
The fees collected shall accrue to the PNP in accordance with the
provisions of Rule VI hereof Rules and Regulations.
All processing, standards and documentary requirements relative 163
to the conduct of private security training shall be prescribed in a
SECTION 18. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to be issued by SAGSD.
of Training
Schools or
of Training
Schools or
c. Post Inspection 166
A. The results of inspection shall be the basis for the granting of
Recognition Certificate issued by TESDA.
SECTION 19. B. The Certificate of TESDA Recognition shall be submitted with the
Accreditation application for Accreditation to Chief, SAGSD with the following
of Training
Schools or
• Corporate & Administrative • List of instructional materials (books, 167
Documents videotapes, internet access, unarmed
• Board Resolution to offer the Program defense equipment, others)
• SEC Registration & Articles of • Training Schedules
Incorporation • Faculty and Personnel (with resume/biodata)
• Proof of building ownership or Lease • List of Officials & their Qualifications
• List of Faculty for the Program & their
Contract at least 5 yrs
• Fire Safety Certificate
• Academic Rules and Student-Instructor
• Curricular Requirements Conduct
• Curriculum (including job titles & • Schedule of Tuition & other Fees
competencies developed) • Grading System
• Course and subjects description • Entrance Requirements
• List of Supplies, tools and equipment • Rules on Attendance
for the Program • Other Support Services
• Health Services
• Career Guidance/Placement Services
• Community Outreach Program
d. Issuance of Accreditation. 168
of Training
Requirements for Accreditation of the Teaching Staff. The following
shall be the supporting documents accompanying the application for
of Training
Schools or
of Training
Schools or
of Training
Schools or
Private Security Training Board
The Chief, SAGSD upon determination of need, may organize174 a
Private Security Training Board with at least one (1) representation
from the PADPAO, Philippine Association of Recognized Security
SECTION 21. Training Schools (PARSTS) and TESDA for the following purposes
relative to private security training:
A. Conduct of random training visitation
Training Board.
B. Prescribe accreditation processing procedures, standards and
C. Prescribe course POIs and subjects
D. Prescribe training procedures, guides and regulations
E. Prescribe exemptions and waivers
F. Prescribe course equivalents
G. Others as may be directed by Chief, SAGSD
In case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamity when
the services of any security agency/entity and its personnel
are needed, the city or municipal mayor may muster or
incorporate the members of the agency or agencies nearest
Powers of city the area of such disaster or calamity to help in the
municipal maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crime, or
mayors in case apprehension of violators of laws or ordinance, and in the
protection of lives and properties. The deputized security
of emergency
guard shall receive direct orders from the Chief of Police of the
city or municipality for the duration of the emergency, disaster
or calamity.
The PNP shall exercise general supervision over the operators
of all security agencies and guards. In case of emergency or in
times of disaster or calamities, the Chief, PNP may deputize
any security guard to assist the PNP in the performance of
SECTION 2. police duties for the duration of such emergency, disaster or
Supervision of calamity. Licensed guards, who are actually assigned to clients
the PNP. with Duty Detail Orders (DDO), shall be deputized by the
Chief, PNP, and clothed with authority to enforce laws, rules
and regulations within his area of responsibility.
Private security guards shall perform personal service to watch or
secure private or public establishments or property, maintain peace
and order and protect lives of persons through any form of access
control/denial, sentry operation, patrolling, establishing reaction
teams and the like provided that:
SECTION 3. A. No Private Security Guard performing post service shall act or
Security Guard serve as bodyguard or personal security escort of any person;
Post Service. B. The private security guard shall always be in the uniform
prescribed for guards on post, specially when bearing firearms;
C. The services rendered are confined to the premises and/or
property being secured;
D. Private Security Guards performing as security aides, or back-
up/support of guards performing Post Service, or performing
electronic monitor/security system operation shall not bear
firearms and may not be required to use the prescribed
uniforms of guards on post.
Private security guards shall perform personal service to watch
or secure movable private or public property in transit like but
not limited to seafaring/ocean vessels, aircrafts, land-locked
vehicles, or valuables/cash in transit using any means of
SECTION 4. transportation except armored vehicles, provided that:
Security Guard
Conduction A. No Private Security Guard performing conduction service
Service. shall act or serve as bodyguard or personal security escort
of any person;
B. The private security guard must always be in uniform
prescribed for guards on post service, specially when
bearing firearms.
Private security guards shall perform security escort service for
the protection of large amount of cash or valuables through the
operation of armored vehicles, usually for deposit pick-up or
delivery, provided that:
Inherent to the provision of security services, all PSAs, CGFs,
GGUs, and PDAs may offer private investigative and detective
services for the purpose of assisting in gathering information
leading to determination and/or prevention of criminal acts
SECTION 6. and/or resolution of legal, financial and personal
Investigation cases/problems, provided that:
and Detective
Security Agencies in providing security services may utilize
scientifically designed electronic security systems like but not
limited to the anti-burglary, robbery, or intrusion alarms, closed
SECTION 7. circuit television recording and monitoring under the following
A. Only trained licensed private security guards may operate
Systems and
electronic security systems;
B. PSAs offering the system shall be accountable for the
legitimate registration and licensing of these devices and
their operators with the appropriate government agency;
Requirements, standards, organization, operation and training
for services which are covered by this Rule, Rule III (definition
of terms) and elsewhere in these rules and regulations shall be
prescribed in an SOP issued by the Director, CSG.
Other services.
A. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has
Arrest by committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to commit
security guard an offence;
B. When an offense has just been committed and he has
probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of
facts and circumstances that the person to be arrested has
committed it; and
C. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has
escaped from a penal establishment or place where he is
serving final judgment or temporarily confined while his case
is pending or has escaped while being transferred from one
confinement to another (Section 6, Rule 113, Rule of Court).
When making an arrest, the watchman, security guard or
private detective shall inform the person to be arrested of the
intention to arrest him and cause of the arrest, unless the
person to be arrested is then engaged in the commission of an
SECTION 3. offense or after an escape, or flees, or forcibly resists before
Method of the person making the arrest has opportunity so to inform him,
Arrest or when the giving of such information will imperil the arrest.
(Section 10,lbid).
Any security guard making arrest, shall immediately turn over
the person arrested to the nearest peace officer, police
outpost or headquarters for custody and/or appropriate
SECTION 4. action, or he may without necessary delay and within the time
Duty of prescribed in Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, take the person arrested, to the proper Court of Law
security guard or judge for such action as they may deem proper to take.
making arrest (Section 17, bid).
Any security guard may, incident to the arrest, search the
person so arrested in the presence of at least two (2)
witnesses. He may also search employees of the person firm
or establishment with which he is or his agency has a contract
SECTION 5. of private detective, watchman or security services, when such
Search without search is required by the very nature of the business of the
warrant person, firm or establishment.
All security guards shall memorize and strictly keep by heart the following general orders:
○ 190
To take charge of the post and all company properties in view and protect/
preserve the same with utmost diligence;
○ To walk in an alert manner during my tour of duty and observing everything that
takes place within sight or hearing;
○ To report all violations of regulations and orders I am instructed to enforce;
SECTION 6. ○ To relay all calls from posts more distant from the security house where I am
General Orders stationed;
○ To quit my post only when properly relieved;
○ To receive, obey and pass on to the relieving guard all orders from company
officers or officials, supervisors, post in charge or shift leaders;
○ To talk to one except in line of duty;
○ To sound or call the alarm in case of fire or disorder;
○ To call the superior officer in any case not covered by instructions;
○ To salute all company officials, superiors in the agency, ranking public officials
and officers of Philippine National Police; and
○ To be especially watchful at night and during the time of challenging, to
challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass or loiter
without proper authority.
The following reports shall be submitted:
○ Guard/Firearm strength reports shall be rendered periodically in
formats and procedures prescribed by the Chief, Security Agencies
and Guards Supervision Division (SAGSD)/ Chief, Firearms and
SECTION 1. Explosives Division (FED), respectively, through the Regional
Offices who shall conduct periodic inspections within their areas of
Reports. responsibility to verify the strength reports furnished their
respective offices.
○ Crime incident reports.
○ Other reports required shall be prescribed in appropriate orders,
circulars or memoranda.
The following records and files shall be maintained by all private security agency,
company security force and government security unit of offices and shall be made
available for inspection by the Chief, Philippine National Police or his authorized
○ Prescribed monthly reports;
○ Current service contracts in individual folders chronologically arranged (for
Records and private security agency only);
Files of ○ Alphabetically arranged individual folders of guards containing their personal
bio-data using the latest SAGSD Form 01-94, photocopies of licenses and
Agencies. other personal documents (i.e. High School diploma, Pre-licensing certificate,
○ Individual records of offenses, SAGSD Form 13-94; Authenticated photo copy
of record of offenses shall support recommendations for revocation of licenses
of undesirable incorrigible security guards;
○ Property book, containing lists of firearms and other properties supported by
proper documentation;
○ Payroll/vouchers of payments;
○ Performance Report/records of conduct of security personnel; and,
○ Other records pertinent to the operation of the agency as maybe required.
1. Periodic and non-periodic inspections shall be conducted on all
Security Agencies (Private Security/Detective Agency, Company
Guard Force, Government Security Force), Security Training Schools
(Private Security Training Institutions) and Security and/or Training
SECTION 1. 2. Inspections shall be conducted based on the following:
Policy. A. Pre-Licensing Inspection – Periodic inspections conducted to
determine compliance with the provisions of R.A. 5487 prior to the
issuance of License to Operate (LTO) a Security Agency and/or
Accreditation to operate a Security Training School.
B. Post-Licensing Inspection – Periodic and/or non-periodic
inspections conducted during the operation of Security Agencies
and/or Security Training Schools to ascertain whether the
provisions of R.A. 5487 and its IRR are complied with, to ensure
correction of defects/violations noted, and to recommend to the
operators appropriate measures to improve their operations.
1)Confiscations (particularly firearms) shall be effected only after properly informing
the concerned (licensee, holder, owner, and/or client) and after their
2)All confiscations shall be appropriately documented (ie. inventoried and
receipted) and stored by the official office/unit custodian.
SECTION 4. 3)Likewise, disposition of all items, whether released or confiscated in favor of the
Procedures. government, shall be appropriately documented.
4)Confiscated items shall be released upon presentation of proof of or upon
confirmation of legality of such document (in case of documents or licenses), or of
proof of validity of firearm license, SG license or DDO (in case of firearms), or upon
payment/settling of fines/penalties, as the case may be.
d. Coordinations 204
1)SAGSD-initiated inspections conducted in the regions including NCR:
a) As a general rule or whenever feasible prior to the conduct of inspection,
the inspection team shall make a call and/or coordinate with the Police
Regional Office (Attn: ROPD) the inspection to be conducted by presenting
SECTION 4. the issued Letter Order, and if necessary to make arrangements for
Procedures. appropriate counterpart assistance.
b) A corresponding exit/after inspection call should be made to the Police
Regional Office. Results of the inspection may be reported when follow-up
and/or consequent operation is needed or requested to be performed by the
2) Police Regional Office-initiated inspections, conducted outside of its area
of operations (AOR)/jurisdiction:
a) Provisions of Section 4d, Rule XV above, shall similarly apply to inspections
conducted pursuant to Section 1b Rule XV, where inspections are
necessitated outside the AOR/jurisdiction of the initiating PNP PRO.
○ 205
A. After Inspection Reports shall be prepared and submitted upon
completion of the inspection or within one (1) day after the period
covering the inspection.
B. In event that the violation/s committed entail the imposition of
SECTION 5. corresponding fines and penalties, the report shall be submitted to
Reports. Chief, ROPD thru C, FESAGS (in case of PRO-initiated inspections) or to
Chief, SAGSD for approval, disapproval and/or enforcement.
C. Accomplished inspection checklists of Administrative Inspections and
recommendations thereof, should form part of the application for LTO or
a. Administrative Inspection-related violations.
1) In compliance to procedural due process, Private Security Agencies with
pending violations shall be officially notified either thru registered mail or
personal notice.
2) The notice of appearance within seven (7) days as indicated in the
SECTION 6. acknowledged Violation Ticket Report issued by the inspecting team shall
Disposition of serve as first formal notice to the agency.
Violations. a) Acknowledging respondent.
(1) If respondent acknowledges violations/defects and penalties/ fines
resulting from the inspection, appropriate payment orders shall be issued
and thereafter proofs of payments be required to be presented to serve as
proofs settlement of penalty/fine.
(2) Copy of proofs of settlement shall form part of the respondent’s
application for LTO/Accreditation.
(3) Summary Report/Consolidated Report of settlement with reference to the
prior After Inspection Report shall be submitted to C, SAGSD for notation
and/or information. In case settlement resulted from PRO-initiated
inspection, report shall be submitted to the ROPD copy furnished RD, PRO
(when required) and C, SAGSD.
b) No-response respondent.
(1) In the event that the PSA concerned shall not comply to the first notice of
appearance the Inspection Section shall send a second notice of appearance
and direct the owner or his representatives of said agency to appear within
seven (7) days upon receipt of the notice.
SECTION 6. (2) If the PSA concerned failed to comply on the second notice of
Disposition of appearance, the Inspection Report including all the evidences (e, i, violation
report confiscated firearms, affidavit executed by the inspecting team
Violations. members and other pertinent documents) shall be submitted for formal
(3) At the onset of the investigation, a third and final notice shall be sent to
PSA concerned, with directive to appear within seven (7) days upon receipt.
(4) Thereafter, Rule XVI and Memorandum SOP on the Conduct of
Investigation shall ensue and be applied.
c) Contesting Respondent.
(1) In the event that a respondent questions the violation, penalty or fines
imposed, and/or any of the circumstances giving rise to such, and/or refuses
to submit under the sanction being imposed, the report shall be submitted
for investigation.
Disposition of (2) Thereafter, Rule XVI (Investigation of Cases) and Memorandum SOP on
Violations. the Conduct of Investigation shall be applied.
d. Grounds for Filing the Administrative Complaint – Any act or omission in violation of the Revised Rules and Regulations
Implementing Republic Act No. 5487, as amended may constitute a ground for filing the complaint.
1. the full name and address of the complainant;
2. the full name and address of the respondent as well as the position and office of employment;
3. specification of charges; and
4. a narration of relevant and material facts which show the acts or omissions constituting the offense allegedly committed by the
e. Venue – Any complaint may be filed with the Complaint and Investigation Section, SAGSD, CSG for acts or omissions committed
in the National Capital Region. In all other cases, complaint shall be filed with the Regional FESAGS where the complainant’s
workplace or the respondent’s principal office is located.
a. Initial Evaluation – Within one (1) day upon receipt of the complaint, the 214
Case/Investigating Officer shall initially evaluate the complaint and shall recommend to
the Chief, Complaint and Investigation Section any of the following actions:
1. Dismiss outright the complaint for lack of merit or a prima facie case is found not to exist or
the complaint is insufficient in form and substance;
2. Refer officially to other government agency if the complaint falls under the jurisdiction of
SECTION 4. DOLE, SSS or other forum;
Procedure. 3. Proceed with the investigation if a prima facie case is found to exist.
b. Notice – After the complaint has been determined to be the subject of appropriate
summary hearing, the Case/Investigating Officer shall notify the respondent of the
complaint by sending to him summons not later than three (3) days upon the filing of the
complaint. Respondent shall be required to appear before the Case/Investigating Officer
not later than five (5) days upon receipt of the notice or summons, during which he shall
be furnished copies of the complaint, sworn statements of the witnesses and other pieces
of evidence.
c. Answer/Reply – Within five (5) days from receipt of copies of the complaint, sworn
statement of witnesses and other pieces of evidence, the respondent shall forthwith
submit his answer or reply consisting of his counter-affidavit, sworn statement of
witnesses and other controverting evidence.
a. If, on the basis of the sworn statements and the pieces of evidence presented by both
parties, the Case/Investigating Officer finds no sufficient cause to warrant further 215
proceedings, the complaint may outright be dismissed. Otherwise, he shall send, within three
(3) days, summonses to all parties and their witnesses for a preliminary conference on a
specific date and time not to exceed five (5) days therefrom with the end in view of arriving
SECTION 5. at an amicable settlement, or of simplifying the issues, marking of evidence and stipulation of
Administrative b. If the Case/Investigating Officer believes that there are matters to be clarified, he may
Adjudication, profound clarificatory questions, or may set a summary hearing on a specific date and time
not to exceed five (5) days therefrom.
c. If respondent fails to file his answer/reply with the reglamentary period, he shall be deemed
Conducted to have waived his right to present controverting evidence, and the case shall immediately
proceed ex-parte.
d. Being summary in nature, direct examination of witnesses shall be dispensed with and the
sworn statements of witnesses shall take the place of their oral testimony subject to cross-
examination. Either party shall limit cross-examination to the sworn statements on hand.
Cross examination must be confined only to material and relevant matters contained in the
sworn statements. Prolonged arguments and other dilatory proceedings shall not be
entertained. Cross examination shall be limited to not more than fifteen (15) minutes for
each witness.
e. On agreement of parties, direct or cross examination may be dispensed with and instead,
the parties may just submit their verified position papers or memoranda within then (10) days
upon such agreement, afterwhich the case is deemed submitted for resolution.
Corollary to Section 2 Presidential Decree 1919 223
dated 28 April 1984, the Chief, PNP or his authorized
representative may impose, after confirming any
violation of republic Act 5487, its amendments and
SECTION 1. implementing rules and regulations, the penalty of
Policy. suspension, or cancellation of the
license/accreditation of any private/government
security or training personnel; provided that in cases
of violations committed by any private
security/detective agency, company guard force or
private security training institution, the administrative
penalty which may be imposed shall only be
administrative fine or cancellation of license without
prejudice to any criminal action against the violator.
The purpose of these rules and regulations is to 224
rationalize the schedule of administrative penalties as
provided in Section 8 of RA 5487,as amended.
Sanctions Against Licensed Security Personnel
The following terms shall be construed to mean as indicated which shall likewise 226
refer to the individual person as private security or security training personnel:
a. Light Offenses shall include, but not limited to:
(1)those related to uniforms except those falling under paragraph c(1) hereunder;
(2)use of profane languages;
SECTION 3. (3)acts of discourteousness;
Classification (4)failure to notify/call the nearest PNP Station in case of disorders, riots or strikes and
other emergency cases;
of offenses. (5)late or failure to maintain and/or submit records/reports;
(6)violation of Section 1, Rule X of these rules and regulations otherwise not specifically
falling under this and paragraphs b and c of this rule; and
(7)all acts prejudicial to good conduct, behavior, morals and similar acts, pursuant to
existing laws, rules and regulations.
b. Less grave offenses shall include, but not limited to:
(1)not having in possession his/her license to exercise profession, duty detail order and/or
firearms license (when carrying firearms), while performing private security service;
(2)use of uniform not appropriate for one’s ranks or position;
(3)leaving his post without being properly relieved, thus exposing the lives and properties
he is supposed to protect from danger;
(4)indiscriminate firing of firearm not in connection with the performance of duty;
(5)other similar offenses pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations.
c. Grave offenses shall include, but likewise not limited to:
(1)Using uniform other than that prescribed under these rules;
(2)using personally owned or unlicensed firearm during tour of duty;
(3)allowing the use/lending issued firearms to unauthorized persons;
SECTION 3. (4)assisting, abetting or protecting criminals during or off duty;
Classification (5)providing confidential information to unauthorized persons;
(6)refusal to provide information to authorized persons;
of offenses. (7)illegal search;
(8)taking alcoholic beverages or being drunk while on guard duty;
(9)abuse or acting beyond the scope of authority;
(10)misrepresentation in the submission of documents for renewal of license;
(11)other similar offense pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations.
d. Fake License - a document issued by and/or secured from sources other
than the SAGSD.
Without prejudice to the filling of the appropriate criminal action, the following
penalties shall be imposed after investigation of any private security personnel,
thereafter found guilty of committing any of the offenses previously enumerated in
Section 3 of this rule:
SECTION 4. a. For light offenses. - One (1) to thirty (30) days suspension or a fine ranging
Penalties. from one hundred pesos minimum to five hundred pesos maximum
(P100.00-P500.00) or both;
b. For less grave offenses. - One (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months
suspension or a fine ranging from five hundred pesos minimum to one
thousand pesos maximum (P500.00-P1, 000.00) or both; and
c. For grave offenses. - Six (6) months and one (1) day to one (1) year
suspension or a fine ranging from ten thousand (P10, 000.00) pesos
minimum to fifty thousand pesos maximum (P50, 000.00) or both, and/or
cancellation of license/permit.
Unless dismissed by his employer agency on legal
grounds, a security guard who is suspended pursuant
hereto shall not be entitled to receive his salary
corresponding to the period of suspension. The
Status during
agency in this case shall provide a substitute guard to
man the post of the suspended guard in order not to
prejudice the interest of its client. Provided, that the
service of the substitute guard shall be good only
during the period of such suspension.
Any private security personnel who commits the
same offense as enumerated in Section 3 above, after
having been suspended for least three (3) times
within the lifetime of his license shall be cancelled
Sanctions Against Private Security Agencies, Private Detective
Agencies, Company Guard Forces, and/or Training Institutions
The authority of the Chief, PNP to impose administrative penalties or
cancel, suspend or not to renew the license of any private
security/detective agency, company guard force, and/or private security
training institutions shall be exercised in the following cases without
prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal action:
A. When a falsified license is officially submitted by a private security
agency to its prospective client in bidding or contracting for security
B. When a falsified document or report is submitted to the Philippine
National Police as requirement for new or renewal of license to operate
a private security agency, company security force or training
C. When a private security agency or company security force has been
found to be violating the minimum wage rates fixed by law that should
be granted to their private security/company guards.
H. When a private security agency has been found to have violated Section233 4,
Rule VII, a penalty of administrative fines shall be imposed upon such erring
Private Security Agency in the amount of twenty thousand (P20, 000.00) for the
first offense; forty (P40, 000.00) for the second offense and cancellation of
license to operate for the third offense.
I. When a private security agency has been found to have violated Section 3C(g),
SECTION 7. Rule X, a penalty of administrative fines shall be imposed upon such erring
Private Security Agency in the amount of twenty thousand (P20, 000.00) for the
first offense; forty (P40, 000.00) for the second offense and cancellation of
license to operate for the third offense. In case of fines, the erring PSA shall not
be allowed to serve the questioned client. PSA Operators whose licenses has
been cancelled under this rule shall be barred from obtaining another LTO.
J. When a private security agency with regular license to operate fails to maintain
a minimum of two hundred (200) security guards at the time of renewal of its
license, the agency concerned shall be issued temporary license with an
administrative fine in the amount of ten thousand (P10, 000.00) pesos only.
K. Violation of the provisions of Rule XVIII by private security personnel is
punishable by suspension or cancellation of their individual private security
licenses and/or licenses of their respective company security force or private
security agencies.
The following administrative fines shall be imposed on any private security agency234
company security force found committing the following offenses:
Except in cases already specifically provided in this rule the following term shall be construed
to mean as indicated:
a. Light Offenses committed by private security agency or company security force 235 shall
include, but not limited to:
1) Late or failure to maintain and/or submit records/reports;
2) Posting security personnel not covered by written contract;
3) Other similar offense pursuant to existing laws, rule and regulations.
SECTION 9. b. Less grave offense committed by private security agency or company security force shall
Classification include but not limited to:
1) ordering its posted security guards to conduct illegal search;
of offenses. 2) posting unlicensed personnel for duty;
3) posted personnel not wearing the prescribed uniform;
4) other similar offense pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations.
c. Grave offense committed by private security agency or company security force shall
include, but not limited to:
1) Allowing the set of unlicensed firearm personally owned by security guard or other person or entity than that of the
private security agency having jurisdiction of the place being secured;
2) Issuing unlicensed firearm to guards;
3) Violation of Sec. 3 h, Rule IV of this implementing rules and regulations regarding prohibition on “Kabit” system;
4) Abuse or acting beyond the scope of authority;
5) Use and/or employment of security guard for purposes of committing threats, intimidation, coercion or any other
crime/offenses, including show of force.
6) Violation of Sections 3A, 3B, and 3C of Rule X;
7) Other similar offense pursuant to existing laws, rules and regulations
Without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal action, and except as
already provided by this rule the following penalties shall be imposed after
investigation of any guard or detective, private security guard agency or
company security force and thereafter found guilty of committing any of the
offenses enumerated in Section 9 hereof:
Any private security agency or company security force
who commits the same offense as enumerated in
Section 8 hereof, after having been fined at least three
(3) times shall be proceeded against thru administrative
SECTION 11. cancellation or non-renewal of its license.
a. All private security personnel in direct confrontation with strikers, marchers, or
demonstrators shall not carry firearms. They may, at best, carry only night sticks
(batuta) which may or may not be provided with tear gas canister and dispensers.
Private security personnel of strike-bound establishments not in direct confrontation
with the strikers may carry in the usual prescribed manner their issued firearms.
b. Private security personnel shall avoid direct contact, either physically or otherwise,
SECTION 1. with the strikers.
Policies c. Private security personnel shall stay only within the perimeter of the installation
which they are protecting at all times.
d. Private security personnel, in protecting and securing the assets and persons of their
clients, shall use only sufficient and reasonable force necessary to overcome the risk or
danger posed by strikers or hostile crowds.
e. Private security personnel shall refrain from abetting or assisting acts of management
leading to physical clash of forces between labor and management. These hostile acts
include breaking of the strike; smuggling in of scabs and preventing strikers from
conducting peaceful pickets.
f. Private security personnel shall not enforce the provisions of the Revised Labor Code
pertaining to strikers/lockouts.
g. Private security personnel on duty must at all times be in complete uniform with
their names and agency’s name shown on their shirts above the breast pockets.
a. Upon declaration of a strike, or upon the establishment of a picket line 240or
SECTION 2. mass action at the vicinity of a firm/establishment, the Detachment Commander
or the Chief Security Officer of the company guard force, shall immediately
For Private collect all firearms of the guards in direct or about to have a direct confrontation
Security with the crowd and deposit these firearms in their vault; or reissue these
firearms to other private security personnel not issued firearms but assigned to
Agencies/Comp and performing guard duties away from and not visible to strikers or the crowd
any Security as may be required by the circumstances.
Force Chief b. The Detachment Commander or Security Director shall account for all the
firearms in a logbook.
c. In instances where there is no Detachment Commander or Security Director,
Officers. as in a compound where there are only a few guards, the agency operator or
Security Officer in the case of company security forces, shall immediately be
informed by the guards of the declaration of strike or about the approach of
strikers or a crowd; whereupon the agency operator/security officer shall
immediately assess the situation and take appropriate action to forestall
violence, but at the same time insuring security of the premises.
d. The Detachment Commander or Security Director shall maintain constant 241
SECTION 2. contact with the management and if he notices or observes the strikers or the
crowd to be up to something unlawful, or are clearly violating the provisions of
For Private the Revised Labor Code, the Revised Penal Code and/or local ordinances, this
Security information to the Commander of the Peace Keeping Force for his appropriate
e. If it becomes unavoidable for private security personnel to talk to strikers or
any Security member of the crowd, only the Detachment Commander or Security Director
Force Chief shall talk to the leader or leaders of the strikers or crowd. What transpires in this
dialogue shall be reported to the management immediately. At no instances shall
Security private security personnel negotiate with the strikers or unfriendly crowd in
Officers. relation to the labor-management dispute. This is a function of management.
f. If the situation worsen or becomes untenable for the private security
personnel to cope with, the Detachment Commander or Security Director, the
guard on post, shall immediately advise the management to request for PNP
security assistance.
g. The Detachment Commander and Security Director shall publish emergency
telephone numbers (Police, Fire, Hospital) at all guards posts and detachments.
a. Private Security personnel are always subordinate to members of the PNP on
SECTION 3. matters pertaining to law enforcement and crime prevention. They cannot
Inter- enforce any provision of the law except in executing citizen’s arrest and/or
conducting initial investigation of a commission of a crime. In such case, any
relationship arrested person shall be turned over immediately to the nearest PNP
between unit/station.
Private b. Criminal investigation is the responsibility of the PNP. All results of initial
investigation conducted by private security personnel and all evidence gathered
Security by them shall be turned over to the PNP unit/station concerned as a matter of
Personnel and course without delay.
members of c. Responsibilities of Private Security Personnel:
the PNP 1. Private security personnel are responsible purely for enforcing company policies,
rules and regulations of management and clients with the ultimate objective of
providing security to the assets and persons of clients.
2. Private security personnel are authorized and empowered by law to act as such
and in the manner prescribed by the Chief, PNP on within their specifically assigned
areas to be secured, as provided for in the contract between the client and the
private security agency, and, in the case of company security services, as specifically
stated in their private security firm licenses.
Types of forms
and usages.
(Valid until
All security guards are entitled to the following awards for their
outstanding feat/ accomplishment /achievement during the
performance of their duties and/or while serving in the exercise of
A. Medalya ng Kagitingan (Blueguards Medal of Valor).
SECTION 1. B. Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglilingkod (Blueguard Distinguished
Types/awards Service Medal).
C. Medalya ng Katapangan (Blueguards Bravery Medal).
D. Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod (Blueguards Special
Service Medal
E. Medalya ng Kadakilaan (Blueguards Heroism Medal).
F. Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal (Blueguards Special Action
G. Medalya ng Kasanayan (Blueguards Efficiency Medal).
H. Medalya ng Papuri (Blueguards Commendation Medal).
I. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (Blueguards Wounded Medal).
J. Medalya sa Pagtulong sa Nasalanta (Blueguards Disaster Relief
and Rehabilitation Medal).
K. Letter of Commendation.
a. Medalya ng Kagitingan (Blueguards Medal of Valor) can be awarded
to any Blueguards whose performance and action falls under para. 1
SECTION 2. and/or 2 below:
Description of (1) Action of the Blueguard involving conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity ignoring the risk of life and limb above and beyond the call of
action required duty. In order to justify this award, a Blueguard must perform
of the above- conspicuously in deed and in action personal bravery and self-sacrifice
mentioned above and beyond the call of duty as to distinguish himself clearly from
his comrades in performing hazardous service.
(2) Blueguards who participated in rescue in any fire incident, disaster,
calamity or earthquake whose actions involve actual rescue operation,
characterized by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life and limb
above and beyond the call of duty. In order to justify this award, a
Blueguard must have saved or attempted to save lives and properties
characterized by personal bravery, courage, heroism or self-sacrifice
above and beyond the call of duty as to distinguished himself above his
comrades in the performance of more than ordinary hazardous service.
b. Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglilingkod (Blueguards Distinguished
Service Medal) can be awarded to any member of the Blueguards whose
SECTION 2. action and performance either fall under para. a or b below:
Description of (1) It can be awarded to any Blueguard who has rendered eminently
meritorious and invaluable service in the position of major responsibility.
action required The performance of duty must be exceptional. A superior performance
of the above- of duty normal and relative to assignment, position and experience of
mentioned an individual is not an adequate basis for the award.
(2) The accomplishment of the duty, which has to be exceptional or
awards: significant should have been completed prior to submission of the
c. Medalya ng Katapangan (Blueguards Bravery Medal). It can 253 be
awarded to any Blueguard member with the following requirements;
SECTION 2. (1) For gallantry of the Blueguards action not warranting the Medalya
Description of Ng Kagitingan nor Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglilingkod.
(2) For Blue guard members who participated on rescue operations in a
action required fire incident, car accident, earthquake, flood, typhoon and other
of the above- disasters/calamities and whose acts of heroism has put his life in
mentioned extreme danger in his desire to save the lives of others.
d. Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod (Blueguards Special Service
Medal). The President of the Philippine Association of Detective and
SECTION 2. Protective Agency Operators, Inc. (PADPAO) in Consonance with the
Description of Resolutions of the Board of Director, can award the medal to any
member of the civilian government such as parliamentarians, statement,
action required diplomats, journalists, scientists and any member of the Philippine
of the above- National Police holding them and respectable position and whose
mentioned contribution and accomplishments greatly enhanced the development
and professionalism of the Civil Security Industry. The four (4) degrees
awards: of the Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod with the corresponding
requirements are the following:
(1) Degree of Raja - It can be awarded to any member of the legislative
and the judiciary to include jurists, parliamentarians, statesmen,
diplomats, journalists, scientists and the Director General of the
Philippine National Police who has rendered eminently meritorious and
invaluable service in undertaking a major responsibility leading to the
development and professionalization of the Civil Security Industry. A
superior performance of normal duties based on one’s position will not
be made a justification to the award.
(2) Degree of Datu - It can be awarded to any of the Regional Directors
and/or any of the Directors of the National Supporting Unit or
SECTION 2. Command of the Philippine National Police who has rendered eminently
Description of meritorious and invaluable service leading to the development of the
Civil Security Industry and contributed professional assistance while in a
action required position of major responsibility which has a lesser degree of category
of the above- and not warranting the award of the degree of Raja.
mentioned (3) Degree of Lakan - It can be awarded to any officer of the Philippine
National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines who has
awards: distinguished himself thru exceptional meritorious conduct in the
performance of outstanding service in the development of the Civil
Security Industry.
(4) Degree of Maginoo - It can be awarded to any member of the PNP,
Armed Forces of the Philippines and other government law enforcement
agencies who has distinguished himself thru exceptional meritorious
conduct and outstanding service that contributed in the making,
developing and professionalizing the Civil Security Industry but in a
lesser degree of category not warranting the award of the degree of
Lakan. For meritorious service of the greater value, the Blueguards
Efficiency Medal is usually awarded.
e. Medalya ng Kadakilaan (Blueguards Heroism Medal). It can 256 be
awarded to any Blueguard member whose action and performance fall
SECTION 2. under para. a and b below:
Description of (1) An act of heroism that involves actual conflict with criminal
elements either in actual duty or beyond the relief of posted duty.
action required (2) An act of heroism shown or performed in rescue operations, saving
of the above- the lives and properties of any person or persons who are victims of
mentioned criminal elements and natural calamities or fortuitous events such as
fire, earthquake, flood, typhoon and other disasters.
f. Medalya ng Katangiang Asal (Blueguards Special Action Medal). It can be
awarded to any Blueguard member in any of the categories with corresponding 257
requirements as follows:
SECTION 2. (1) Raja - for heroic act performed by Blueguard member in actual conflict with
criminal elements during a crime incident or to save the lives and limbs of any
Description of person or persons in case of a fire incident which would conspicuously
action required distinguish himself thru gallantry and intrepidity notwithstanding the risk of life
of the above- which is above and beyond the call of duty. Such deed of bravery and self-
sacrifice must be clearly visible so as to distinguish himself from other Blueguard
mentioned members.
awards: (2) Datu - for conspicuous acts of courage and gallantry confronting armed
enemy in a crime situation or life saving and fire fighting in a fire situation not
warranting the Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal degree of Raja. He must perform
a notable act of heroism involving risk of life as to set him apart from other
(3) Lakan - For gallantry in action in a crime of fire situation not warranting the
Medalya ng Katangitanging Asal degree of Raja or Datu. It can be awarded to
recognize a meritorious service accomplished with distinction by any person or
persons either in a duty responsibility or in direct support to PNP Station.
(4) Maginoo - For gallantry in action not warranting the Medalya ng
Katangitanging Asal degree of Raja, Datu or Lakan.
g. Medalya ng Kasanayan (Blueguards Efficiency Medal). It can be awarded to any
member of the blueguards for meritorious and invaluable service rendered.258 The
performance of duty must be in such a way as to merit recognition by an exceptional
SECTION 2. service. The superior performance of the normal duties as called for by the position is
not alone justification of the award.
Description of h. Medalya ng Papuri (Blueguards Commendation Medal). It can be awarded to any
action required member of the Blueguards who has demonstrated exemplary efficiency, devotion and
loyalty to his duty assignments.
of the above- i. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (Blueguards Wounded Medal). It can be awarded to
mentioned any member of the Blueguards in the actual performance of duties. It requires that
awards: said member must have been wounded in action in his fight against criminal elements
or from a direct assault of the enemy, or wounds caused by fire in a fire fighting
activity. Provided, however, that such wounds would necessitate treatments by a
medical officer. For this purpose, a “wound” is hereby defined as an injury to any part
of the body sustained due to a hostile act of an enemy on in quelling a fire.
j. Medalya sa Pagtulong sa Nasalanta (Blueguards Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation
Medal). It can be awarded to any member of the Blueguards with the requirement that
there should be an active participation of such member in an undertaking that involves
rescue/ relief and rehabilitation operations in relation to disasters of fortuitous events
such as typhoons, flood, earthquakes, conflagration and other calamities.
k. Letter of Commendation - any good activity done by any security guard officer.
The following are authorized to approve/issue awards:
a. Medalya ng Kagitingan - Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. 259
b. Medalya ng Katapatan sa Paglingkod - Chief, Philippine National Police.
c. Medalya ng Katapangan - Chief, Philippine National Police.
d. Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional
SECTION 3. Office/Director, Civil Security Force Office.
e. Medalya ng Kadakilaan - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/
Authority to Director, Civil Security Group.
Grant Award f. Medalya ng Katangi-tanging Asal - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional
Office/Director, Civil Security Group.
g. Medalya ng Kasanayan - Regional Director, PNP Police Regional Office/
Director, Civil Security Group.
h. Medalya ng Papuri - Provincial Director, PNP Provincial Office/Chief, SAGSD/
CSG Regional Office Directors.
i. Medalya Sa Pagtulong sa Nasalanta - Provincial Director, PNP Provincial
Office/Chief, SAGSD/ CSG Regional Office Directors.
j. Letter of Commendation - PSAs/ CGFs Operators/ Managers concerned.
The Chief, SAGSD-CSG shall from time to time issue
Police Director General
Chief, PNP