Topic 8: The Direct Labour Budget
Topic 8: The Direct Labour Budget
Topic 8: The Direct Labour Budget
Tomato Catsup
Quarter (bottles)
I 220
II 230
III 240
IV 260
Direct Labouring hour standard to make one
tomato catsup bottle needs time 0,1 hour and
direct labouring pay per hour Rp. 5000,-.
Asked for:
Make labouring budget for producing that
tomato catsup, include direct labouring hour
budget and direct labor cost budget.
Tomato Catsup of Chili Company
Direct Labor Hour Budget
Year 2015
Using of Direct
Quarter Production Standard Labor Hour
A year 95 hours
Tomato Catsup of Chili Company
Direct Labor Cost Budget
Year 2015
Using of
direct labor Standard DL cost
Q (hour) (Rp) (Rp)
I 22 5000 110.000,-
II 23 115.000,-
III 24 120.000,-
IV 26 130.000,-
total 95 5000 475.000,-
Direct Labor Budget
Example 1
Production budget also provides the starting point
for preparing the direct labor cost budget.
Example: Department 1 has a labor cost of $10
per hour. Product A uses 6 hours in Department 1
and Product B uses 4 hours. Department 2 has a
labor cost of $7 per hours. Production A uses 2
hours of Department 2’s labor and Product B uses
½ hour. Prepare a direct labor budget.
Example 1
Department 1 Department 2 Total
Product A (13,500 units)
6 hours per unit x 13,500 81,000
2 hours per unit x 13,500 27,000
From production
The Direct Labour Budget
The Direct Labour Budget
Higher ofof labour
labour hours
hours required
or labour
labour hours
hours guaranteed.
The Direct Labour Budget