Supporting Pakistan Industry To Innovate in The Bio-Tech Based Products Market

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A project

Supporting Pakistan
Industry to innovate
in the Bio-Tech based
products market

Presented by: Yasir Sharif & Saif Ur

BM – 25163 , BM-25808
Submitted to: Dr. Yasin
Institute Of Business & Technology (IBT)
Fossil Fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic
decomposition of buried dead organisms.
Fossil Fuels contain high percentages of carbon and include coal, petroleum and
natural gas.
Power plants in Pakistan , running on fossil fuels have the capacity to generate
65 % of total electricity.
A liter of petrol is a result of 23.5 tons of decomposed organic material.

Bio Gas Energy

Biogas is a renewable source of energy, that is produced through the
breakdown of organic material such as manures, sewerages, plant material,,
crops and other bio-degradable (Capable of being decomposed by the action of biological
agents, especially bacteria).
One cow can produce enough manure in one day to generate 3 kilowatt hours
of electricity
The concept of Biogas as source of energy appeared in the 17th century.
Revgreen Pakistan has worked on several Biogas projects in Punjab. Gas
generated from these has been used to power tube wells, heat water and
run 5.3 HP power engines.

 Biofuel is a renewable energy, obtained from biological material.
 Biofuels burn cleaner than gasoline, resulting in fewer greenhouse
gas emissions , and are fully bio-degradable (Capable of being
decomposed by the action of biological agents, especially bacteria).
 Rudolf Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine, originally designed it to
run on vegetable oil.
 Most gasoline and diesel fuels in North America and Europe are
blended with biofuel ( e.g. in Hybrid Cars )
 The government of Pakistan has initiated a program named The
National Biodiesel Program that is targeting production of Biodiesel
through renewable resources such as vegetable oil, animal fats,
specific plant seeds, recycled cooking oil.

Drivers and Challenges to


o Addressing the Innovation
• Assessing the Bio-based market
• Business Support toolbox
• Pakistan Business Innovation
o Dissemination (distribution) and
Exit Strategy Plans

Drivers and Challenges to Bio Tech

Climate Change
o Pakistan have to set target of GHG reduction for now & for future

Security in energy supply

o Fossil fuel availability (Coal & Natural Gas)

Security in environment ?

Creation of new jobs

Drivers and Challenges to Bio Tech Innovation


• Growth in demand
o Switching from hydrocarbon to carbohydrate feed stocks for
making chemicals
o One third of chemicals and materials will be produced from
biological sources

• Cost Benefits
o Cost of petroleum feed stocks will eventually exceed the cost
biomass in future
Drivers and Challenges to Innovation
o Innovation in the bio-based products market is prevented
o Lack of awareness of Biotech and its benefits and potential
within the chemical value chain
o Lack of confidence to enter a new business and gain access to
new supply chains
o Majority of companies are not well connected to each other, to
the technology base or to their potential supply chains
O Limited access to specialist demonstration and other facilities
o Limited access to specific market expertise and access to
investment capital
BIOCHEM: Assessing the Market
Complete a comprehensive assessment of the bio-
based products market to
o Identify up-to-date barriers, constraints and opportunities
for bio-based production on the International & local
Chemical Industry
o Assess the impact of the recent economic crisis

Information on the market structure will help to

o Input for the development of business support toolbox
o Input to industrial audits and development plans
o Information to support companies in making business
Development of the BIOTECH Toolbox
Develop a business support toolbox providing technical and
business support to Industries to overcome the barriers to
innovation, including
Business planning tools for local industries, such as
o A process for implementing a sustainable business strategy
o Life-cycle methodologies
o Intellectual Property Rights strategies
Online Partnering and Open Innovation System
Online Private and Public Funding Directory
o Setting up and market testing of a Bio-Based Products Fund
BIOTECH: Innovation Process
Test the toolbox through a European business innovation
process which supports local industries through three
interrelated activities

o Business Plan Competitions to identify best ideas for new
businesses, with winners receiving access to
• Entrepreneurial teaching classes and mentoring
• Technology transfer and matchmaking events
• Venture capital (capital invested in a project in which there is a substantial element of risk,
typically a new or expanding business)events

o Online Open Innovation System

• Stakeholders will be invited to post development challenges
• Possible matches will be followed up with one-to-one on-line meetings
• Face-to-face meetings at Transnational Tech Transfer and Partnering
BIOCHEM: Innovation Process
o At least 250 industrial Audits followed by Individual
Development Plans
• Personal mentoring support to implement the Individual Development
• Entrepreneurial teaching classes
• Identify first users and specialist facilities for proof-of-concept
o Technology Transfer and Partnering Events
• Major events will bring together researchers, start-ups and SMEs &
large industrial stakeholders
• Establish the base for research and development projects
• Taking up bio-based product ideas by industries• Creating business
partnerships between start-ups, SMEs and large industrial
BIOTECH: Innovation Process

o Based on industries Audits and Individual Development Plans an

assessment of funding needs and opportunities
o Identify funding opportunities for proof-of-concept projects (major
obstacle for new industries)
o Facilitate access to finance through four Nation wide Venture Capital
• Bring selected industries into contact with interested regional seed-funds,
venture capital, business angels.
(distribution) and
exit strategy plans
Communicating the benefits of bio-
based products to Local Chemical
Industry and considering a sustainable
exit strategy
BIOCHEM: Conclusions
Contributes to raise the Bio-based product market sector to be a Lead
Market and distributes the societal and strategic benefits of the bio-
based products and industry in alignment with Lead Market Initiative for
Completes a comprehensive assessment of the bio-based products
market and deploys a broad distribution action in order to increase the
awareness of its potential for the BioTech-using sector.
Develops integrated tools for providing technical and business support
to reduce barriers to take-up of Industrial Biotechnology, particularly for
Develops a new bio-based business innovation concept that uses the
tools to drive new industries driven bio-based product ideas.
Delivers to SMEs supporting them innovating in the bio-based products
Makes recommendations to Policy Makers and Develops an exit strategy
(An exit strategy is a means of leaving one's current situation, either after a predetermined objective has
been achieved, or as a strategy to mitigate failure) to ensure service and support is
available beyond 2015.

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