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Jurnal IUD

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Comparison between Cupper

T380 IUD and Multiload 375

IUD in early post partum
(N.S. El Beltagy , E.A. Darwish , M.S. Kasem ,
N.M. Hefila)
Dr. dr. Eddy R Moeljono, SpOG


» An intrauterine device (IUD) is the most frequently used

reversible family planning method in the world. It offers safe,
effective, and long term contraception
» The Multiload 375 IUD and the Cu T380 IUD are more
effective than barrier methods and are about as effective as
injectables, implants, and voluntary sterilization
» In general, IUDs can be inserted at any time during the menstrual
cycle, if the woman is not pregnant, or It can also be inserted
within the first 48 h postpartum or within 4 weeks

Postpartum period is defined as the first 6 weeks following delivery.
Postpartum IUD insertion is divided as follows:
» 1st, post placental IUD insertion within 10 min after placental
» 2nd early postpartum IUD insertion after 10 min of placental
expulsion and within 48 h following delivery and before hospital
» 3rd late postpartum IUD insertion within 6 weeks following delivery;
» 4th, delayed or interval postpartum IUD insertion after 6 weeks
following delivery

To compare two types of intrauterine
devices inserted in early postpartum period,
namely Cu T380 IUD and Multiload 375
IUD, in regard to safety, efficacy, side
effects, and complications

Sample Size
Flow Chart Study
Statistical Methodology

Three hundred (300) women attending El-Shatby Maternity University
Hospital for normal delivery were included in a prospective study

Sample Size
Calculated (using the commercially available software EPI INFO) to
be 150 participants in each group.

Flow Chart
of the Study

Methods (cont…)

» Using Kelly’s forceps under strict aseptic procedures,

within 48 h of vaginal delivery, and after exclusion of any
contraindications of using an IUD.
» Fundal placement with Kelly’s forceps for insertion of
IUDs was confirmed by abdominal ultrasonography.
» The proper fundal placement of the IUD was achieved if
the distance between the top of the IUD and the
endometrium at the fundus of the uterus was 10 mm or

Methods (cont…)

All women were instructed to return for review after

6 weeks and after 6 months of IUD insertion.
Pelvic ultrasound examination, using both
abdominal and vaginal probes, was done in each
visit to assess IUD endometrial distance.

Statistical Methodology
» Using SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social
Sciences) version 13 for Windows.
» Data were checked for accuracy and for normality,
using Kolmogrov- Smimov and Sharpiro-Wilk tests.
» Qualitative variables were expressed as numbers and
percentages, while quantitative variables were
expressed as means and standard deviations.

Statistical Methodology
The following statistical tests were used:
a. Independent samples t-test as a parametric test of significance
for comparison between two sample means, after performing
the Leven’s test for equality of variance.
b. McNemar’s Chi-square (v2) test for paired comparison of
dichotomous variables.
c. Fisher’s exact test.
d. Pearson correlation.
Level of significance equal to 0.05 was required for statistical

In the Cu T380 IUD group, 64% of the
womenwas were nofully
lactating, significant
and 28.7%
were partiallyconcerning these variables between
lactating. In the Multiload 375
the two studied groups in characteristics including
age, group, and45% of the
parity women
of the Cu T380were
IUD fully
lactating, and and37.3% were375
Multiload partially lactating

There wastheaCu
the Multiload
T380 IUD 375
statistically IUD group,
group, 41%
81% of
significant the
of them were
difference usingthe
between contraceptives before,
groups in regard to
and 95.1%
61.7% history
contraceptive of them(pwere using an IUD
before current
conception.but stopped
using contraception in order to conceive

The expulsion rates were relatively

high but not significant for both IUDs at
the 6-month follow-up visit, with the
expulsion rate for Cu T380 users at 15%
versus at 14.9% for Multiload 375 users

When utilizing a 10 mm as a cutoff point, it was

found that there was a significant direct
relation between the incidence of IUD expulsion in
early postpartum insertion and the IUD
endometrial distance at the uterine fundus
measured by ultrasound during the two follow-up
visits at 6 weeks and 6 months after IUD insertion


Discussions (cont…)

» An intrauterine device is an effective method for fertility

» The early postpartum insertion of IUDs (i.e. relatively
within 48 h after delivery and before hospital discharge)
would be suitable because the cervix is patulous and the
lochia will mask any bleeding associated with the IUD

Expulsion Rate

» This study revealed that the expulsion rate

was fairly high in Cu T380 and
Multiload 375 IUD users at 6 weeks (8.1%
and 5.4%, respectively) and even higher
at 6 months (15% and 14.9%,
respectively) when compared to interval
IUD insertion

Bleeding Abnormalities

» At 6 months, the bleeding abnormalities were

higher among the Multiload 375 IUD
menstruating users than the Cu T380IUD
» Roberto-Flores and others found, in their 3-year
study, that bleeding following early postpartum IUD
insertion is more intense with the Cu T380
IUD than with the Multiload 375 IUD

Expulsion rate
» At the 6-month follow-up visit, the expulsion rates were
relatively high with both IUDs (the rate was 15%, versus
» The high expulsion rates in our study may relate to
differences in the techniques used for IUD insertion.
» Kulier found the same research results by comparing
the Multiload 375 IUD and the Cu T380 IUD which were
inserted during early post partum and in regard to the
1-year expulsion and efficacy rates of these two IUDs.
No statistically significant differences were found

Expulsion Rate

» Prager 2007 : Higher IUD Expulsion (5,2% and 3,

Vs IUD9 % for Multiload 375 in an early
postpartum IUD insertion during 5 year period
» WHO : 37% and 41% expulsion rates for
immediate and early postpartum IUD insertion

» No Case of Pregnancy, and Uterine perforations
» 1 Case of PID in Multiload 375 IUD users 6 months
after insertion
» Standford and Mikolajczyk reported 6 cases of PID
per 1000 women among IUD users in early post
partum insertion following normal vaginal insertion
in Africa
The outcomes of our study indicate that 24

postpartum IUD
insertions, including early
postpartum insertion, are generally
safe and effective. Compared with interval
insertions, postpartum insertions do not
increase the risk of infection, bleeding, uterine
perforation, or endometritis. As well, the return
of the uterus to its normal size is not hindered
Thank You

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