Artificial Neural Networks

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Artificial Neural Networks

• Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
– Information processing paradigm inspired by
biological nervous systems
– ANN is composed of a system of neurons
connected by synapses
– ANN learn by example
• Adjust synaptic connections between neurons
Biological Neural Network
Biological Neural Network
• Neuron collects signals from dendrites
• Sends out spikes of electrical activity through an
axon, which splits into thousands of branches.
• At end of each brand, a synapses converts
activity into either exciting or inhibiting activity
of a dendrite at another neuron.
• Neuron fires when exciting activity surpasses
inhibitory activity
• Learning changes the effectiveness of the
Artificial Neural Network
• Abstract neuron model
Applications of ANN

• Air traffic control •  Employee hiring

•  Animal behavior •  Expert consultants
•  Appraisal and valuation of property, •  Fraud detection
etc., •  Hand writing and typewriting
•  Betting on horse races, stock markets •  Lake water levels
•  Criminal sentencing •  Machinery controls
•  Complex physical and chemical •  Medical diagnosis
•  Music composition
•  Data mining, cleaning and validation
•  Photos and finger prints
•  Direct mail advertisers
•  Recipes and chemical formulation
•  Echo patterns
•  Traffic flows
•  Economic modeling
•  Weather prediction
characteristics of aNN:
• Neurally implemented mathematical model
• Large number of processing elements called neurons exists here.
• Interconnections with weighted linkage hold informative knowledge.
Input signals arrive at processing elements through connections and
connecting weights.
• Processing elements can learn, recall and generalize from the given
• Computational power is determined by the collective behavior of
• ANN is a connection models, parallel distributed processing models, self
organizing systems, neuro-computing systems and neuro morphic system.
Basic models of aNN
• Models are based on three entities
• The model’s synaptic interconnections.
• The training or learning rules adopted for updating and
adjusting the connection
• weights.
• Their activation functions
• The arrangement of neurons to form layers and the connection
pattern formed
• within and between layers is called the network architecture.
• Five types:
• Single layer feed forward network
• Multilayer feed-forward network
• Competitive Neural Network
Basic operation of a Neural net
• X1 and X2 – input
• neurons.
• Y- output neuron
• Weighted
• interconnection links-
• W1 and W2.
• Net input calculation is :
Yin = X1*W1+ X2*W2
• Output is : Y = f(Yin)
Basic operation of a Neural net
• The function to be applied over the net input
is called activation function.
• Weight involved in ANN is equal to the slope
of linear straight line (y=mx).
Two broad kinds of learning in ANNs is :
• i) parameter learning – updates connecting
weights in a neural net.
• ii) Structure learning – focus on change in the
• Apart from these, learning in ANN is classified into
three categories as
• i) supervised learning
• ii) unsupervised learning
• Iii) reinforcement learning
Supervised Learning
Learning with the help of a teacher.
Example : learning process of a small child.

• Child doesn’t know read/write.

• Their each & every action is supervised by a teacher

• In ANN, each input vector requires a corresponding target vector, which

represents the desired output.
• The input vector along with target vector is called training pair.
• The input vector results in output vector.
• The actual output vector is compared with desired output vector.
• If there is a difference means an error signal is generated by the network.
• It is used for adjustment of weights until actual output matches desired
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
• Learning is performed without the help of a teacher.
• Example: tadpole – learn to swim by itself.
• In ANN, during training process, network receives input
patterns and organize it to form clusters.
• From the Fig. it is observed that no feedback is applied
from environment to inform what output should be or
whether they are correct.
• The network itself discover patterns, regularities,
features/ categories from the input data and relations for
the input data over the output.
• Exact clusters are formed by discovering similarities &
dissimilarities so called as self – organizing
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
• Similar to supervised learning. Learning based on
critic information is called reinforcement learning
& the feedback sent is called reinforcement signal.
• The network receives some feedback from the
• Feedback is only evaluative.
• The external reinforcement signals are processed
in the critic signal generator, and the obtained
critic signals are sent to the ANN for adjustment of
weights properly to get critic feedback in future.
Reinforcement Learning

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