Translating The Untranslatable (Presentation) by Gustavo Adolfo Loria Rivel PhD.
Translating The Untranslatable (Presentation) by Gustavo Adolfo Loria Rivel PhD.
Translating The Untranslatable (Presentation) by Gustavo Adolfo Loria Rivel PhD.
Gustavo Adolfo Loria Rivel Phd
Translating the Untranslatable 1
1 2 Target
text text
Understanding Formulating
the concept in the the concept in the
source language target language
Translating the Untranslatable 2
Main problem:
Anyone you could ask
died a long time ago
Translating the Untranslatable 3
Genesis 4:21
V: cithara (cithara)
עּוגָב/’ugav/ S: κιθάρα
V: organum
Translating the Untranslatable 5
Exodus 28:18.
Leviticus 27:16.
Units of volume
חמר/khomer/ S: κόρος (≈ 393 l.)
V: triginta modii (≈ 270 l.)
P: "rw-k" /kur/
Translating the Untranslatable 11
Hapax legomena
Ex. Genesis 6:14 "ג ֹפֶ ר- "עֲ ֵצי/atsei-gofer/ (gofer wood)
I see...
You do not
Translating the Untranslatable 13
Translation strategies
Translating the Untranslatable 14
Descriptive translation
Genesis 2:12
אבן שהם/even šoham/ S: λίθος ὁ πράσινος (green stone)
Exodus 28:20
תרשיש/taršiš/ O: כרום ימא/krum yama/ (color of the sea)
Genesis 6:14
גפר- עצי/atsei-gofer/ S: ξύλων τετραγώνων" (square woods)
V: "lignis levigatis" (smooth woods).
Translating the Untranslatable 15
Isaiah 34:11
קאת/qaat/ S: ὄρνεα (birds)
Exodus 28:18
יהלום/yahalom/ P: )aa+(qen /neqa'to/
Translating the Untranslatable 16
Translation by lexical borrowing
Genesis 22:13
" "סבך/sevak/ S: φυτῷ σαβεκ (plant of sabek)
Exodus 16:16-36.
עמר/'omer/ and its subunit איפה/eifa/ S: γομορ and οιφι
V: gomor and oephi
Leviticus 11:22.
חגב, חרגל, סלעם, ארב/arveh, sal'am, khargol, khagav/ → S:
βροῦχον, ἀττάκη, ἀκρίς, ὀφιομάχη → V: bruchus, attacus,
ophiomachus, lucusta
Translating the Untranslatable 17
Genesis 14:14.
M: בית- יליד/ielid-bait/ born in the house, i.e. slave born in
the house
S: οἰκογενής (from οἰκος “house" and γενέομαι "to be born“)
Translating the Untranslatable 18
Translation by omission
Leviticus 11:22.
The four species of locust mentioned in the Masoretic text:
חגב, חרגל, סלעם, ארב/arveh, sal'am, khargol, khagav/, are
reduced to just two in Peshitta: )ñc-m-q /qamtso/ and
O}ogÑrax /khargolo/.
Leviticus 11:13.14.
The five birds mentioned in Lv. 11:13, נשר פרס עזניה/nešer,
feres, 'azniah/ and Lv 11:14 איה דיה/ayah, dayah/ are
reduced to just two in Peshitta: )rsn /nešro/ and )Tyd
Translating the Untranslatable 19
Do we really understand
the “Our Father”?
Translating the Untranslatable 20
Theory 1
Epiousion < "ἐπί ὀυσίαν" (for existence or for
*" "לחמא דחקנא/lakhma dekhuqana/ (the bread of
our allowance), by analogy with Proverbs 30:8
" "לחם חקיthe bread of my allowance), or "פיתן
"דצרך/pithan detsorach/ (the bread of
Theory 2
Epiousion < participle of "ἐπειμί" (to
come after, to succeed, to follow)
Theory 3
Epiousion < "ἡ ἐπιούσα ἡμέρα" (the
coming day, tomorrow)
Translation by extrapolation
Matthew 6:11
Τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον δὸς ἡμῖν σήμερον· "Give
us our epiousion bread today"
Luke 11:3
Τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον δίδου ἡμῖν τὸ καθ’ἡμέραν·
"Give us our epiousion bread daily“