Nursing Research
Nursing Research
Nursing Research
Improve the practice of its members so that the service provided to its clientele
will be maximally effective.
Research derived from a French word “cerchier”
Research is a formal, systematic and rigorous process of scientific analysis
particularly conducted for the purpose of discovery and development of a
structured and organized body of knowledge.
The ultimate goal is to: improve the practice of its members so that the service
provided to its clientele will be maximally effective
Enhance professionalism
Increase accountability
Strengthen social relevance of nursing
Basis for sound decision making
EBM is a new paradigm in the health care practice, it is the integration of the best
research evidenced (clinically relevant patient centered practice) with clinical
expertise and patient values.
You are a school nurse who regularly visits a number of elementary and middle schools (children
aged 5 to 13 years) in your region. It is cold and flu season once again. One of the teachers stops you
in the hall to ask you a question about his 10- year old daughter who also has a cold. He has heard
that zinc lozenges can help to relieve cold symptoms and wonders if they really do work and if it is
OK to give them to children.
You are a nurse practitioner working in a family practice setting. One of your patients is a 28-year
old woman who has been taking oral contraceptives (OCs) for the past 6 years. She telephones you
to say that she is growing increasingly anxious about taking OCs because recently she has read in
magazines and heard from friends that they may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. She
has never smoked, is in good health, and has no history of cardiovascular disease in her family. She
asks to see you to discuss whether she should discontinue taking the OCs and begin using a
different birth control method.
Data Collection Assessment Knowledge of the nursing world
Data Collection Clinical Experience
Data Interpretation Literature Review
Problem Definition Nursing Diagnosis Problem and Purpose Identification
PLAN PLAN Methodology
Goal Setting Goal Setting Design
Identifying Solutions Planned Intervention Sample
Methods and Measurement
Implementation Implementation Data Collection and analysis
Evaluation and Revision Process Evaluation and Modification Outcome and dissemination of
Alternate Route for
Problem Solving
Ignore or redefine the Problem
Faith, habit or traditional practice
Human experience
Trial and error
Logical reasoning
Common sense
According to
Measurement &
• Experiment Data Analysis • Longitudinal
al • Quantitativ • Cross
• Non e Sectional
Experiment • Qualitative • Retrospective
• Quasi
According to According to Time
Approach Frame
• Combined
Classification of Nursing
According to
• Basic Environment
Research • Field
• Applied Research
Research • Laboratory
• Historical Research
According to • Clinical
Motive or Research
Gains of Nursing Research
• Knowledge and Expertise
• Promotion and Prestige
• Recognition by Peers
• Scholarship Grants
• Increase in Pay
• Accreditations in Schools
Is ETHICS important in
Ethics in Research
Informed Consent
Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Respect for Human Dignity
Anonymity cannot link a subject with information
Confidentiality subject divulges will not be made
Right to full disclosure
Right to self determination
Justice and Fairness
Right to Full Disclosure
As principal investigator
As a member of a research team
As evaluator of research findings
As consumer of research findings
As client advocate in a research study
As a subject of research
The Research Process
Issues (social)
External Source
Criteria for Choice of Research
A good statement of the problem spells out clearly the key variables of the
study in order that their meaning is clear to the researcher and the
reader of the research report.
Hallmark and Qualities of
Good Nurse Researcher
• Honest Credible
• Accurate in his/her data
• Organized and Systematic
• Logical
• Self Awareness
• Imaginative and Curious
• Persistent with Barriers
• Good Relationship with his/her Respondents
• Updated
Components of Research
Research Variables
These are qualities, properties or characteristics of people things, events or situation under
study. These variables are assessed and measured qualitatively or quantitatively.
Independent Variable
These are the factors manipulated by the researcher and the focus of inquiry.
The presumed cause (antecedent or influence to the dependent variable). It is
the factor, characteristics or conditions is introduced, removed or manipulated
to cause a change in the dependent variable that is observed or measured. The
IV is also called the treatment, stimulus, predictor, input or experimental
Dependent Variable
This is the factor or variable that is affected or influenced by the IV.
The presumed effects (output or outcome). It is a factor, characteristics or
condition that is observed and measured to find out how the independent
variable affects it. Outcomes, response, output, and criterion or attribute
Keep it Short. A long and rambling introduction will soon put people off and lose you marks.
Stick closely to your outline for the paper, and structure your introduction in a similar
Define the Problem. The entire introduction should logically end at the research question
and thesis statement or hypothesis. The reader, by the end of the introduction, should
know exactly what you are trying to achieve with the paper. In addition,
your conclusion and discussion will refer back to the introduction, and this is easier if
you have a clearly defined problem.
Organization. As you write the paper, you may find that it goes in a slightly different
direction than planned. In this case, go with the flow, but make sure that you adjust the
introduction accordingly. Some people work entirely from an outline and then write the
introduction as the last part of the process. This is fine if it works for you.
The Aetas are numerous in Luzon, particularly in Zambales mountain range stretching from
Bataan, Zambales. They are mountain people with dark skin kinky hair, snub nose black eyes and with
small body frame. They usually stand from 1.35 to 1.05 meters tall in height. Their communities belong
to the Negritos (ethnic group) there are small Aetas settlement in Iram they have their own dialect but
they communicate to the low landers and outsiders in Tagalog vernacular. It used to be a taboo for them
to marry a non-tribal member but this tradition was broken in 1977 when a daughter of an old chieftain
married a lowlander.
According to Macatuno (2006) he elaborated that this event set the trend for mixed marriage that is
the one of their tradition but it has many religious and belief practices that performed by the Aetas. They
believe in supreme being who rule over lesser spirits or deities. They worship Apo Namalayani, whom
they regard as the creator believed to inhabit the mountain top of Pinatubo in Zambales. There is no
specific mention of other God’s of the Aetas, but one source mentions that the four manifestation of the
“Great Creator” growth of goods. They also believe that there are spirits mat live in the environment such
as in the sky, river, sea, mountain, and others. They also believed that evil spirits are the usual cause of
illness as punishment for wrong doing.
The purpose of this study is to further support the knowledge of the reader and the researcher
ancestral domain the changes of the Aetas life after the Pinatubo eruption and its effect on their way of
living, and it triggers the social consciousness of the researchers more than any other indigenous
communities in the province. This study also defined how the Aetas’ at Iram Resettlement affects their
primary health by their health belief and their health practices. This study will also give the reader a
clearer view about the culture and their activity.
What are the Basic
Components of
3. Statement of the Problem.
The problem statement must be clearly stated. It must be expressed in precise
terms as the subject of inquiry. It indicates the population and the major variables
of the study needed to be subjected to empirical testing.
Consist of the Main Problem and the Sub Problems
MAIN PROBLEM. Directs attention to the subject of the investigation, particularly
the main issue to be answered. This is also referred to as the goal of the study that
requires a long term and broader solutions.
(Thesis by Magno UST 1996)
To determine the correlation between Staff Nurses Extent of Knowledge and Their
Clinical performance of the Nursing Process as a Basis for “Improving the
Curriculum and the Related Learning Experience Programs of Nursing Education”
and the Staff Development of the Nursing Service.
What are the Basic
Components of
(Thesis by Abella 2009)
This study aimed to assess: What are the professional and behavioral conducts of clinical
instructor of the selected private nursing colleges in Olongapo City during the academic year
2. What is the extent of the staff nurses knowledge of the nursing process as perceived by
themselves and their head nurse?
3. To what extent is the nursing process performed efficiently by the staff nurses as
perceived by themselves and their head nurses?
4. Is there significant correlation between the staff nurses extent of knowledge and their
clinical performance of the nursing process in relation to the five components?
5. Is there significant differences in the staff nurses knowledge and their clinical
performance of the nursing process as perceived by themselves and their head nurse?
This study assessed the health beliefs and practices among Aetas of Iram resettlement in Olongapo City and its implication
to their primary health care.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
1. How may the profile of the respondent’s be described in terms of;
Civil Status;
2. How may the heath beliefs of Aetas be described in terms of;
1. Belief in Supernatural Beings; and its effect on individual health
3. How may the Health Practices of Aetas be described in terms of:
3.1 Restoring the HerbalMedicine;
3.2 Health Consultation or Maintenance;
3.3 Maternal and Child Care and
3.4 Nutrition?
4. Is there a significant difference on the health belief and health practice among Aetas when group according to;
4.1 Age;
4.2 Gender;
5.Is there a significant difference on the implication to their Primary Health Care when Group according to:
5.1 Age;
5.2 Gender;
6. Is there significant relationship between the Aetas health beliefs and health practices and its implication to their Primary Health
Conceptualizing Phase
The researcher develops the formal questions to be
studied and place it into some larger context
Formulating and delimiting the problem
Reviewing related literature
Undertaking clinical fieldworks
Defining the framework and developing
conceptual definitions Empirical Phase
Formulating the hypothesis Collecting data
Design and Planning Phase Preparing the data for analysis
The researcher make a number of methodological Analytic Phase
decision regarding the strategies to be used to Analyzing the Data
collect and analyze the data to address the Interpreting the result
research question and evaluate decisions before Dissemination Phase
implementation Communicating the findings
Selecting the research design
Utilizing the findings in practice
Developing the protocols for the intervention
Identifying the population to be studied
Designing the sampling plan
Specifying methods to measure the research
Developing methods for safeguarding
human/animal rights
Finalizing and reviewing the research plan
Sampling Procedure
Types of Sampling
Probability Sampling
Involves random selection in choosing elements. Researcher can specify the probability
that each element of the population will be included in the sample. There is less bias, as
every element in the population has equal chances to be selected, but this is time
consuming expensive and inconvenient.
S i m p l e R a n d o m S a m p l i n g -researcher established sampling frame (listing
elements), then numbering all elements then selecting sample elements
S t r a t i f i e d R a n d o m S a m p l i n g -researchers divides the population into
homogenous subgroups, from which elements are selected at random.
C l u s t e r S a m p l i n g -researcher selects random samples successively from larger to
smaller units by either simple or stratified random methods
S y s t e m a t i c S a m p l i n g -researcher selects kth case from a list (where
k=population divided by desired sample size)where k is the sampling interval (standard
distance between elements)
Sampling Procedure
Types of Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
Does not involved random selection (non random methods)
The researcher cannot estimate the precise elements of the population that will be
included in the sample. It is convenient and economical; however it is likely to produce
biased samples.
C o n v e n i e n c e ( a c c i d e n t a l ) S a m p l i n g -using most convenient available
people as participants
S n o w b a l l i n g ( n e t w o r k o r c h a i n ) S a m p l i n g -every sample identifies and
refers other person who meet the inclusion criteria
Q u o t a S a m p l i n g -researcher indentifies population strata and determines how many
participants are needed from each stratum
P u r p o s i v e ( j u d g m e n t a l ) S a m p l i n g -researchers decide purposely to select
subjects who are judged to be typical of the population or particularly knowledgeable
about the issues under study.
Re s e a r c h Va r i a b l e s
These are qualities, properties or characteristics of people things, events or situation under
study. These variables are assessed and measured qualitatively or quantitatively.
Independent Variable
These are the factors manipulated by the researcher and the focus of inquiry.
The presumed cause (antecedent or influence to the dependent variable). It is
the factor, characteristics or conditions is introduced, removed or manipulated
to cause a change in the dependent variable that is observed or measured. The
IV is also called the treatment, stimulus, predictor, input or experimental
Dependent Variable
This is the factor or variable that is affected or influenced by the IV.
The presumed effects (output or outcome). It is a factor, characteristics or
condition that is observed and measured to find out how the independent
variable affects it. Outcomes, response, output, and criterion or attribute
Main part
Two common ways to organize and
structure a literature review
The length of a literature review varies
depending on its purpose and audience.
In a thesis or dissertation, the review is usually
a full chapter (at least 20 pages), but for an
assignment it may only be a few pages
Final Notes:
Types of Definition
Conceptual Definition
• Is a definition that is universally understood. It is a general
statement of properties or qualities common to a number of
cases or examples.
• This uses hypothetical criteria to identify a phenomenon
rather than what is observable.
• Textual meaning of words/subjective or theoretical
Operational Definition
• Is the researcher’s own definition of terms as used in the
study. It is concrete and measurable, based on the
observable characteristics of what is being defined within
the context of the phenomenon under investigation.
– Denotative are defined in terms of what the concept is or
what it represents
– Connotative are defined according to implications or
associations one might make with the variable
Lexical Definition
Quantitative Research
Associated with positivist tradition
Gathers numerical values as its data
Uses deductive reasoning
Using control
Gathers empirical evidence (from objective reality collected through senses)
Takes places both in natural as well as in contrived laboratory settings
Qualitative Research
Associated with naturalistic inquiry
Gathers narrative description as its data
Investigate phenomena and concepts
Uses inductive process
Uses subjectivity that enriches the analytic insights
Gathers information, insights that leads to search for further evidence
Takes place in the field
Other Type of Research
Types of Quantitative Research
Descriptive Research-objective is accurate depiction of the characteristics of a person, situation or
groups and or frequency with which certain phenomena occurs
Correlational Research-explores the interrelationship among variables of interest without any active
intervention by the researcher
Quasi-Experimental Research-conducted to determine the effects of treatment or independent
variables on the dependent variables or outcome variable. It lacks the control of the design, samples or
Experimental Research-it examines the cause and effect relationship between independent and
dependent variable under highly controlled condition
Types of Qualitative Research
Phenomological Research-concerned with lived experienced of humans. It is an approach to thinking
about what life experience of people are like and what they mean
Grounded Theory Research-seeks to understand the key social psychological and structural processes
that occurs in a social setting. A major component is the discovery of a core variable that is central in
explaining what is going on in that social scene
Ethnographic Research-the primary research tradition within anthropology, which provides a framework
for studying the meaning, patterns and experience of a defined cultural group in a holistic fashion
Historical Research-narrative description or analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent
Case Studies-in depth examination and analysis of people or group of people in relation to nursing
issues or problems that is important to the client and the researcher.
Field Studies-natural investigation done in the community, such as in nursing homes, housing project
Data Collection
1. Quantitative Measurement
a. Scale of Measurement refers to a device that assigns code numbers. (0-10
2. Qualitative Description
1. Nominal name and classifies persons or objects into 2 or more categories having
common set of characteristics
2. Ordinal classifies subject or objects by ranking them from the highest to lowest
Likert Scale respondent are asked to indicate the degree to which they
agree or disagree.
Graphic Rating Scale respondents are asked to respond in a bipolar continuum
(highest to lowest or most to least)
Guttman Scale used to assess the attitudes of the respondents using a continuum
of cumulative statements
Semantic Differential use to measure the meaning of concept to determine the
emotional evaluative response
Statistical Measurement
Kinds of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics intended to organize and summarize numerical
data from population and sample.
Inferential Statistics concerned with population and the use of sample
data to predict future occurrence.
Mode the number that occurs most frequent
Median divides the distribution at the 50th percentile
Mean the arithmetic average (summation of all scores divided by number of cases)
Correlation reflects the relationship between two variables (Pearson Correlation
Spearman Rank Correlation)
T test designed to examine the statically difference between two means
Z test unrelated groups
ANOVA same with t test but more versatile because it can compare two or more
APA Citations
Citing References:
Father of Jesus,
We praise you and give you glory
For the wonderful things you do for us;
For life and health,
for friends and family,
for this splendid day.
Our Father...
Which one of the following criteria should be
considered as a top priority in nursing care?
A. Avoidance of destructive changes
B. Preservation of life
C. Assurance of safety
D. Preservation of integrity
Which of the following measures will best prevent
manipulation of vulnerable groups?
A. Secure informed consent
B. Payment of stipends for subjects
C. Protect privacy of patient
D. Ensure confidentiality of data
Which of the following procedures ensures that Ms.
Montana has fully described to prospective subjects the
nature of the study and the subject’s rights?
A. Debriefing
B. Full disclosure
C. Informed consent
D. Covert data collection
After the review session has been completed, Karen
and the staff signed the document. Which of the
following is the purpose of this?
A. Agree about the content of the evaluation.
B. Signify disagreement of the content of the evaluation.
C. Document that Karen and the staff reviewed the
D. Serve as basis for future evaluation.
This technique refers to the use of multiple referents
to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth
A. Triangulation
B. Experiment
C. Meta-analysis
D. Delphi technique
The statement, “Ninety percent (90%) of the
respondents are female staff nurses validates previous
research findings (Santos, 2001; Reyes, 2005) that the
nursing profession is largely a female dominated
profession is an example of
A. implication
B. interpretation
C. analysis
D. conclusion
He plans to use a Likert Scale to determine
A. degree of agreement and disagreement
B. compliance to expected standards
C. level of satisfaction
D. degree of acceptance
Which of the following is NOT true about a
hypothesis? Hypothesis is:
A. testable
B. proven
C. stated in a form that it can be accepted or rejected
D. states a relationship between variables
The study is said to be completed when Ms.
Montana achieved which of the following activities?
A. Published the results in a nursing journal.
B. Presented the study in a research forum.
C. The results of the study is used by the nurses in the hospital
D. Submitted the research report to the CEO.
While reviewing journal articles, Stephanie got
interested in reading the brief summary of the article
placed at the beginning of the journal report. Which of
the following refers to this?
A. Introduction
B. Preface
C. Abstract
D. Background
She notes down ideas that were derived from the
description of an investigation written by the person
who conducted it. Which type of reference source
to this?
A. Footnote
B. Bibliography
C. Primary source
This kind of research gathers data in detail about a
individual or groups and presented in narrative form,
which is
A. Case study
B. Historical
C. Analytical
D. Experimental
She notes that the dependent variable in the
hypothesis “Duration of sleep of cuddled infants is
longer than those infants who are not cuddled by
mothers” is
A. Cuddled infants
B. Duration of sleep
C. Infants
D. Absence of cuddling
She states the hypothesis of the study. Which of the
following is a null hypothesis?
A. Infants who are breastfed have the same weight as
those who are bottle fed.
B. Bottle-fed infants have lower weight than breast-fed
C. Cuddled infants sleep longer than those who are left
by themselves to sleep.
D. Children of absentee parents are more prone to
experience depression than those who live with both
During data collection, Harry encounters a patient
who refuses to talk to him. Which of the following is a
limitation of the study?
A. Patient’s refusal to fully divulge information.
B. Patients with history of fever and cough
C. Patients admitted or who seeks consultation at the ER
and doctors offices
D. Contacts of patients with history of fever and cough
The use of another person’s ideas or wordings
without giving appropriate credit results from
inaccurate or incomplete attribution of materials to
its resources. Which of the following is referred to
when another person’s idea is inappropriately
credited as one’s own?
a. Plagiarism
b. Quotation
c. Assumption
d. Paraphrase
Which of the following usually refers to the
independent variables in doing research?
a. Result
b. Cause
c. Output
d. Effect
The information that an investigator like Vinz
collects from the subjects or participants in a
research study is usually called:
a. Hypothesis
b. Data
c. Variable
d. Concept
Medel conducts sampling at Barangay Maligaya. He
collected 100 random individuals and determine
who is their favorite actor. 50% said Piolo, 20% said
John Lloyd, while some answered Sam, Dingdong,
Richard, and Derek. Medel conducted what type of
research study?
a. Phenomenological
b. Case study
c. Non experimental
d. Survey
Diana, Arlene, and Sally are to conduct a study about
relationship of the number of family members in the
household and the electricity bill, which of the
following is the best research design suited for this
1. Descriptive
2. Exploratory
3. Explanatory
4. Correlational
5. Comparative
6. Experimental
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 5
c. 3 and 6
d. 1 and 5
e. 2 and 4
Jezza and Jenny researched about TB – its
transmission, causative agent and factors,
treatment, signs and symptoms, as well as
medication and all other in-depth information about
tuberculosis. This study is best suited for which
research design?
a. Historical
b. Case study
c. Phenomenological
“A supposition or system of ideas that is
proposed to
explain a given phenomenon”, best defines:
a. A paradigm
b. A concept
c. A theory
d. A conceptual framework
An 85 year old client in a nursing home tells a nurse,
“I signed the papers for that research study because
the doctor was so insistent and I want him to
continue taking care of me”. Which client right is
being violated?
a. Right of self determination
b. Right to privacy and confidentiality
c. Right to full disclosure
d. Right not to be harmed
In the hypothesis: “The utilization of technology in
teaching improves the retention and attention of the
nursing students,” which is the dependent variable?
a. Utilization of technology
b. Improvement in the retention and attention
c. Nursing students
d. Teaching
In any research study where individual persons are
involved, it is important that an informed consent of
the study is obtained. The following are essential
information about the consent that you should
disclose to the prospective subjects except:
a. Consent to incomplete disclosure
b. Description of benefits, risks, and discomforts
c. Explanation of procedure
d. Assurance of anonymity and confidentiality
The researcher implemented a medication regimen
using a new type of combination drugs to manic
patients while another group of manic patients
receives the routine drugs. The researcher however
handpicked the experimental group for they are the
clients with multiple episodes if bipolar disorder. The
researcher utilized which research design?
a. Quasi experimental
b. Pure experimental
c. Phenomenological
d. Longitudinal
Which of the following is not true about a pure
experimental research?
a. There is a control group
b. There is an experimental group
c. Selection of subjects in the control group is
d. There is a careful
A professional nurse can do research for varied
reasons except:
a. Professional advancement through research
b. To validate results of new nursing modalities
c. For financial gains
d. To improve nursing care
Each nurse participant was asked to identify a
problem. After the identification of the research
problem, which of the following should be done?
a. Methodology
b. Review of related literature
c. Acknowledgement
d. Formulate hypothesis
Which of the following communicate the results of
the research to the readers. They facilitate the
description of the data.
a. Hypothesis
b. Statistics
c. Research problem
d. Tables and graphs
She knows that there are three elements of
experimental research. Which is NOT included?
A. Manipulation
B. Randomization
C. Control
D. Trial
One of the related studies that she reads is a
phenomenological research. Which of the following
questions is answered by this type of qualitative
A. ” What is the way of life of this cultural group?”
B. “What is the effect of the intervention to the
dependent variable?”
C. “What the essence of the phenomenon is as
experienced by these people?”
D. “What is the core category that is central in explaining
what is going on in that social scene?”
Harry knows that he has to protect the rights of
human research subjects. Which of the following actions
of Harry ensures anonymity?
A. Keep the identities of the subject secret
B. Obtain informed consent
C. Provide equal treatment to all the subjects of the study.
D. Release findings only to the participants of the study