Motivational Theories

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© Prentice Hall, 2002

Learning Objectives
You should learn to:
Define the motivation process
Describe three early motivation theories
Explain how goals motivate people
Differentiate reinforcement theory from
goal-setting theory
Identify ways to design motivating jobs

© Prentice Hall, 2002 16-2

Learning Objectives (cont.)
You should learn to:
Describe the motivational implications of
equity theory
Explain the key relationships in expectancy
Describe current motivation issues facing
Identify management practices that are
likely to lead to more motivated employees

What Is Motivation?
the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach
organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability
to satisfy some individual need
 effort - a measure of intensity or drive
 goals - effort should be directed toward, and consistent with,
organizational goals
 needs - motivation is a need-satisfying process

need - an internal state that makes certain outcomes

appear attractive
 unsatisfied needs create tensions that stimulate drives
 drives lead to search behavior

The Motivation Process

Unsatisfied Search Satisfied Reduction

Tension Drives
Need Behavior Need of Tension

Early Theories Of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
lower-order needs - largely satisfied externally
 physiological - food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction
 safety - security and protection from physical and emotional
 assurance that physiological needs will be satisfied

Higher-order needs - largely satisfied internally

 social - affection, belongingness, acceptance
 esteem - internal factors like self-respect, autonomy
 external factors like status, recognition, attention

 self-actualization - achieving one’s potential

Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (cont.)
Each level in hierarchy must be satisfied
before the next is activated
once a need is substantially satisfied it

no longer motivates behavior

theory received wide recognition
little research support for the validity of
the theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs





Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.)
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X - assumes that workers have little ambition,
dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be
closely controlled
 assumed that lower-order needs dominated
Theory Y - assumes that workers can exercise self-
direction, accept and actually seek out responsibility,
and consider work to be a natural activity
 assumed that higher-order needs dominated
no evidence that either set of assumptions is valid
no evidence that managing on the basis of Theory Y
makes employees more motivated

Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.)
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
intrinsic characteristics consistently related to job satisfaction
 motivator factors energize employees
extrinsic characteristics consistently related to job
 hygiene factors don’t motivate employees
proposed dual continua for satisfaction and dissatisfaction
theory enjoyed wide popularity
 influenced job design
theory was roundly criticized

Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene

Contrasting Views Of Satisfaction-
Traditional View

Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

Herzberg’s View

Motivators Hygienes
Satisfaction No Satisfaction No Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Three-Needs Theory - McClelland
need for achievement - drive to excel, to achieve in
relation to a set of standards, and to strive to succeed
 do not strive for trappings and rewards of success
 prefer jobs that offer personal responsibility
 want rapid and unambiguous feedback
 set moderately challenging goals
 avoid very easy or very difficult tasks

 high achievers don’t necessarily make good managers

 focus on their own accomplishments

 good managers emphasize helping others to accomplish

their goals

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Three-Needs Theory (cont.)
need for power (nPow)
need to make others behave in a way that
they would not have behaved otherwise
need for affiliation (nAff)
desire for friendly and close interpersonal
best managers tend to be high in the need
for power and low in the need for affiliation

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Goal-Setting Theory
intention to work toward a goal is a major source of job
specific goals increase performance
 difficult goal, when accepted, results in higher performance
than does an easy goal
 specific hard goals produce a higher level of output than does

the generalized goal of “do your best”

participation in goal setting is useful
 reduces resistance to accepting difficult goals
 increases goal acceptance

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Goal-Setting Theory (cont.)
feedback is useful
 helps identify discrepancies between what has been accomplished and
what needs to be done
 self-generated feedback is a powerful motivator

contingencies in goal-setting theory

 goal commitment - theory presupposes that individual is determined
to accomplish the goal
 most likely to occur when:

 goals are made public

 individual has an internal locus of control

 goals are self-set rather than assigned

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Goal-Setting Theory (cont.)
contingencies (cont.)
 self-efficacy - an individual’s belief that s/he is capable of
performing a task
 higher self-efficacy, greater motivation to attain goals

 national culture - theory is culture bound

 main ideas align with North American cultures

 goal setting may not lead to higher performance in other


Guidelines for Job Redesign

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Reinforcement Theory
behavior is solely a function of its consequences
behavior is externally caused
reinforcers - consequences that, when given
immediately following a behavior, affect the
probability that the behavior will be repeated
managers can influence employees’ behavior by
reinforcing actions deemed desirable
emphasis in on positive reinforcement, not

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Designing Motivating Jobs
Job Design - the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs
 historically, concentrated on making jobs more specialized
Job Enlargement - horizontal expansion of job
 job scope - the number of different tasks required in a job and the
frequency with which these tasks are repeated
 provides few challenges, little meaning to workers’ activities
 only addresses the lack of variety in specialized jobs

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.)
Job Enrichment - vertical expansion of job
job depth - degree of control employees
have over their work
empowers employees to do tasks typically

performed by their managers

research evidence has been inconclusive

about the effect of job enrichment on


Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.)
Job Characteristics Model (JCM) - conceptual
framework for analyzing jobs
 jobs described in terms of five core characteristics
 skill variety - degree to which job requires a variety of

 more variety, greater need to use different skills

 task identity - degree to which job requires completion of an

identifiable piece of work

 task significance - degree to which job has substantial

impact on the lives of other people

 these three characteristics create meaningful work

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.)
JCM (cont.)
 core characteristics (cont.)
 autonomy - degree to which job provides substantial freedom,

independence, and discretion in performing the work

 give employee a feeling of personal responsibility

 feedback - degree to which carrying out the job results in receiving

clear information about the effectiveness with which it has been

 employee knows how effectively s/he is performing

Job Characteristics Model
Core Job Critical Personal and
Dimensions Psychological States Work Outcomes
High Internal
Skill Variety Experienced Work Motivation
Task Identity meaningfulness
Task Significance of the work
Work Performance
Experienced responsibility
for outcomes of work
High Satisfaction
with the Work
Knowledge of the actual
Feedback Low Absenteeism
results of the work
and Turnover

Strength of Employee Growth

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.)
JCM (cont.)
links between core characteristics and
outcomes are moderated by the strength
of the individual’s growth need
growth need - person’s desire for self-

esteem and self-actualization

model offers specific guidance for job

Guidelines For Job Redesign
Suggested Core Job
Actions Dimensions

Combining Tasks Skill Variety

Forming Natural
Work Units Task Identity

Forming Natural
Work Units Task Significance

Load Vertically Autonomy

Opening Feedback
Channels Feedback
Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Equity Theory
proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job
(outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs)
input/outcome ratio compared with the ratios of relevant
 equity - ratio is equal to that of relevant others
 inequity - ratio is unequal to that of relevant others

referent (relevant other) may be:

 other - individuals with similar jobs
 a system - includes organizational pay policies and administrative
 self - past personal experiences and contacts

Equity Theory

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Equity Theory (cont.)
when inequities are perceived, employees act to correct the
 distort either their own or others’ inputs or outputs
 behave in a way to induce others to change their inputs or outputs

 behave in a way to change their own inputs or outputs

 choose a different comparison person

 quit their jobs

theory leaves some issues unclear

Contemporary Theories Of Motivation
Expectancy Theory
theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way
based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given
outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the
 Expectancy (effort-performance linkage) - perceived probability that
exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of
 Instrumentality (performance-reward linkage) - strength of belief
that performing at a particular level is instrumental in attaining an
 Valence - attractiveness or importance of the potential outcome

Simplified Expectancy Model

Individual Individual Organizational Individual

Effort Performance Rewards Goals

A = Effort-performance linkage

B = Performance-reward linkage

C = Attractiveness

Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Expectancy Theory (cont.)
theory emphasizes rewards
 organizational rewards must align with the individual’s wants
no universal principle for explaining what motivates
 managers must understand why employees view certain
outcomes as attractive or unattractive
most comprehensive and widely accepted explanation of
employee motivation

Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation

Current Issues In Motivation
Motivating a Diverse Workforce
flexibility is the key to motivating a
diverse workforce
diverse array of rewards necessary to
satisfy diverse personal needs and goals
Flexible Working Schedule
compressed workweek - employees
work longer hours per day but fewer days
per week

Current Issues In Motivation (cont.)
Motivating a Diverse Workforce (cont.)
Flexible Working Schedule (cont.)
 flexible work hours (flextime) - employees required to work
a specific number of hours a week but are free to vary those
hours within certain limits
 system entails common core hours when all employees are

required to be on the job

 starting, ending, and lunch-hour times are flexible

 job sharing - two or more people split a full-time job

 telecommuting - employees work at home and are linked to

the workplace by computer and modem

Current Issues In Motivation (cont.)
Motivating a Diverse Workforce (cont.)
Cultural Differences in Motivation
 motivation theories developed in the U.S. and validated with
American workers
 may be some cross-cultural consistencies

instead of paying for time on the job, pay is adjusted to reflect
some performance measure
compatible with expectancy theory
 imparts strong performance-reward linkage
programs are gaining in popularity
 research suggests that programs affect performance

Current Issues In Motivation (cont.)
Open-Book Management
involve employees in workplace decisions by opening up the
financial statements
workers treated as business partners
get workers to think like an owner
may also provide bonuses based on profit improvements
Motivating the “New Workforce”
Motivating Professionals - professionals tend to derive
intrinsic satisfaction from their work and receive high pay
 more loyal to their profession than their employer
 value challenging jobs and support for their work

Current Issues In Motivation (cont.)
Motivating the “New Workforce” (cont.)
Motivating Contingent Workers - part-time, contract, or
temporary workers
 less security and stability than permanent employees
 receive fewer benefits

 display little identification or commitment to their employers

 hard to motivate contingent workers
 opportunity to become a permanent employee

 opportunity for training

 repercussions of mixing permanent and contingent workers when pay

differentials are significant

Current Issues In Motivation (cont.)
Motivating the “New Workforce” (cont.)
Motivating Low-Skilled, Minimum-Wage Employees
 difficult challenge to keep performance levels high
 employee recognition programs
 highlight employees whose work performance has been good

 encourage others to perform better

 power of praise

 in service industries, empower front-line employees to address

customers’ problems
 tie compensation to customer satisfaction

From Theory To Practice
Match people
to jobs

Don’t ignore
Use goals
money Suggestions
Ensure that goals
Check the system Employees are perceived as
for equity

Link rewards Individualize

to performance rewards


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