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 EDPMS - online software – Introduced by the
RBI in 2014 for all banks
 Banks bring in their transactions with the
exporters online.
 Data is then matched with the data on inward
remittance of export proceeds from the
exporting company
 RBI constituted a working group which
included FED,DGFT,SEZ,FEDAI & selected
authorized dealers,
 to frame a comprehensive IT system to
facilitate efficient processing of all Export
transactions and effective monitoring
 EoDB – Ease of doing business – Easy and
 Data to be uploaded regularly
 Caution list
 Packing Credit
 Non negotiation of Letter of Credit
 Transparency

 Improve Business climate

 Check on dollar remittances
 Manage operations in FOREX Market
 Directorate of Enforcement (ED)

 FIRC is issued against any receipt of amount

from foreign countries by a bank to their
 It can be an advance payment against export
proceeds, ocean or airfreight, or
remuneration or wages under consultancy
charges or for any other reasons.

 BRC means Bank Realization Certificate issued by bank to

their customers
 Normally BRC is issued by a bank to their customers who
has been in to export business on each shipment of export
 Various export promotion agencies provide incentives,
import duty exemptions and other financial assistance to
the exporters.
 the exporter approaches their bank and submits the proof
of exports and FIRC details (Foreign Inward Remittance
Certificate) to obtain a BRC under each shipment.
Export of Goods and Services
Realisation of export proceeds
It is obligatory on the part of the exporter to realize full value of
the export and bring into India within the specified period.
• 100% EOUs, SEZs, STPs and status Holder Exporters - Within
twelve months from date of export
• Other Exporters - Within nine months.
- If the exporter does not ensure realisation within 12 months
or does not seek extension, matter should be reported to RBI.
• Payment by third Parties
- Allowed subject to A.D. Bank being satisfied with bonafides
of the transaction.
Advance Payment against Expo
Advance payment from buyer abroad may be
I. Shipment should be made within one year.
II. Interest payable, if any, should not exceed LIBOR
+ 100 basis points.
III. Export Documents should be submitted to the
same A.D. Bank through whom advance payment
was received.
IV. Prior approval of RBI required for refund to be
made after one year.
 Direct Dispatch of documents by exporter
Permitted subject to Bank being satisfied with
the track record of the exporter.
 Software Exports
For long duration contracts exporters should bill
the clients periodically i.e. at least once in a
 Export of Goods
On Lease, hire, and on elongated terms will need
prior approval by RBI.
 Submission of documents
Export documents should be submitted to A.D.
Banks within 21 days from the date of shipment.
 Export Bills Register
This should be maintained either in electronic or
physical form and full details of all type of Export
bills should be entered.
 Reduction in invoice value
Up to 25% permitted. Above this, Bank has
 Self-Write Off by Exporters
Up to 10% of export proceeds due in the F.Y.
(Please note this concession is from FEMA angle
and not from credit perspective)

 Agency Commission for Exports

I. Permitted either by reduction in invoice value
or by separate remittance.
II. Should have declared in SDF or a separate
agreement should be there.
 Consolidation of Air Cargo/Sea Cargo 
In respect of negotiation of documents containing
HAWB (House Airway Bills) and FCRs (Forwarders Cargo
Receipt), care should be exercised as these are not
documents of title to goods.
Sanction letters must authorize such
 Reporting by exporter to A.D. bank
Exporter should submit an annual statement within one
month to A.D. bank who should review the operations to
ensure compliance.
 Extension of time for realisation
A.D. banks are authorized to permit extension.
Merchanting Trade (
Intermediary Trade) 

Merchanting transactions are those which involve import

and export but the goods do not enter or leave the shores
of India. Thus, there will be no Bill of Entry or Export
Declaration form (EDF) in these transactions.
RBI Guidelines –
• Both the legs of the transaction should be routed thro’ same
A.D. Bank.
• The entire transaction should be completed in 9 months
and outlay of Forex should not be for more than 4 months.
• If advance is demanded by overseas seller, the same should
be paid against guarantee by a bank abroad.
Export Declaration Forms ( SOFTEX, SDF AND EDF)

All the declaration forms will contain –

• Full details of shipment.
• Declaration that value declared is correct.
• That they will repatriate the proceeds to India within the
prescribed period.
SDF (meant for EDI Ports)
1. To be submitted in duplicate to the customs dept. (annexed
to the shipping bill).
2. Exchange control copy will be handed over to the exporter
after certification.
3. Exporter has to submit this within 21 days of shipment.

  1. To be submitted by the exporter of software in triplicate

to STP, FTZ, EPZ, or SEZ.
 2. After certifying all the three copies, one will be sent to
nearest RBI by the authority and the other copy will be
handed over to the exporter. The third will be retained by
the authority.
 3. The exporter will submit this Exchange Control Copy to
the A.D. Bank along with invoice etc. (as a part of the export
 4. On realization of export proceeds the Bank will certify the
E.C. Copy to this effect and will retain this form with them.
EDF (Erstwhile GR & PP forms) 

• This form is used at Non-EDI Ports.

• To be submitted in duplicate to the customs
• After certification E.C. copy will be handed
over to the exporter.
• The other copy will be submitted to RBI by the
customs dept.
• Exporter has to submit the E.C. copy to the
bank within 21 days.
Project Exports

  Project exports include,

1. Supply contracts on deferred payment terms. 2. Turn
key/civil construction contracts abroad.
A working group (consisting of representatives from RBI,
ECGC,. Exim Bank, GOI and the concerned bank) is
authorized to give approval for project exports
Exporters’ caution list –
• A.D.s can approve SDF of caution listed exporters
provided an advance payment or LC for full value has
been received.
• Guarantees to such exporters need prior approval of RBI.
Self-write off

 Exporter has to submit to A.D. Bank within

one month of close of F.Y, st. of a/c of export
performance giving details of proceeds due,
realised, not realised etc. Banks have to
review the performance and take up follow up

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