Filipino Inventions

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Highmax and Eagle

Eye Security System
by Junior de Jesus
Normally, a car can only burn around 70 percent of injected fuel,
and the remaining 30 percent are often emitted smoke in the air.
Highmax Turbo Power Simulator (HTPS), which is invented by 46-
years old, electrical and electronics technician Junior de Jesus, helps
push fuel-burning to 100 percent.
According to de Jesus, HTPS works
just like a power booster that allows a
car to run faster without adding more
fuel. It “converts atmospheric air into
ozone and hydrogen/nitrous oxide
before it enters the engine to enhance
fuel burning efficiency.” The result:
less fuel consumption.
Last year, HTPS was awarded financial and
technical assistance by the Department of Science
and Technology (DOST). Interestingly, de Jesus has
also invented a unique mobile security alarm called
the “Call Alert Security System,” which can be used
in cars and businesses.

It works by setting off an alarm after 25 seconds,

and then stopping the engine for good. This allows
the owner to search for his stolen vehicle with a
tracking device via a mobile phone.

De Jesus added that GPS isn’t needed to trace a

car, since the owner also has the added option of
Feminine Hygiene
by Dr. Virgilio Malang
Born in San Fernando, Pampanga Philippines, Dr. Virgilio
“Billy” Malang is one of the renowned Filipino inventors.
One of his famous inventions was the Feminine Hygiene or
The External Vaginal Cleanser. It includes the
gynecological douches, genital wash, wipes, and powder.
It was the first advances in feminine hygiene since the
invention of soap. Dr. Malang won a gold medal for the
invention of “Psidium Guajava Effervescing Gynecological
Insert” at the Seoul International Fair in South Korea on
December 2002.
Dr. Malang graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of San
Thomas and a Master’s Degree from the University of the
Philippines. He is also an Author and Entrepreneur, a founder and
CEO at Humana Pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Virgilio Malang
• Feminine Hygiene or External Vaginal
• Vitamin Beer
• Bio-Gas from Water Lily
• Vehicular Earlier Warning Device
• Patient Side-Turning Hospital Bed
• Excised Tissue and Organ Disposer
• Portable Solar Cooker
• Tagay Mug
• Combination Wrench, Pliers, and
• Light Refracting Earpick
• Universal Rod Holder
• Lolligundi
• Alarm For Ambulant Senior Citizens
Bamboo Incubator
by Dr. Fe del Mundo

Often, life finds a way — sometimes,

even earlier than expected. Premature
babies (infants born before the mother’s
37th week of pregnancy) are typically
underdeveloped and low in body fat
percentage, inhibiting their ability to
maintain their normal body temperature.
The modern medical incubator addresses
this; however, not all people who need it
have access to such technology. This is a
particularly serious problem in rural areas,
where such devices are generally
Fortunately, a solution came in the form of the first
Filipino invention on this list: the bamboo incubator,
widely credited as the brainchild of Dr. Fe del Mundo. This
makeshift device is relatively inexpensive and easy to
reproduce, making it ideal for use in rural communities
and areas with no electricity. Developing this ingenious
take on a life-saving machine, though, is far from her only
accomplishment. In 1936, Dr. del Mundo became a
Research Fellow in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
In addition, Dr. Del Mundo was the first woman to be
recognized as a National Scientist here in the Philippines,
way back in 1980. In addition to all that, her passion for
pediatrics and medicine led her to establish the Children’s
Medical Center, the first pediatric hospital in the
Philippines. Truly, Dr. del Mundo is a pioneer thinker, and
The first recorded videophone, or a two-
way television-telephone, was invented by a
Filipino engineer and physicist named Gregorio
Zara. It was taken out of science fiction in
1955 when he first introduced the device and
patented it as a “photo phone signal separator
network”. Apparently, it did not sell. The
videophone that Zara developed wasn’t meant
as a commercial product anyway. But it was
not until the 1960s that AT&T began to work
on a model of a video phone, or
The company released the video phone in 1964 at the New York World’s
“picturephone” for public consumption.
Fair. That did not went well for AT&T too, with the device being seen as
impractical at the time. It made a comeback just as the digital age was
starting late in the 1990s. Video phones took off as a device that made
distant learning and video conferencing easier than ever, in addition to it
Gregorio Zara was born in Lipa
City Philippines, invented the
videophone in 1955 and referred
to as a Photophone separator
signal. Gregorio Zara invented 30
Patented products includingThe
Compass in 1929, Wooden
Microscope, Vapor Chamber and
Robot that talked, walked and
responded to a given command.
Banana Catsup Source
Panlasang Pinoy Banana Catsup is a
condiment that many Filipinos love to use for
almost every known dish in the Philippines.
This was the brainchild of food technologist
Maria Orosa y Ylagan (1893–1945). According
to historical accounts, she created the first
recipe for banana catsup and experimented
with foods that are native to the Philippines
and created food products such as calamansi
nip, which is a powdered form of calamansi to
make calamansi juice, and a powdered version
of soya beans called Soyalac which was used
to help save the lives of many Filipinos,
Americans and others who were held prisoners
in World War II.
• Is an amphibious type of
tricyclr that can sail through
Manila's Flooded streets, cross
rivers and lakes, and can even
go island-hopping.
• Atoy Llave "Atoy Bodykits
• Show the world that Filipino
by Mr Robert Puckett
After the Americans colonized the Philippines, the Filipinos were
able to create their own version of the “jeepney” from scratch.
Ever since, this vehicle can be seen over almost every street and
road in the Philippines and is the primary mode of transportation in
the country. This Philippine vehicle has undergone many
transformations and the modern “E-jeepney” was introduced in
Metro Manila and Bacolod City.
These E-jeepneys, unlike the
standard jeepneys, are nature
friendly as they are noiseless
and smokeless. The E-jeepney
uses electricity which is
significantly cheaper than that
of ordinary diesel.
by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar

Modern antibiotics have Dr. Abelardo

Aguilar to thank, a doctor hailing from Iloilo
who observed the antibacterial actions of
the Aspergillus species of fungi in his
hometown. Erythromycin was meant to be
an alternative to penicillin, for those who
were allergic to the latter. He sent the
samples to his employer, Eli Lilly Co., who
quickly patented and marketed the medicine
under the brand name Ilosone, in honor of
the place where it was discovered. Abelardo,
however, never received any royalties from
his discovery up until his death.
Medical Incubator
by Fedelmundo Fe del Mundo
Fedelmundo Fe del Mundo is the first Asian who was able to enter the
prestigious Harvard University’s School of Medicine. She is credited for her
studies that led to the creation and development of the incubator and
jaundice relieveing device. Accoding to Wikipilipinas, this improvised
incubator comprised of two native laundry baskets that was placed one inside
of the other. Hot water bottles were arranged around, and in-between the two
baskets to provide warmth. It also included a makeshift hood over the
overlapping baskets so that oxygen will be able to circulate within.

This was created in order to

address the needs of families in
rural areas that have no
electricity that is needed to
regulate the body temperature
of new born babies.

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