Practical Guide To Thermal Power Station Chemistry
Practical Guide To Thermal Power Station Chemistry
Practical Guide To Thermal Power Station Chemistry
of Effluent in STP/ETP
Mfd by: Trendy Microbial Solutions
Udyog Aadhaar DL09A0001311
Our product (Odour Diminisher Efflu Treat) includes both aerobic and
anaerobic species of microorganisms, which co-exist in an environment.
These micro-organisms secret beneficial substances such as vitamins,
organic acids, chelated minerals, enzymes and antioxidants in a
synergistic way, when it comes in contact with organic matter.
Animal waste
Ponds, rivers from poultry,
& lakes. cattle
piggeries etc.
Chemical Input – Its use obviates the need for chemicals like Lime, Alum, Ferric
Chloride, Ferrous Sulphate, Polyelectrolytes and acids used in pH neutralization.
Water – Waste water after being cleaned with our product can be reused.
The cost is almost negligible, compared to the cost of treating garbage with lime &