7 Atomic Software Component

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Atomic Software Component +

Shyam Bhat
Atomic Software component is smallest deliverable module
which encapsulates an application capable of running on
AUTOSAR infrastructure.

These are present in BSW and ASW. ASW software components

are not predefined but BSW software components are
predefined. (Specifications and not implementation)

Software component = (Implementation) + (Software

Component Description)

Software component description is arxml file containing all

details and configurations needed for integrating the SWC in
Autosar infrastructure
Q: How do software components communicate?

Ans: Via Ports, Interfaces and Connectors

SWC implements its ports and interfaces
RTE implements the connectors

In AUTOSAR, The SWCs who are communicating doesn’t

know with whom am I communicating? How do you ask?
Well once u understand the ports, interfaces and
connectors and what is RTE, you will be clear.

So lets understand them one by one.

Ports are junctions of contact of a software component.

Ports can be of 2 types:

1) P-Port (Provider Port)
2) R-Port (Receiver Port)

 If the software component is providing either data or service

then it uses a P-Port

 If the software component is either recieveing a data or

requesting for a service then it uses a R-Port.
Interfaces are the means of communication between software

The communication might be data oriented or service oriented

Depending on this factor there can be two kinds of Interfaces
 Sender – Receiver Interface (Data Oriented)
 Client – Server Interface (Service Oriented)

 One port has one interface among four interfaces.

 Software component doesn’t know which interfaces are

connected. Its handled by RTE
Data Oriented Interface

SWC1 wants to output a data element, it uses a Sender interface

SWC2 needs a data element, it uses a Receiver interface.

For a data element, there can be only one sender interface but
there can be multiple Receiver Interfaces
Service Oriented Interface

SWC which provides the service is server and one who request is

Single server can have multiple clients.

The service is implemented as API (Take UPI Apps for example)

Re-entrant and Non Re-entrant APIs

Synchronous and Asynchronous APIs

Connectors are link between interfaces, realizing the

Any two SWC in ASW or an SWC in ASW to SWC in BSW

communication must be realized by connector.

RTE is nothing but Collection of these connectors (major

functionality of RTE) = AUTOSAR INTEGRATION

RTE (Real Time Environment) is Implementation of VFB in a

particular ECU.

Assembly connectors and Delegation connectors

Ports and interfaces are created in configuration.

Interface value updated in SWC Runnable.

Connectors link the runnable

Format: Rte_Write_<blablabla>() and Rte_Read_<blablabla>()

All connectors are in form of APIs

Lets see an example

 Data communication from SWC CanMgr to SWC RstEdr via RTE

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