Enzymes Ppt-Nandana
Enzymes Ppt-Nandana
Enzymes Ppt-Nandana
- Plant and animal tissues contain more potentially harmful materials than
microbes, including phenolic compounds (from plants).
Fungal Enzymes
Enzyme EC Sources Application
• Organellar, isolate the organelle from the rest of the cell component, then extract
the enzyme from the organelle
• Extracellular, remove the cells from the enzyme solution (eg growth medium)
The first enzyme solution that one gets is known as the crude enzyme extract. It is not
pure and contains impurities such as other enzymes and proteins, sugars, vitamins etc.
• If it is intracellular, then the crude enzyme extract is the one obtained after
extraction from the cell.
• If extracellular, then the enzyme is in the growth medium/serum (usually induced by
addition of substrates or substrate analague)
3. Stabilise the enzyme. Enzyme is usually stabilized by buffering the pH of the extraction
solution, keeping at low T and by addition of protease inhibitors.
4. Purify: Determine the level of purity that is required and devise a set of purification
protocol or regime.
5. Determine the activity and characterize the enzyme Information regarding an enzyme is
useful for industrial/medical/food applications.
Extraction Techniques
• Extraction techniques are devised to release an enzyme from the cell, or if organellar,
from the organelle.
The choice of technique is dependent on the source of cell plant, animal or microorganism.
Harsher techniques are used to break cells with cell wall.
• Extraction must be carried out a low T (4°C) and as soon as possible to minimize losses
due to proteolytic activity and general tissue breakdown. Otherwise, keep sample/source
frozen or cold.
• An enzyme is usually extracted into a solution that can stabilize it eg a buffer.
• Some compounds that are present in a cell can reduce the quantity (therefore,
activity) of the enzyme being extracted eg phenolic compounds that are often
present in plants and some fungi.
• Losses due to phenolic compounds can be reduced by the addition of one of the
following in the extraction medium:
1. polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)
2. beta- mercaptoethanol
3. ascorbic acid
4. Thioglycolate
• There are many techniques to break a cell. These techniques can be divided into
3 types depending on the structure of the cell:
1. gentle
2. moderate
3. vigorous (harsh/strong)
A. Gentle Cell Disruption Techniques
For enzyme purification, commonly used chromatography techniques are: (i) Ion
exchange chromatography; (ii) Adsorption chromatography; (iii) Gel filtration
chromatography and (iv) Affinity chromatography.
•Most commonly used electrophoretic technique is Polyacrylamide Gel
Electrophoresis (PAGE) for enzyme purification.
•Dialysis is used for removal of low molecular weight contaminants, salt etc.
•Acetone is used for fractionation of the enzyme protein. While using acetone,
extreme care is to be taken otherwise acetone will denature the enzyme protein.
Immobilized Enzyme Systems
Enzyme Immobilization:
To restrict enzyme mobility in a fixed space.
Immobilized Enzyme Systems
Enzyme Immobilization:
- Re-use of enzymes for many reaction cycles, lowering the total production
cost of enzyme mediated reactions.
- Diffusional limitation
Immobilized Enzyme Systems
- Entrapment
- Surface Immobilization
- Cross-linking
Immobilized Enzyme Systems
It is to cross link enzyme molecules with each other using agents such as
Features: similar to covalent binding.
Making improved products
• Since the early 1980s, companies
which produce enzymes have been
using genetic engineering
techniques to improve production
efficiency and quality and to
develop new products.
• There are clear advantages here for
both industry and consumers, with
major improvements in enzyme
production giving better products
and processes.
• However, progress is being slowed
down because the debate on some
other, more controversial
applications of biotechnology -
such as genetic engineering in
animals - is continuing throughout
• At present, modern biotechnology can be used to give a range of advances
in enzymatic production technology:
• Renin is used to manufacture cheese and hydrolys proteins.
• Lipases are used in ripening of cheese.
• Lactases are used to break down lactose to glucose and galactose.
• Enzymes increase processing capacity and improve economy in the fruit juice and wine
• The most commonly used enzymes in these industries are pectinases which increase juice
yields and accelerate juice clarification.
• They produce clear and stable single-strength juices, juice concentrates and wines, from not
only core-fruits such as apples and pears, but also stone fruits, berries, grapes, citrus-fruits,
tropical fruits and vegetables like carrots, beets and green peppers
• These products not only increase juice yields, but also increase the color and health-
promoting antioxidants in fruit and vegetable juices extracted by pressing or decanter
• By reducing fruit and vegetable mash viscosity and improving solid/liquid separation, they
increase color extraction and juice volume
• Pectinase and Amylase enzyme solutions speed up filtration and prevent storage or post-
packaging haze formation by depectinizing and reducing starch in raw juices. Pectin and
starch must be removed from freshly extracted juices prior to filtration, fining and
• Pectinase and Amylase can reduce starch and pectin in raw fruits and juices, thus achieving
clear and stable juices and juice concentrates
• Bread is the most common and traditional foods around the world
• But bread actually has close links with enzymes. For years, enzymes such as malt
and fungal alpha-amylase have been used in bread making.
• Due to the changes in the baking industry and the ever-increasing demand for
more natural products, enzymes have gained real importance in bread-making.
• Amylases degrade starch and produce small dextrins for the yeast to act.
• The strength of this network is very important for the quality of all bread raised by
• Enzymes such as proteases, xylanases and lipases directly or indirectly improve the
strength of the gluten network and so improve the quality the bread.
Conclusions and Future Perspectives
• The integration of enzymes in food and feed processes is a well-established
• Clearly shows that dedicated research efforts are consistently being made as to
make this application of biological agents more effective and/or diversified.
• These endeavours have been anchoring in innovative approaches for the
design of new/improved biocatalysts, more stable (to temperature and pH),
less dependent on metal ions and less susceptible to inhibitory agents and to
aggressive environmental conditions.
• Enhanced performance under operational conditions that minimize the risk of
microbial contamination.
• It also favours process integration, by allowing the concerted use of enzymes
that naturally have diverse requirements for effective application.