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Light Weight Concrete

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Light Weight Concrete

Om R Tundalwar
Class: M.Tech(Structural Engg)
Roll No.M2192022

MIT School Of Engineering 1

• Light weight concrete is a special concrete which weighs lighter than
conventional concrete.
• Density of this concrete is considerably low (300 kg/m3 to 1850 kg/m3)
when compared to normal concrete (2200kg/m3 to 2600kg/m3).
• Three types of LWC –
1. Light weight aggregate concrete
2. Aerated concrete
3. No – fines concrete
• The lightweight aggregates used are usually expanded shale, clay, or slate
materials that have been fired in a rotary kiln to give them a porous
structure, similar to volcanic rock. In some mixes air cooled blast furnace
slag is also used.
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• The basic principle behind the making of light weight concrete is by
inducing the air in concrete.
• To achieve the above principle practically, there are 3 different ways.
1. By replacing the conventional aggregates by cellular porous
aggregates (Light weight aggregate Concrete).
2. By incorporating the air or gas bubbles in concrete (Aerated
3. By omitting the sand from the concrete (No- fines concrete).

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• Reduces the dead load of the building.
• Easy to handle and hence reduces the cost of transportation and
• Improves the workability.
• Relatively low thermal conductivity.
• Comparatively more durable.
• Good resistance to freezing & thawing action when compared to
conventional concrete.

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• Very Sensitive with water content in the mixture.
• Difficult to place and finish because of porosity and angularity of the
aggregate .In some mixes the cement mortar may separate the
aggregate and float towards the surface.
• Mixing time is longer than conventional concrete to assure proper
mixing .
• Lightweight Concrete are porous and shows poor resistance

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• Since the strength of L.W.C. is low, it is used in the construction of
roof slabs, small houses with load bearing walls etc.
• It is also used in the construction of stairs, windows, garden walls, etc.
• In large buildings also, this is used in the construction of partition
• These are moulded in the form of slabs and used as thermal insulators
inside the building.

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• Screeds and thickening for general purposes especially when such screeds or
thickening and Screeds and walls where timber has to be attached by nailing.
• Casting structural steel to protect its against fire and corrosion or as a covering for
architectural purposes.
• Heat insulation on roofs.
• Insulating water pipes.
• Construction of partition walls and panel walls in frame structures.
• Fixing bricks to receive nails from joinery, principally in domestic or domestic
type construction.
• General insulation of walls.
• Surface rendered for external walls of small houses.
• It is also being used for reinforced concrete.
• weight to floors roofs and other structural members.
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• Basically two types of light weight aggregates
1. Natural aggregates
2. Artificial aggregates
• Natural light weight aggregates are less preferred over artificial aggregates.
• Important natural aggregates – Pumice & Scoria
• Artificial aggregates are usually produced by expanding the rocks such as
Shale, Slate, Perlite, Vermiculite, etc.
• Type of aggregates decides the density of concrete.
• Density of concrete as low as 300 kg/m3 can be achieved.
• Compressive strength varies from 0.3Mpa to 40Mpa.
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• Pumice – is used for reinforced concrete roof slab, mainly for
industrial roofs in Germany.
• Foamed Slag – was the first lightweight aggregate suitable for
reinforced concrete that was produced in large quantity.
• Expanded Clays and Shales – capable of achieving sufficiently high
strength for prestressed concrete. Well established under the trade
names of Aglite and Leca , Haydite, Rocklite, Gravelite and Aglite .

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• Sintered Pulverised – fuel ash aggregate – is being used in
the UK for a variety of structural purposes and is being
marketed under the trade name Lytag

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Factors Affecting Durability of Lightweight
Concrete and its Remedies
• Following are the different durability properties of lightweight
concrete and its remedies:
1. Freezing and thawing resistance
2. Lightweight aggregate resistance against chemical attack
3. Abrasion resistance
4. Carbonation
5. Corrosion resistance of reinforced lightweight concrete

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Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Lightweight
• The resistance of lightweight concrete against freezing and thawing effect is
based on number of factor such as types of aggregates, proportions of
concrete mixture, aggregate moisture content, and the percentage of air
• It is demonstrated through tests that, the durability of non-air entrained
lightweight concrete under freezing and thawing condition is better than
then non-air entrained normal weight concrete, specifically if natural fines
are utilized.
• Regarding air entrained performance under freezing and thawing
conditions, the ability of lightweight concrete that is produced with
lightweight aggregate in air dry condition is considerably greater than that
of normal weight concrete.
• Freezing and thawing resistance of high strength lightweight concrete,
which its compressive strength ranges between 54 and 73 MPa, is
exceptional and substantially great.
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Lightweight Aggregate Resistance Against
Chemical Attack
• Lightweight coarse aggregates are not likely to react with alkalis ,
therefore, chemical attacks might not influence lightweight concrete
the same way as normal weight concrete. Lightweight concrete matrix
usually has high cement content a d low free water to cement ratio
which make the penetration difficult.
• Dense fines are applied in the production of the majority of structural
grades of lightweight aggregate concrete, that is why such concrete
need to be investigated for possible reactivity

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Abrasion Resistance of Lightweight Concrete
• Lightweight concrete resistance against abrasion is based on strength,
hardness, toughness characteristics of aggregate and cement paste, and the
bond between aggregate and cement paste. The resistance of lightweight
concrete is enhanced as the properties are improved.
• Lightweight aggregate resistance to abrasion is decreased substantially if
the aggregate particles are exposed. It is reported that, the resistance of
lightweight concrete used in the construction of bridge deck subjected to
hundred million crossings of vehicles show similar resistance to that of
normal weight concrete.
• It is advised to undertake certain level of restrictions in commercial
utilization where steel wheeled industrial vehicles are employed although
surface protection is usually provided in such applications.

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Carbonation of Lightweight Concrete
• Carbonation is the reaction between calcium hydroxide produced because of
cement hydration and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This will create
calcium carbonate that lead to reduce alkalinity, which naturally protect
embedded reinforcement from corrosion in concrete.
• Most of lightweight aggregates are porous that makes lightweight concrete
more previous and permits gas diffusion for instance carbon dioxide.
• This problem can be tackled provided that a good aggregate distribution is
obtained and continuous paths though particles to the steel reinforcement is
avoided to decrease carbonation rate.
• The ability of lightweight concrete to withstand carbonation can be
improved by providing thick concrete cover and increase the amount of
cement content. It is shown through tests that the depth of carbonation is
quite small if the amount of cement content is larger than 350 Kg/m3.
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Corrosion Resistance of Reinforced Lightweight
• Concrete alkalinity provides a protective layer to steel reinforcement
and avoids steel corrosion. The alkalinity of concrete can be increased
by using large percentage of cement and it is recommended to be
greater than 350 Kg/m3 otherwise the steel reinforcements will be
corroded quickly.
• Apart from using large amount of cement, it is highly advantageous
and beneficiary to compact the concrete adequately because it
contributes to the concrete resistance against carbonation ingression.
Providing large concrete cover is another technique to decrease
carbonation rate.

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• Difficult to decide water – cement ratio, due to variable water
absorption by aggregates.
• Generally done by trial mixing.
• Pre – saturation of aggregates is done to avoid excessive absorption of
water by aggregates.
• Concrete with saturated aggregates will have higher density, which is
bad in freezing & thawing action.
• In rare cases, aggregates are coated with bitumen to overcome the
water absorption problem.

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• Compression strength value is compared to normal concrete and
replacement of Coarse aggregate by Pumice from different
percentages (50%, 60%, 70%).
• Maximum value of strength is obtained in 60%replacement by Pumice
with coarse aggregate.
• Concrete with 60% replacement of pumice the compressive strength is
comparable with normal concrete.
• This type of concrete can be utilized in wall panels of non load bearing
type for use in precast buildings.

MIT School Of Engineering 19

Thank You

MIT School Of Engineering 20

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