Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation
Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation
Basic Economic Ideas and Resource Allocation
A level
Economic Efficiency
Where the scarce resources are used in the most
efficient way to produce maximum output
Productive efficiency
When the firm produces at the lowest possible cost.
Condition: P = min AC
Allocative Efficiency
Allocating the right amount of scarce resources to the
production of right products.
Condition : P= MC
Pareto Optimality
When a market is in equilibrium, with no external
influences and no external effects, it is said to be in a
state of Pareto optimality
Imperfect Competition
Lack of Public Goods
Under-supply of Merit Goods
The existence of externalities
1. Negative Externalities of production/external costs
2. Positive Externalities of production/external benefits
3. Negative Externalities of consumption
4. Positive Externalities of consumption
Negative Externalities of
These occur when the production of a good or service
creates external costs that are damaging to third parties
Monetary values
Assigning monetary values on all relevant cost and befit
Future cost and benefit
Decision Making
Advantages of CBA
Takes into account all relevant cost and benefit resulting
from the proposed investment project