Ashok Dalwai-MP DFI Presentation 21 March18
Ashok Dalwai-MP DFI Presentation 21 March18
Ashok Dalwai-MP DFI Presentation 21 March18
Ashok Dalwai
Overview of Agriculture
83 96 97.6
3. e-NAM
Pan India electronic trading portal in selected regulated wholesale
markets in States that have undertaken reforms.
Common tradeable parameters developed for 90 commodities.
506 markets integrated on e-NAM till date. 585 markets to be
integrated by 31.03.2018.
4. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
Available to farmers at very low rates of premium.
Farmers to get full insurance. No capping of sum insured.
Insurance cover at all stages of crop cycle.
Focus on covering non-loanee along with loanee farmers.
Target for area coverage 40% (2017-18) and 50% (2018-19)
Flagship Schemes
6. . Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY - RAFTAAR)
Incentivise States to increase public investment in agriculture &
allied sectors
Provide flexibility & autonomy to States in process of planning and
executing schemes.
Focus on pre and post-harvest infrastructure, integrated value
7. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
Launched on 1st April 2014 for holistic growth of horticulture
Ensures forward and backward linkages through a cluster
approach with active participation of stakeholders.
Includes supply of quality planting material, technology promotion,
productivity improvement, human resource development, creation
of post-harvest management infrastructure.
Budget Announcements
Budget 2018-19: Agriculture requires a holistic approach and is not merely about cultivation. A
paradigm shift effected by adopting an enterprise approach for agricultural policies and programmes.
Farmer Producer
Organic farming by Village Operation Greens on lines of
Organisations (FPO) of less Cluster based cultivation &
Producer Organisations (VPO) operation flood with a focus on
than Rs. 100 crore turnover development to achieve
and FPOs to be encouraged in agri-logistics, processing &
exempted income tax for first economy of scale in the
large clusters, preferably of professional management.
five years - to encourage horticultural supply chain
1,000 hectares each. Total of Rs. 500 crore
professionalism in post- though FPOs/VPOs.
harvest value addition.
Women Groups (SHGs) to be Govt to spend Rs 14.34 lakh PM’s Gram Sadak Yojna
Kisan Credit card opened to
encouraged in organic crore in rural areas for the Phase-III to include road links
Fisheries and Animal
agriculture under NRLM. creation of livelihood and to GrAMs, etc. GrAMs to also
Husbandry farmers to meet
Allocation to NRLM increased infrastructure (roads, houses, be on eNAM and exempt from
their working capital needs.
to Rs 5,750 crore toilets, etc.). APMC regulations.
Doubling Farmers’ Income
Cultivation 3.8%
Livestock 14.7%
Non-farm business 0.5%
Wages & salaries 1.6%
All India 58,246 38,457 96,703 1,16,165 76,529 1,92,694 1,63,456 1,07,922 2,71,378
Seven Sources of Income Growth
Futuristic Public and Private Investments (Rs. billion) and required annual rate of growth
Private Investment in Agriculture Public Investment ‘for’ Agriculture
2015-16 2016-17 to Total (base 2015-16 2016-17 to Total (base
(Base Year) 2022-23 year plus (Base Year) 2022-23 year plus
(additional additional) (additional additional)
7 years) 7 years)
At 2015-16 Rs.610 Rs.645 Rs.1255 Rs.1171 Rs.1900 Rs.3071
price (Rs.61,000 (Rs.64,449 (Rs.1,25,448 (Rs.1,17,000 (Rs.1,90,000 (Rs.3,07,100
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)
De-risk Agriculture