Types of Paragraph
Types of Paragraph
Types of Paragraph
1.Classify Text Types
2.Compose simple
persuasive text.
1.What is Imperative?
2.What are the two forms of
Imperative verb?
3.How important does imperative
in our day to day
Work in pair and read each
word written in backward
inside the heart. Then think
and answer to come up with
the correct word.
1.) What are the words
written? Can you say
something about them?
words/phrases/sentences listed are
somewhat familiar to you. Group
them from A-D according to their
type. Make sure to justify your
answer on why you arrange them as
Cookbook The Truth About Global Warming
His deep and soulful blue eyes were like the color of the ocean
on the clearest day you can ever imagine.
The Centipede One of his swollen legs had a pillow under
it, and was wrapped in bandages.
How the World Was
Created It is important to have homework in school
because it teaches students responsibility
I feel extremely confident that we will
win this contest. We just have to The Baby In the Bottle
believe in ourselves. Earthquake Safety
I must say that too much money is a bad thing.
He has orange fur with black and white spot. I like to cuddle him
because his fur feels soft.
Cookbook The His deep and soulful
blue eyes were like the
I must say that
too much money
Centipede color of the ocean on
the clearest day you can is a bad thing.
ever imagine.
1. I have a beautiful
pink and blue pencil
2. One day, I went for
shopping with my
parents. We bought fruits,
vegetables and sweets.
3. Trees are an
important part
of our world.
4. Hurry! This house will
not be available for long. It
has four huge bedrooms, a
beautiful kitchen, and an
awesome playroom.
What did you learn in our lesson and why are
these important?
Content _____ out of 10 points Interesting content and presentation; Some interesting content; points not Conventional ideas or clichés; little Cursory; gives the impression of
ideas well conceived and developed withsustained or not fully developed. supporting detail included. writing just to complete the
sufficient examples. assignment.
5 4 3 2
Structure, Logic and Transitions _____ out of 5 points Logical progression of ideas with well- Logical progression of ideas but often lacks Gaps in logic or no transitions. Disorganized; appears to have
executed transitions. transitions. been written as thoughts occurred
to the writer.
Grammatical Accuracy _____ out of 15 points Appropriate level of complexity in syntax Confined to simpler sentences or Errors frequently affect Message is largely
with very few errors, if any. structures with very few errors OR shows comprehensibility, or very basic types incomprehensible due to
variety and complexity in syntax with of errors (subject-verb agreement; inaccurate grammar, which alters
errors that do not affect comprehensibility. noun-adjective agreement, etc.) or obscures it, OR reader must
know English to comprehend
much of the message.
13-15 11-12 9-10 7-8
Vocabulary/ Word Choice _____ out of 15 points Uses sufficient, appropriate, and varied Usually uses appropriate vocabulary with Often uses inappropriate, or non- Uses only elementary vocabulary;
vocabulary; English influence not some variety; some errors in usage that specific vocabulary; lack of variety in creates nonexistent words from
apparent; rich variety of Spanish do not affect the message; occasional word choice; avoids use of Spanish English OR uses words in English;
idioms; no literal translation from appropriate use of Spanish idioms. idioms; English-inluenced word choice. translates English idioms verbatim.
5 4 2-3 0
Punctuation, Spelling, and _____ out of 5 points Correct spelling (including accents) and Occasional mechanical errors. Frequent mechanical errors. English spelling and punctuation: no
Presentation punctuation; neatly typed with correct accents; mechanical errors in most
format as specified (MLA). sentences.
Good Job!!!!!!