Chap-1 Language Processors

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 System Programming & Operating Systems by D. M.

 System Programing by John J. Donovan
 System:
 Software :
 Computer software, or simply software, refers to the
non-tangible components of computers, known
as computer programs. The term is used to contrast
with computer hardware, which denotes the physical
tangible components of computers.
 Software can be classified into
◦ System software:
◦ System software (or systems software) is computer software designed to operate and
control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software.

 System software is collection of software program that perform a variety of functions

like IO management, storage management,generation and execution of programs etc.
 Operating Systems
 Compiler / Assembler (utility softwares)
 Device Drivers

◦ Application software:
 Application software is kind of software which is designed for fulfillment specialized
user requirement.
 MS Office
 Adobe Photoshop
 The system software work as middleware between
application software and hardware.

Application software

System Software

 Language processors (Why?)
◦ Language processing activities arise due to the
differences between the manner in which a
software designer describes the ideas concerning
the behavior of software and the manner in which
these ideas are implemented in computer system.

◦ The designer expresses the ideas in terms related

to the application domain of the software.

◦ To implement these ideas, their description has to

be interpreted in terms related to the execution
Semantic gap

Application Execution
domain domain

 The term semantics to represent the rules of

meaning of a domain, and the term semantic gap to
represent difference between the semantics of two
 The semantic gap has many consequences,
some of the important are
◦ Large development times
◦ Large development effort
◦ Poor quality software.

 These issues are tackled by software

engneering thru’ use of methodologies and
programming languages.
Execution gap

Application PL Execution
domain domain domain

 s/w development team

 Programing language processor
 Language processor: A language processor is software
which bridge a specification or execution gap.

◦ A Language Translator
◦ De-translator
◦ Preprocessor
◦ Language migrator

C++ C
C++ Program
Preprocessor Program


C++ Program language
 An interpreter is language processor which bridges an
execution gap without generating a machine language
program that means the execution gap vanishes totally.

Interpreter domain

Application PL Execution
domain domain domain
 Three consequences of the semantic gap are in fact the
consequences of specification gap.
 A classical solution is to develop a PL such that the PL
domain is very close or identical to the application
 Such PLs can only used for specific applications, they
are problem oriented languages.
 A procedure oriented language provides general
purpose facilities required in most application domains.

Execution gap

Application oriented Execution
domain language domain
 Fundamental activities divided into those that bridge
the specification gap and execution gap.
◦ Program generation activities
◦ Program execution activities
 Program generation activities
◦ A program generation activity aims at automatic generation of
a program.
◦ A source language is a specification language of an application
domain and the target language is procedure oriented PL.
◦ Program generator introduces a new domain between the
application and PL domain , call this the program generator
◦ Specification gap now between Application domain and
program generation domain, reduction in the specification gap
increases the reliability of the generated program.
 This arrangement also reduces the testing effort.

Program Program Program in

specification generator target PL
 Program Execution
◦ Two popular model
 Program Translation
 Program Interpretation
 The program translation model bridges the execution
gap by translating a sources program into program in
the machine or assembly language of the computer
system, called target program.

Errors Data

Source m/c Language Target

program program program
 Characteristics of the program translation model:
◦ A program must be translated before it can be executed
◦ The translated program may be saved in a file. The saved
program may be executed repeatedly.
◦ A program must be retranslated following modifications.
 Program interpretation: During interpretation
interpreter takes source program statement, determines
its meaning and performs actions which implement it.
 The function of an interpreter is same as the execution
of machine language program by CPU.
Interpreter Memory CPU Memory


Source Program language
Errors + Program
Data +

Interpretation Program execution

 Characteristics
◦ The source program is retained in the source form itself, no
target program form exists,
◦ A statement is analyzed during its interpretation.
 Comparison
◦ In translator whole program is translated into target and if
modified the source program, whole source program is
translated irrespective to size of modification.
◦ That not the in case of interpreter, interpretation is slower than
execution of m/c language program.
 Language Processing = Analysis of SP + Synthesis of
 Analysis phase of Language processing
 Lexical rules which govern the formation of valid
lexical units in the source language.
 Syntax rules which govern the formation of the valid
statements in the source language.
 Semantic rules which associate meaning with the valid
statements of the language.
 The synthesis phase is concerned with the construction
of target language statement which have same meaning
as a source statement.
◦ Creation of data structures in the target program.(memory
◦ Generation of target code.(Code generation)

Language Processor
Source Target
Analysis Phase Synthesis Phase
Program Program

Errors Errors
percent_profit = (profit*100) / cost_price;

Lexical Analysis

Syntax Analysis

Semantic Analysis
 Forward references: for reducing execution gap the
language processor can performed on a statement by
statement basis.
 Analysis of source statement can be immediately
followed by synthesis of equivalent target statements.
But this may not feasible due to :Forward reference
 “A forward reference of a program entity is a reference
to the entity which precedes its definition in the
 Language processor pass: “A language processor pass
is the processing of every statement in a source
program, or its equivalent representation, to perform a
language processing function.”
 Intermediate representation(IR):
“An intermediate representation is a representation
of a source program which reflects the effect of some,
but not all, analysis and synthesis tasks performed
during language processing.”
Language Processor
Source Target
Front end Back end
Program Program

representation (IR)
 Semantic Action: “All the actions performed by the
front end, except lexical and syntax analysis, are called
semantic action.
◦ Checking semantic validity of constructs in SP
◦ Determining the meaning of SP
◦ Constructing an IR
 The Front End
◦ The front end performs lexical, syntax and semantic
analysis of the source program, each kind of
analysis involves the following functions:
 Determine validity of source statement from the view
point of the analysis.
 Determine the ‘content’ of a source statement
 For lexical, the lexical class to which each lexical unit
 Syntax analysis it is syntactic structure of source program.
 Semantic analysis the content is the meaning of a
 Construct a suitable representation of source
statement for use by subsequent analysis
function/synthesis phase.

Scanning (Lexical

Symbol table
Parsing (Syntax

Semantic Analysis


 Out put of front end produced two
components: (IR)
◦ Table of information
 The symbol table which contain information
concerning all identifier used in the source program.

◦ An intermediate code (IC) which is a description of

the source program.
 The IC is a sequence of IC units, each IC unit
representing the meaning of one action in SP. IC units
may contain references to the information in various
 Lexical Analysis (Scanning):
◦ Lexical analysis identifies the lexical units in source
◦ it then classifies the unit into different classes
◦ Ex. Id’s, Constant reserved id’s etc. and enters them into
different tables.
◦ This classification may be based on the nature of a
string or on the specification of the source language.
◦ Lexical analysis build descriptor called token, for each
lexical unit. It contain two fields class code and number
in class
 Class code: identifies the class to which a lexical unit
 Number in class: entry number of lexical unit in the relevant
 Syntax Analysis(Parsing)
◦ Syntax analysis process the string token built by
lexical analysis to determine the statement class
e.g. assignment statement, if statement, etc.

◦ Syntax Analysis builds an IC which represents the

structure of the statement.

◦ IC is passed to semantic analysis to determine the

meaning of the statement.
 Semantic analysis
◦ Semantic analysis of declaration statements differs from
the semantic analysis of imperative statements.

◦ The former results in addition of information to the

symbol table e.g. Type, length and dimensionality of

◦ The latter identifies the sequence of action necessary to

implement the meaning of a source statement.

◦ When semantic analysis determines the meaning of a

sub tree in the IC, it adds information to a table or adds
an action to sequence of the action.

◦ The analysis ends when the tree has been completely

processed. The update tables and the sequence of action
constitute the IR produced by the analysis phase.
Front end
Scanning LEX

Parsing YACC

Semantic Analysis

Language Processor
Source Target
Front end Back end
Program Program

Lex accepts an input specification which consist
of three components.
1. Definations
2. Rules
3. User Code

This components are seprated by %% symbol.

Defination Section

• It contains declaration of simple name defination to

simplify scanner specification or in simple words it
contains the variables to hold regular expressions.

• For example, if you want to define D as a numerical

digit, you would write the following: D [0-9]
Rules Section

• Once you have defined your terms, you can write the
rules section. It contains strings and expressions to be
matched by the yylexsubroutine, and C commands to
execute when a match is made.
• This section is required, and it must be preceded by
the delimiter %%(double percent signs), whether or not
you have a definitions section. The lex command does
not recognize your rules without this delimiter.
Defining Patterns in Lex
• X
match the character `x‘
• .
any character except newline.
• [xyz]
a "character class"; in this case, the pattern matches either
an `x', a `y', or a `z‘.
• r*
zero or more r's, where r is any regular expression
• r+
one or more r's
User Code Section

• This section can contain any C/C++ program code that

user want to execute.

• Yylex() function is used to flex compiler , which is

embeded in this section so user need to include this
Sample flex program

#include <iostream>
[ \t] ;
[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ { cout << "Found a floating-point number:" << yytext << endl; }
[0-9]+ { cout << "Found an integer:" << yytext << endl; }
[a-zA-Z0-9]+ { cout << "Found a string: " << yytext << endl; }
main() {
// lex through the input:
Each string specification in the input to yacc
resembles a grammar production.
The parser generated by yacc performs
reductions according to this grammar.
The action associated with a string specification
are executed when a reduction is made
according to specification.
Finite Automata

• A recognizer for a language is a program that takes

a string x as an input and answers "yes" if x is a
sentence of the language and "no" otherwise.
• One can compile any regular expression into a
recognizer by constructing a generalized transition
diagram called a finite automation.
• A finite automation can be deterministic means
that more than one transition out of a state may
be possible on a same input symbol.
• Both automata are capable of recognizing what
regular expression can denote.
Nondeterministic Finite Automata
• A nondeterministic finite automation is a mathematical
model consists of :
1. a set of states S;
2. a set of input symbol, ∑, called the input symbols
3. a transition function move that maps state-symbol
pairs to sets of states.
4. a state so called the initial or the start state.
5. a set of states F called the accepting or final state
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

• A deterministic finite automation is a special

case of a non-deterministic finite automation
(NFA) in which
1. no state has an -transition
2. for each state s and input symbol a, there is
at most one edge labeled a leaving s.
• A DFA has st most one transition from each
state on any input. It means that each entry
on any input. It means that each entry in the
transition table is a single state (as oppose to
set of states in NFA).
Syntax Analysis
• During the first Scanning phase i.e Lexical Analysis
Phase of the compiler,symbol table is created by the
compiler which contain the list of leximes or tokens.

• It is also Called as Hierarchical Analysis or Parsing.

• It Groups Tokens of source Program into Grammatical


• In Syntax Analysis System Generates Parse Tree

Parse Tree Generation :

sum = num1 + num2

Explanation : Syntax Analysis

• We know , Addition operator plus (‘+’) operates on two


• Syntax analyzer will just check whether plus operator has

two operands or not . It does not checks the type of

• Suppose One of the Operand is String and other is Integer

then it does not throw error as it only checks whether
there are two operands associated with ‘+’ or not .

• So this Phase is also called Hierarchical Analysis as it

generates Parse Tree Representation of the Tokens
generated by Lexical Analyzer
Semantic Analysis

• Syntax analyzer will just create parse tree. Semantic

Analyzer will check actual meaning of the statement
parsed in parse tree. Semantic analysis can compare
information in one part of a parse tree to that in
another part (e.g., compare reference to variable
agrees with its declaration, or that parameters to a
function call match the function definition).
Semantic Analysis is used for
the following -
1. Maintaining the Symbol Table for each block.
2. Check Source Program for Semantic Errors.
3. Collect Type Information for Code Generation.
4. Reporting compile-time errors in the code (except
syntactic errors, which are caught by syntactic
5. Generating the object code (e.g., assembler or
intermediate code)
Now In the Semantic Analysis
Compiler Will Check -
1. Data Type of First Operand
2. Data Type of Second Operand
3. Check Whether + is Binary or Unary.
4. Check for Number of Operands Supplied to Operator Depending on Type
of Operator (Unary | Binary | Ternary)
Fundamentals of Lang.
Terminal Symbol
Denotes character set with all symbols.

this all are metasymbols.

Differentiate from terminal symbol

String – finite sequence of symbols

Nonterminal symbol- name of syntax category of symbol

denoted by single capital letter
eg. Noun,verb …
• Productions
A productions also called a rewriting rule, is a rule of of grammar.

A production has the form

A Nonterminal symbol = String of Ts and NTs

<Noun Phrase> ::= <Article> <Noun>
<Article> ::= a | an | the
<Noun>::= boy | apple

• Distinguished symbol/start NT of grammer

Programming Language
• Grammar (G)
A grammar G of a language LG is a
Quadruple (, SNT, S, P) where
 = is the set of Ts
SNT= is the set of NTs
S = is the distinguished symbols
/starting symbol
P= is the set of productions
A grammar G is used for two purpose
To generate valid strings of LG
To recognized valid strings of LG

The derivation operations helps to generate valid strings.

Derivation -- Example
<Noun Phrase> ::= <Article> <Noun>
<Article> ::= a | an | the
<Noun>::= boy | apple
Suppose we want to derivate strings “the boy”
“” denote direct derivation.
<Noun Phrase> <Article> <Noun>
the <Noun>
the boy Leftmost Derivation

<Noun Phrase> <Article> <Noun>

<Article> boy
the boy Rightmost Derivation
<Sentence> <Noun Phrase> <Verb Phrase>
<Article> <Noun><Verb Phrase>
the <Noun><Verb Phrase>
the boy<Verb Phrase>
the boy<Verb><Noun Phrase>
the boy ate <Noun Phrase>
the boy ate <Article> <Noun>
the boy ate an <Noun>
the boy ate an apple
The reductions operation helps to
recognize valid strings.
Parse tree
• A parse tree is used to depict syntactic structure of a
valid string as it emerges during a sequence of
derivations or reductions

Recursive Specification
• A grammar is in recursive specification, if NT being defining
in a production, itself occurs in a RHS string of the
production, e..g. X::=AXB
• The RHS alternative employing recursion is called recursive
Recursive Specification
Consider the grammar G
Recursive Specification
[..] denotes an optional specification
Recursive Specification
• Two types of recursive rules
• Left recursive rule  NT appears on the extreme left in
the recursive rule
• Right recursive rule  NT appears on the extreme right in
the recursive rule
Recursive Specification
Indirect recursion
Occurs when two or more NTs are defined in terms of one
Such recursion is useful for specifying nested constructs in a
Recursive Specification
Grammars are classified as
• Type–0 (Phrase structure grammar)
α=β (strings of Ts and NTs)
-Permits arbitrary substitutions of strings
-No limitation on production rules: at least one nonterminal on LHS.
-not relevant to specification of PLs.
Start = <S>
<S> ⇒<S> <S> <A><B> ⇒<B><A>
<S> ⇒<A> <B> <C> <B><A> ⇒<A><B>
<A> ⇒ a <A><C> ⇒<C><A>
<B> ⇒b <C><A> ⇒<A><C>
<C> ⇒ c <B><C> ⇒<C><B>
<S> ⇒ ε
Strings generated:
ε, abc, aabbcc, cabcab, acacacacacacbbbbbb, ...
Type–1 (Context sensitive
αA β = α Πβ
-not relevant to specification of PLs.
Type–2 (Context free
• A=Π
• Limit production rules to have exactly one nonterminal on LHS, but
anything on RHS.

-suited for programming language

<PAL> ⇒ 0 <PAL> 0 Start = <PAL>
⇒ 1 <PAL> 1
Strings generated:
ε, 1, 0, 101, 001100, 111010010111, …
Type–3 (regular grammar/
linear grammar)
A= tB|t or Bt|t
<id> = l|<id>l|<id>|d
-Limit production rules to have exactly one nonterminal on
LHS and at most one nonterminal and terminal on RHS:
- restricted to the specification of lexical units
- nesting of construct or matching parenthesis can
not be specified
<A>⇒<B> 0 Start = <A>
<B> ⇒<A> 1
<A> ⇒ ε
Strings generated:
ε, 10, 1010, 101010, 10101010, …
Operator Grammar (OG)

An Operator grammar is a grammar none of whose productions

contain two or more consecutives NTs in any RHS alternatives.
• Operator Grammar (OG)
An Operator grammar is a
grammar none of whose
productions contain two or
more consecutives NTs in any
RHS alternatives.
Ambiguity in Grammatic specification
• For a given string and grammar, two distinct parse tree
exists then grammar known as ambiguous grammar.
• For example

• Two parse tree exist for string a+b*c

<exp> <exp>*<exp>
<exp> <exp>+<exp> <exp>+<exp>*<exp>
 <id>+<exp> <id>+<exp>*<exp>
 a+<exp>
 a+<exp>*<exp>
 a+<id>*<exp> a+<id>*<exp>
 a+b*<exp> a+b*<exp>
 a+b*<id> a+b*<id>
 a+b*c a+b*c
Eliminating ambiguity
• An ambiguous grammar should be rewritten to eliminate
• The grammar must be rewritten such that reduction of ‘*’
precedes the reduction of ‘+’ in string a+b*c
• The normal method of achieving this is to use a hierarchy
of NTs in the grammar and to associate the derivation or
reduction of an operator with an appropriate NT.
Programming Language Grammars
• Unambiguous Grammar

 “A Binding is the association of an attribute of a

program entity with a value”
 Binding time is the time at which a binding is
 Different Binding times:
◦ Language definition time of L
 The keywords of the programming language L are bounded to
their meanings. Example: main, for, while
◦ Language implementation time of L
 The time when language translator designed example the size of
type int could be bounded to 2 or 4 bytes, its determined by the
architecture of the target machine.

 Compilation time of P
 The binding of the attributes of variables is performed.
Example the int is bounded with a variable var.

 Execution init time of Proc

 Memory addresses of local variables of procedure are bound at
every execution init time of proc.

 Execution time of Proc

 Value attribute binding may be done more then one during the
execution of the procedure or function.
Importance of binding time

 The binding time of an attribute of program entity

determines the manner in which a language processor
can handle the use of the entity.
 This affect execution efficiency of the target program.
 Type of binding
◦ Static binding:
 Static binding is a binding performed before the execution of
program begins.
◦ Dynamic binding
 Dynamic binding is a binding performed after the execution of
program has begun
 %{ program for symbol table
int flag=0,flag2=0,flag3=0,value;
char *id,*datatype;
datatype int|float|double|char;
{datatype} {flag=1;datatype=yytext;}
([(A-Za-z)]+[(\_*)]*[0-9]*)* {if(flag==1){flag2=1;id=yytext;}else{return 0;}}
[(\=?)] {if(flag2==1){flag3=1;}}
([0-9])* {if(flag3==1){createsymboltable(datatype,id,yytext);}}
 createsymboltable(datatype,id,value)

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