Exploring Essay
Exploring Essay
Exploring Essay
Here are some important descriptions about the essay form
that you should bear in mind:
It is classified as a composition in prose form, of enough length and is
typically intended to explain an idea, theory, or an impression.
editorials, reports, and review.
It is an analytical or interpretative literary composition that discloses a
person’s thoughts, opinions, or personal point of view about a certain
topic. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)
Fumar (2009), in his notes, described the essay as a term that pertains to
a piece of prose work that is notably personal than objective or verifiable
than a feature article.
Form and • This component includes the arrangement or
order of ideas, unity, coherence, expository
Structure device used and patterns of development.
B. BUILDING Content • These two include the point that the essay
attempts to raise. Aside from such, the subject
and or focus of the composition, quality of topic, as
well as the writer’s purpose and intention are
Essay in nature.
• This is written in the form of a story as it utilizes events or incidents to give shape to
Narrative Essay a certain theme.
• Depicts the life of an individual considered as the subject from infancy, maturity, to
Biographical or one’s death; shows a description of a particular aspect of the life a certain person. It
Character Sketch Essay can be analytical or interpretative depending on what dimension of the subject’s life is
given emphasis.
Described as serious and formal teaches a moral lesson. It
resembles a tone similar to a teacher. It is mainly driven
Didactic Essay to explain and to convince as it great emphasizes the
ethical way of life.