Flexible AC Transmission Syste MS: Facts
Flexible AC Transmission Syste MS: Facts
Flexible AC Transmission Syste MS: Facts
What is FACTS?
The FACTS technology is a collection of controllers, wh
ich can be applied individually or in coordination with
others to control one or more of the interrelated system
parameters, such as series impedance, shunt impedanc
e, current, voltage, and damping of oscillations.
What limits the Loading Capability?
For overhead line, thermal capability is a function of ambient temperature, wind conditi
ons, conditions of conductor, and ground clearance. The FACTS technology can help in m
aking an effective used of newfound line capability.
Being designed very conservatively, most lines can increase operation voltage by 10% or ev
en higher. FACTS technology could be used to ensure acceptable over-voltage and power
flow conditions.
The stability issues that limit the transmission capability include:
transient stability, dynamic stability, steady-state stability, frequency collapse. Voltage col
lapse, and sub-synchronous resonance.
The FACTS technology can certainly be used to overcome any of the stability limits.
A Simple Example of FACTS
Basic types of FACTS Controllers
Series controllers:
The series controller could be a variable impedance or a variable source both are power el
ectronics based. In principle, all series controllers inject voltage in series with the line.
Shunt controllers:
The shunt controllers may be variable impedance connected to the line voltage causes a v
ariable current flow hence represents injection of current into the line.
Find switching angles that 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th harmonics can be eliminate
d from the output waveform.
Reactive power compensation using multilevel converter
Back-to-back inverier using two diode-clamped multilevel converters
TCR, thyristor control reactor (shunt connected controller)
Note: The control strategy usually aims to maintain the transmission line vo
ltage at a fixed level.
STATCOM, Static Compensator---Advanced Static VAR Compensator (shunt connected contr
1. A capacitor is inserted by
turning off, and bypassed by
turning on the corresponding
thyristor switch.
2. The equivalent capacitance is
between 0 and C/m.
TCSC, thyristor-controlled series capacitor (series-connected controller)
1. The UPFC consists of an a series STATCOM and a shunt SATACOM with a common DC link.
2. Power control is achieved by adding series voltage Vinj to Vs, thus giving the line voltage VL.
3. With two converters, the UPFC can supply active power in addition to reactive power.
1. L. Gyugyi, N.G. Hingorani, “Understanding FACTS,”
IEEE Press, 1st Edition, December 1999.