Chapter 1: Introduction To Materials Science & Engineering: Course Objective..
Chapter 1: Introduction To Materials Science & Engineering: Course Objective..
Chapter 1: Introduction To Materials Science & Engineering: Course Objective..
Science & Engineering
Course Objective...
Introduce fundamental concepts in MSE
Course Outcomes…
Use materials properly
Realize new design opportunities with materials
Understand the relationship between properties, structure and
Chapter Outlines:
Atomic level
Arrangement of atoms in materials
(for the same atoms can have
different properties, e.g. two forms of
carbon: graphite and diamond)
Microscopic structure
Arrangement of small grains of
material that can be identified by
Macroscopic structure
Structural elements that may be
viewed with the naked eye.
4 t %
16 a i McGraw-Hill Company, New York,
. N
2 at % 1970.)
Cu + 1 . 1 2
3 u +
m e dC
r Ni
d e fo t %
2 1 . 12 a
Cu +
1 ” C u
“ Pu r
-200 -100 0 T (°C)
• Adding “impurity” atoms to Cu increases resistivity.
• Deforming Cu increases resistivity.
• Space Shuttle Tiles: • Thermal Conductivity
--Silica fiber insulation of Copper:
offers low heat conduction. --It decreases when
Fig. 19.0, Callister 6e. you add zinc!
(Courtesy of Lockheed
Missiles and Space
Company, Inc.)
Thermal Conductivity
3 00
2 00
1 00
0 10 20 30 40
Composition (wt%Zinc)
Adapted from Adapted from Fig. 19.4, Callister 6e.
Fig. 19.4W, Callister 6e. (Fig. 19.4 is adapted from Metals Handbook:
(Courtesy of Lockheed Properties and Selection: Nonferrous alloys and Pure
Aerospace Ceramics Metals, Vol. 2, 9th ed., H. Baker, (Managing Editor),
Systems, Sunnyvale, CA) American Society for Metals, 1979, p. 315.)
(Note: "W" denotes fig.
100 m is on CD-ROM.)
• Magnetic Storage: • Magnetic Permeability
--Recording medium vs. Composition:
is magnetized by --Adding 3 atomic % Si
recording head. makes Fe a better
recording medium!
Magnetic Field
Adapted from C.R. Barrett, W.D. Nix, and
Fig. 20.18, Callister 6e. A.S. Tetelman, The Principles of
(Fig. 20.18 is from J.U. Lemke, MRS Bulletin, Engineering Materials, Fig. 1-7(a), p. 9,
Vol. XV, No. 3, p. 31, 1990.) 1973. Electronically reproduced
by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
• Transmittance:
--Aluminum oxide may be transparent, translucent, or
opaque depending on the material structure.
polycrystal: polycrystal:
single crystal low porosity high porosity
increasing load
Adapted from Fig. 11.20(b), R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture
Mechanics of Engineering Materials" (4th ed.), p. 505, John Wiley and
Adapted from Fig. 17.0, Callister 6e. Sons, 1996. (Original source: Markus O. Speidel, Brown Boveri Co.)
(Fig. 17.0 is from Marine Corrosion, Causes, and
Prevention, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1975.)
7150-T651 Al "alloy"
30 m
500 (c)
Data obtained from Figs. 10.21(a)
400 (b) and 10.23 with 4wt%C composition,
(a) and from Fig. 11.13 and associated
4m discussion, Callister 6e.
300 Micrographs adapted from (a) Fig.
10.10; (b) Fig. 9.27;(c) Fig. 10.24;
30 m
and (d) Fig. 10.12, Callister 6e.
200 30 m
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Cooling Rate (C/s)
• Processing can change structure
ex: structure vs cooling rate of steel
The Materials Selection Process
Car tyre
Ski boot.
Composites: materials which are mixtures of two or more
materials. A composite is designed to display a combination of
26 the best characteristics of each of the component materials.
• Micro-Electrical- Mechanical
Systems (MEMS)
The End