Chapter 1: Introduction To Materials Science & Engineering: Course Objective..

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Materials

Science & Engineering
Course Objective...
 Introduce fundamental concepts in MSE

You will learn about:

 Materials structure
 How structure dictates properties
 How processing can change structure

Course Outcomes…
 Use materials properly
 Realize new design opportunities with materials
 Understand the relationship between properties, structure and
Chapter Outlines:

(1) Historical perspective

Stone bronze iron advanced materials

(2) Materials science & engineering

Processing structure properties performance

(3) Classification of materials

Metals, ceramics, polymers, semiconductors, composites,

(4) Advanced materials

Electronic materials, superconductors

(5) Future of materials science

1. Historical Perspective

 Earliest humans – access to only limited number of

materials those that naturally occur (stone, wood, clay,
skins etc.)
 With time they discovered techniques for producing
materials that had properties superior to those of the
natural ones (pottery, metals)
 Furthermore, it was discovered that the properties of a
material could be altered by heat treatments and by the
addition of other substances

4 Stone Age : - began about 2 million years ago

- stone, wood, clay, skins
Bronze Age : - began about 5000 years ago
- is an alloy which is made up of more than one element, copper + <25% of tin +
other elements
- can be hammered or cast into a variety of shapes, can be made harder by alloying,
corrode only slowly after a surface oxide film forms

Iron Age : - began about 3000 years ago (until today)

- use of iron & steel, a stronger and cheaper material changed drastically daily life of a
common person)
Advanced Materials Age :
- throughout the Iron age many new types of materials have been introduced (ceramics,
semiconductors, polymers, composites…)
- understanding of the relationship among structure, properties, processing and
performance of materials
- intelligent design of new materials

 A better understanding of the

structure- composition-
properties relations has lead
to a remarkable progress in
properties of materials

(Example is the dramatic progress

in the strength to density ratio of
materials, that resulted in a wide
variety of new products, from
dental materials to tennis racquets)
2. Materials Science & Engineering
 Materials Science: involves investigating the relationship that
exist between structures and properties of the materials
 Materials Engineering: on the basis of these structure –
property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a
material to produce a predetermined set of properties
How Materials Science & Engineering form a bridge of
knowledge from the basic sciences to the engineering
 The relationships of the four components that are involved
in the design, production and utilization of materials are;
 Structure:
- relates to the arrangement of its internal components
9 - depends on how it is processed
 Property:
- is a materials trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of
response to a specific imposed stimulus or to the environment and
external forces
 Mechanical properties- response to mechanical forces, strength, etc

 Electrical and magnetic properties- response electrical and

magnetic fields, conductivity, etc
 Thermal properties- are related to transmission of heat and heat
 Optical properties- include to absorption, transmission and
scattering of light
 Deteriorative- indicate the chemical reactivity of materials
 Performance:
10 - will be a function of its properties
 Processing:
- will dictate the structure of the materials
 Subatomic level
Electronic structure of individual
atoms that defines interaction among
atoms (interatomic bonding).

 Atomic level
Arrangement of atoms in materials
(for the same atoms can have
different properties, e.g. two forms of
carbon: graphite and diamond)
 Microscopic structure
Arrangement of small grains of
material that can be identified by

 Macroscopic structure
Structural elements that may be
viewed with the naked eye.

Angstrom = 1Å = 1/10,000,000,000 meter = 10-10 m

Nanometer = 10 nm = 1/1,000,000,000 meter = 10-9 m
Micrometer = 1μm = 1/1,000,000 meter = 10-6 m
Millimeter = 1mm = 1/1,000 meter = 10-3 m

 Interatomic distance ~ a few Å

 A human hair is ~ 50 μm
 Elongated bumps that make up the data track on CD are~
0.5 μm wide, minimum 0.83 μm long, and 125 nm high
• Electrical Resistivity of Copper:
6 Adapted from Fig. 18.8, Callister 6e.

t %Ni (Fig. 18.8 adapted from: J.O. Linde,

5 32 a Ann Physik 5, 219 (1932); and
3 .

+ C.A. Wert and R.M. Thomson,

Cu Ni Physics of Solids, 2nd edition,
(10 -8 Ohm-m)

4 t %
16 a i McGraw-Hill Company, New York,
. N

2 at % 1970.)
Cu + 1 . 1 2
3 u +
m e dC
r Ni
d e fo t %
2 1 . 12 a
Cu +
1 ” C u
“ Pu r
-200 -100 0 T (°C)
• Adding “impurity” atoms to Cu increases resistivity.
• Deforming Cu increases resistivity.
• Space Shuttle Tiles: • Thermal Conductivity
--Silica fiber insulation of Copper:
offers low heat conduction. --It decreases when
Fig. 19.0, Callister 6e. you add zinc!
(Courtesy of Lockheed
Missiles and Space
Company, Inc.)

Thermal Conductivity
3 00

2 00

1 00
0 10 20 30 40
Composition (wt%Zinc)
Adapted from Adapted from Fig. 19.4, Callister 6e.
Fig. 19.4W, Callister 6e. (Fig. 19.4 is adapted from Metals Handbook:
(Courtesy of Lockheed Properties and Selection: Nonferrous alloys and Pure
Aerospace Ceramics Metals, Vol. 2, 9th ed., H. Baker, (Managing Editor),
Systems, Sunnyvale, CA) American Society for Metals, 1979, p. 315.)
(Note: "W" denotes fig.
100 m is on CD-ROM.)
• Magnetic Storage: • Magnetic Permeability
--Recording medium vs. Composition:
is magnetized by --Adding 3 atomic % Si
recording head. makes Fe a better
recording medium!



Magnetic Field
Adapted from C.R. Barrett, W.D. Nix, and
Fig. 20.18, Callister 6e. A.S. Tetelman, The Principles of
(Fig. 20.18 is from J.U. Lemke, MRS Bulletin, Engineering Materials, Fig. 1-7(a), p. 9,
Vol. XV, No. 3, p. 31, 1990.) 1973. Electronically reproduced
by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
• Transmittance:
--Aluminum oxide may be transparent, translucent, or
opaque depending on the material structure.

polycrystal: polycrystal:
single crystal low porosity high porosity

Adapted from Fig. 1.2,

Callister 6e.
(Specimen preparation,
P.A. Lessing; photo by J.
• Stress & Saltwater... • Heat treatment: slows
--causes cracks! crack speed in salt water!
10-8 “as-is”

crack speed (m/s)

“held at
160C for 1hr
before testing”
10-10 Alloy 7178 tested in
saturated aqueous NaCl
solution at 23C

increasing load
Adapted from Fig. 11.20(b), R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture
Mechanics of Engineering Materials" (4th ed.), p. 505, John Wiley and
Adapted from Fig. 17.0, Callister 6e. Sons, 1996. (Original source: Markus O. Speidel, Brown Boveri Co.)
(Fig. 17.0 is from Marine Corrosion, Causes, and
Prevention, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1975.)
7150-T651 Al "alloy"

Adapted from Fig. 11.24,

Callister 6e. (Fig. 11.24 provided courtesy of G.H.
Narayanan and A.G. Miller, Boeing Commercial
Airplane Company.) 8
Structure, Processing, & Properties

• Properties depend on structure

ex: hardness vs structure of steel (d)

30 m
500 (c)
Data obtained from Figs. 10.21(a)
400 (b) and 10.23 with 4wt%C composition,
(a) and from Fig. 11.13 and associated
4m discussion, Callister 6e.
300 Micrographs adapted from (a) Fig.
10.10; (b) Fig. 9.27;(c) Fig. 10.24;
30 m
and (d) Fig. 10.12, Callister 6e.
200 30 m

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Cooling Rate (C/s)
• Processing can change structure
ex: structure vs cooling rate of steel
The Materials Selection Process

1. Pick Application Determine required Properties

Properties: mechanical, electrical, thermal,
magnetic, optical, deteriorative.

2. Properties Identify candidate Material(s)

Material: structure, composition.

3. Material Identify required Processing

Processing: changes structure and overall shape
ex: casting, sintering, vapor deposition, doping
forming, joining, annealing.
3. Classification Of Materials
 Metals: valence electrons are
detached from atoms and spread
in an ‘electron sea’ that “glues”
the ions together. Strong, ductile,
conduct electricity and heat well,
are shiny if polished

Heat exchanger in petro-chemical plant:

Metal & alloy (high temperature,
Component of bicycle:
aggressive environment)
metallic alloy (high strength)
Ceramics: atoms behave like either positive or negative ions,
and are bound by Coulomb forces. They are usually
combinations of metals or semiconductors with oxygen,
nitrogen or carbon (oxides, nitrides and carbides). Hard, brittle,
insulators. Examples: glass, porcelain

Bearing- combination of stainless

Ceramic engine : fuel economy,
steel and ceramic ball
efficiency, weight savings and
 Polymers: are bound by
covalent forces and also by
weak van der Waals forces and
usually based on C and H. They
decompose at moderate
temperatures (100 – 400 C) and
are lightweight.

Wires & cables

Car tyre
Ski boot.
 Composites: materials which are mixtures of two or more
materials. A composite is designed to display a combination of
26 the best characteristics of each of the component materials.

Golf club head and shaft

molded of a graphite
fiber- reinforced epoxy
Semiconductors: the bonding is covalent (electrons are shared between
atoms). Their electrical properties depend strongly on minute proportions
of contaminants. Examples: Si, Ge, GaAs

• Micro-Electrical- Mechanical
Systems (MEMS)

• Si wafer for computer

chip devices
Biomaterials: are employed in components implanted into the
human body for replacement of diseased or damaged body parts.
These materials must not produce toxic substances and must be
compatible with body tissues

• Prosthesis joint made of

a metal compound
(TiAl6V4 or CoCrMo)
Material Selection
29  Different materials exhibit different crystal structures
(chapter 3) and resultant properties
Composition, Bonding, Crystal Structure &
Microstructure define Materials Properties
4. Advanced Materials
 Are materials that are utilized in high- technology (or high-
tech) applications

 A device or product that operates or functions using

relatively intricate and sophisticated principles (e.g.,
electronic equipment, computers, fiber-optic systems,
spacecraft, aircraft and military rocketry)

 They may be of all material types (e.g., metals, ceramics,


 Normally relatively expensive

5. Future Of Materials Science
Design of materials having specific desired characteristics
directly from our knowledge of atomic structure.

• Miniaturization: “Nanostructured" materials, with

microstructure that has length scales between 1 and 100
nanometers with unusual properties. Electronic
components, materials for quantum computing.

• Smart materials: airplane wings that deice themselves,

buildings that stabilize themselves in earthquakes…
• Environment-friendly materials: biodegradable or
photodegradable plastics, advances in nuclear waste processing,

• Learning from Nature: shells and biological hard tissue can be

as strong as the most advanced laboratory-produced ceramics,
mollusces produce biocompatible adhesives that we do not know
how to reproduce…

• Materials for lightweight batteries with high storage densities, for

turbine blades that can operate at 2500°C, room-temperature
superconductors? chemical sensors(artificial nose) of extremely
high sensitivity, cotton shirts

The End

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