Academic Medical Accelerators Revised2
Academic Medical Accelerators Revised2
Academic Medical Accelerators Revised2
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography ≈ 1’500
therapy Targetd Alpha 0
Therapy, others
CERN limits
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography
therapy Targetd Alpha
Therapy, others
5 – 25 MeV e-beam
Tungsten target
14,000 in operation
12/6/2018 M. Vretenar, Accelerators for Medicine 12
Modern radiotherapy
X-rays are used to treat cancer since last century. The introduction of the
electron linac has made a huge development possible, and new developments
are now further extending the reach of this treatment.
Accurate delivery of X-rays
to tumours
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography
therapy Targetd Alpha
Therapy, others
Required energy
(protons) about 230
MeV, corresponding to
33 cm in water.
Small currents: 10 nA
for a typical dose of 1 Gy to 1 liter in 1 minute.
HIT Heidelberg
The TULIP concept using CLIC The LIGHT linac by ADAM (being assembled
high-gradient cavities – 15 meters and built in a CERN test area) – 25 meters
12/6/2018 M. Vretenar, Accelerators for Medicine 26
The CERN Radio Frequency Quadrupole
CERN has developed and built a «mini-RFQ» (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) at
750 MHz, extending to higher frequencies and applications outside science the
experience of the Linac4 RFQ
Radio Frequency Quadrupole (the first element of any ion acceleration chain) at high frequency –
targeted at low current applications requiring small dimensions, low cost, low radiation emissions, up
to portability
The prototype unit (5 MeV protons) has been built at the CERN Workshops and is now
used in front of the LIGHT prototype linac of ADAM.
12/6/2018 M. Vretenar, Accelerators for Medicine 27
Ion therapy: advantages
Heavy ions are more effective than protons or X-rays in attacking cancer.
The particle (or X-ray) breaks the DNA; multiple breaks kill the tumour
cell. However, the key mechanism is DNA self-repair by the body cells.
Protons and X-rays cause single-strand breaks that are easy to repair.
Ions produce more ionisations per length and may cause double-
strand breaks that are much more difficult to repair.
Heavy ions allow for lower doses, are effective with radio-resistant
tumours (low oxygen content), and might reduce metastasis that are the
main cause of mortality.
So far, 2/3 of cases treated at the mixed facilities (CNAO, etc.) are with
Fragmentation is what makes
ions more effective in treating
Radio Biological
Effectiveness (RBE) is
higher for Carbon than for
1.1 for protons
3 for C ions
(reference 1 for Co X-rays)
Alternative ions are being considered and extensive studies are ongoing
12/6/2018 M. Vretenar, Accelerators for Medicine 29
New developments in particle therapy
Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS): (or Intensity-Modulated Particle Therapy IMPT)
scanning through the tumour of a small pencil beam, to reduce even more the dose
to surrounding organs.
Motion Management: following the movements of the patients (breathing, etc.)
with the movement of the beam. It is often called 4-D scanning.
Adaptive image guided therapy (IGPT): combining proton therapy and MRI.
Imaging from secondary emission: imaging during treatment is possible by
monitoring secondary emission from the particle beam.
Use of other ions: intermediate ions like e.g. Helium seem to have similar properties
than Carbon, while being easier to accelerate. Oxygen and Argon are also
considered. More clinical studies and accelerator design effort are needed.
Particle beams for other diseases than cancer: interest for cardiac arrhythmia and
other applications.
Compact gantries: the gantry is a critical element of particle therapy centres, in
terms of cost, dimensions and limitation to scanning speed. Options being
considered are superconducting magnets, FFAG, full accelerators on gantries, etc.
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography
therapy Targetd Alpha
Therapy, others
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography
therapy Targetd Alpha
Therapy, others
PET Positron
Radioisotopes imaging Emission Tomography
therapy Targetd Alpha
Therapy, others
Funding and
Organisational Structure:
~ 0.1% of the CERN
budget (for P+M),
administered and
controlled by 5
18 years after PIMMS the particle therapy environment has evolved and the situation now is
different from the time when PIMMS was completed:
Proton therapy is now industrial
Ion therapy has a clear potential but requires a strong effort in clinical testing to optimize
treatment and in the design of a more compact and possibly more economic accelerator.
PIMMS2 will explore options to design a novel ion accelerator, improving with respect to the
PIMMS(1) generation. It should lead to the design of a multinational research and therapy
facility with ions.
PIMMS2 should be carried on by a wide collaboration involving a large number of partners
and including potential future users of the design. The new programme should be
innovative, build on CERN competences, and not be in competition with industry or national
programmes in the Member States.
Continuation of the
ongoing CABOTO linac
design developed by
TERA (U. Amaldi et al.),
with CERN contribution.