IoT Applications in The Maintenance Industry
IoT Applications in The Maintenance Industry
IoT Applications in The Maintenance Industry
By using IoT devices, key performance indicators (KPI's) like mean time
between failures (MTBF) or mean time to repair (MTTR) can be
calculated automatically by the system and send back to reporting
dashboards. This then excludes the manual human work of capturing
downtime and ensuring accuracy and availability of data.
• For years, manufacturers have been practicing a time-based approach
to the equipment maintenance. They used to take the age of
machinery as the factor for planning the maintenance routine. The
older the equipment the more frequent maintenance procedures
need to be carried out,however, that worldwide, only 18% of
equipment has failed due to its age, while 82% of failures occur
randomly. It proves that a time-based approach is not cost-
effective – a piece of equipment gets maintained irrespective of the
actual need.
• To avoid ineffective maintenance routine and costs that accompany
it, manufacturers can leverage Industrial IoT and data science