Early Christian 2
Early Christian 2
Early Christian 2
Simran Loonawat
Sneha R
Sonika Madhuri
Spurthi M Revankar
Srikumaran Umapathy
Srujana B N
Christianity was founded by Jesus. He was born in Bethlehem near
Jerusalem. He was the son of Joseph and mother Mary. He lived in
Nazareth. When he was 30 he started preaching about the kingdom of
god and plunged himself for the services of mankind. So he became a
revolutionary figure among the Jewish religious leaders who had only
contempt for the poor and sinner. So he boldly exposed the injustice
and hypocrisy of those religious leaders. Afraid of his growing power,
they accused him of blasphemy and complained against him to Pontius
Pilate, the Roman Governor. Consequently he was crucified. But this
was not the end. He resurrected again n the third day. His disciples
were shocked and surprized when their beloved Jesus appeared before
them they therefore realised Jesus Christ was not an ordinary man and
further recognised him as ‘Son Of God’. This recognition was the birth
of Christianity as a religion of new faith. Jerusalem where Christ lived
and preached is considered to be the most sacred place to the Christians
all over the world.
• The vast Roman Empire spanning from the main lands of Italy,
Greece extending up to England and France in the north, as well
as encircled around to the Mediterranean Sea confronting with
Asia Minor and North Africa was subject to dismantling due to
lack of central power.
• The vast empire was divided into western and eastern empires
• The rich western province centered around Rome was obviously
the target for invaders who destroyed the city.
• These confrontation resulted in the migration of artisans,
craftsmen, masons to other developing countries – eastern
province which were less hazardous.
• Due to this fact the Western province faced discontinuation of
construction tradition and caused overall deterioration in build
• On the contrary, the eastern province which accepted the migrated
population was provided with continuation of Roman structural techniques.
• The western empire was centred around Rome while the Eatsern empire
flourished around Constantinople (currently, Istanbul), which was
strategically located on trade route by sea – connecting Asia and North
Africa by Europe.
• Christianity was born in Judea – a place in eastern province of the Roman
empire, which spread towards the north and west even against the
backdrop of great opposition and ultimately accepted as state religion.
• The formulation phase of Christianity and its architecture can be considered
from Constantine period (300 AD) to Charlemagne (800 AD – French ruler
• The development of Christian Architecture thus can be divided into the
following phases:
• In these phases, architectural development experienced the
formulation phase, alterations and development in plans, profile
surroundings and concluded with limitation of classical structures
and mannerism.
• The development of Christian architecture in general proved
beneficial in establishing new norms, new construction features,
new materials, different types of façade treatments and also
versatile construction analysis.
• The phases proved beneficial not only for the religious
architecture but also for secular, domestic, commercial and
Mediterranean development.
• Christianity had its birth in Judaea , an eastern province of the
roman empire, spread and carried by St. Peter, St. Paul and other
missionaries to Rome, as the centre of the World – Empire.
• Early Christian architecture at Rome was influenced by, and was
the logical outcome of, existing Roman architecture, modified in
other parts of the empire according to the type already
recognized as suitable for the geographical situation of those
countries, such as Syria, Asia minor , north Africa, and Egypt
• Geological influences may be said to have
acted indirectly on Early Christian
architecture for the ruins of roman
building often provided the quarry where
• This influenced the style, both as regards
construction and decoration.
• Columns and other architectural features,
as well as fine sculptures and mosaics from
older building, were incorporated into
basilican churches of the new faith.
• North Italy has the climate of the temperate region
of Europe . Central Italy is genial and sunny.
Southern Italy is almost tropical.
• This variety of climatic condition is sufficient to
account for diversity of architectural features and
treatment in the peninsula itself.
• The climatic conditions in Roman provinces as Egypt
, Syria, and North Africa where Christianity was
established were varied , and naturally modified the
style in those countries where the fiercer sun and
hotter climatic necessitated small windows and other
Eastern features.
In all human history there is no record so striking as that of the rise of
Christianity a phenomenon so outstanding as the rapidity with which it
was diffused throughout the civilized world, and, not only in this
but also in all subsequent ages.
Christianity has inspired the building of some of the greatest
architectural monuments.
The number of Christian communities established by the Apostle Paul
in his missionary journeys round the Eastern Mediterranean, in Syria,
Africa, Greece, and Italy, might lead us to expect many more ruins of
Early Christian basilican churches throughout these districts.
• In this connection, however, it must be remembered that the God
preached by S. Paul was " not like unto gold or silver or stone graven
by art and device of man," nor a God that dwelled " in temples made
with hands " like those of the old Greeks and Romans which were
built to shelter the statues of the gods.
• Purpose of the Christian church was to shelter worshippers who met
for prayer and praise to an unseen Deity, and, during the unsettled
conditions at the beginning of Christianity, various places were
adapted for this worship.
• Building of pagan temples ceased before any attempt was made to
build Christian churches.
• In A.D. 313 Constantine issued his celebrated decree from Milan,
giving Christianity equal rights with other religions.
• In A.D. 323 he himself professed Christianity, which became the
official religion of the Roman Empire, and the Christians then began
to build churches of a type suit-able to their needs and ritual.
• Constantine changed the capital of the Empire from Rome to
Byzantium in A.D. 324, when the old Roman political system came to
an end, and reigned as an absolute monarch till his death in A.D. 337.
• Christianity suffered disabilities upon the division of the Roman
Empire, which first took place in A.D. 365 when Valentinian became
Emperor of the West and his brother Valens of the East. Colossal
marble head of Emperor.
• Theodosius the Great (A.D. 379-395) reunited, for a time, the Eastern
and Western Empires, and in A.D. 438 Theodosius II published his
legal code, an important work on the constitutions of the Emperors
from the time of Constantine.
• The series of Emperors in the West came to an end in A.D. 475, and
the Eastern and Western Empires were nominally reunited by Zeno,
who reigned at Constantinople.
• Then again the seat of power was changed, and Theodoric the
Goth reigned in Italy (A.D. 493–526) during a period of peace
and prosperity
• Byzantine art influenced Early Christian art by way of Ravenna,
which rivalled Rome in importance and was the capital of the
Gothic Dynasty A.D. 493–552 with the exception of a short
period when it was subdued by Justinian (A.D. 537)
• Kings were now elected for the separate states of Spain, Gaul,
Northern Africa, and Italy, where King Odoacer recognized the
supremacy of the one Roman Emperor at Constantinople.
• Emancipation of Western Europe from direct imperial control
resulted in the development of Romano-Teutonic civilization, it
facilitated the growth of new states and nationalities, gave a
fresh impulse to Christianity, and eventually strengthened the
power of the Bishops of Rome.
The Early Christian period is generally taken as lasting from
Constantine to the death of Gregory the Great (A.D. 604),
although in Rome and many Italian cities it continued up to the
tenth century.
Huns incursions into Germany about A.D. 376 eventually brought
about invasions from the north into Italy, and in A.D. 410 Rome
itself was sacked by the Goths under Alaric.
Spread of the new religion was arrested during this period of
change and upheaval, till A.D. 451, the defeat of Attila, King of
the Huns, at the battle of Chalons aided in the consolidation of
Christianity in Europe
• In A.D. 568 the Lombards penetrated into Italy and held the northern part for 200
years. In A.D. 800 Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope in Rome, and from this date
the Empire was styled the Holy Roman Empire, a title retained till A.D. 1800.
• Under Pope Gregory the Great (A.D. 590–604) Early Christian architecture, the latest
phase of Roman art, gradually fell into disuse, and for the next two centuries
architectural development was practically at a standstill in Europe.
• Even though the influence of Byzantium asserted itself, old Roman traditions were in
abeyance till the time when Romanesque architecture gradually evolved.
depicting Pope
Leo III crowning
emperor on
Christmas Day,
Summary on the social characteristics and beliefs in the Early Christian
• The church building as we know it grew out of a number of features of the Ancient
Roman period:
• The baptistery was commonly octagonal in plan, a visual metaphor for the number eight,
which symbolized in Christian numerology a new beginning.
• Baptisteries commonly adjoined the atrium, or forecourt, of the church and were often
large and richly decorated.
Plan Views of Early Churches
St. Apollinare in Nuovo, Ravenna. Sixth century St. George, Ezra, Syria
• The domed octagonal Lateran Baptistery is the
oldest Baptistery in the world.