CH 10

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Intermediate Accounting
IFRS 2nd Edition
Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.

2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment for
valuation of property, plant, and costs subsequent to acquisition.
equipment. 7. Describe the accounting treatment for
3. Describe the accounting problems the disposal of property, plant, and
associated with self-constructed assets. equipment.

4. Describe the accounting problems

associated with interest capitalization.

Property, plant, and equipment are assets of a durable nature.

Other terms commonly used are plant assets and fixed assets.

► “Used in operations” and not for
 Land,
 Building structures
► Long-term in nature and usually (offices, factories,
warehouses), and
 Equipment
► Possess physical substance. (machinery, furniture,

10-4 LO 1
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.

2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment for
valuation of property, plant, and costs subsequent to acquisition.
equipment. 7. Describe the accounting treatment for
the disposal of property, plant, and
3. Describe the accounting problems
associated with self-constructed assets.
4. Describe the accounting problems
associated with interest capitalization.

Historical cost measures the cash or cash equivalent price of

obtaining the asset and bringing it to the location and condition
necessary for its intended use.

In general, costs include:

1. Purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable

purchase taxes, less trade discounts and rebates.

2. Costs attributable to bringing the asset to the location and

condition necessary for it to be used in a manner intended
by the company.

10-6 LO 2

Companies value property, plant, and equipment in

subsequent periods using either the
 cost method or

 fair value (revaluation) method.

10-7 LO 2

Cost of Land
All expenditures made to acquire land and ready it for use.
Costs typically include:
(1) purchase price;
(2) closing costs, such as title to the land, attorney’s fees, and
recording fees;
(3) costs of grading, filling, draining, and clearing;
(4) assumption of any liens, mortgages, or encumbrances on
the property; and
(5) additional land improvements that have an indefinite life.

10-8 LO 2

Cost of Land
 Improvements with limited lives, such as private
driveways, walks, fences, and parking lots, are recorded
as Land Improvements and depreciated.

 Land acquired and held for speculation is classified as

an investment.

 Land held by a real estate concern for resale should be

classified as inventory.

10-9 LO 2

Cost of Buildings
Includes all expenditures related directly to acquisition or
construction. Costs include:

 materials, labor, and overhead costs incurred during

construction and

 professional fees and building permits.

Companies consider all costs incurred, from excavation to

completion, as part of the building costs.

10-10 LO 2
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.
2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment for
valuation of property, plant, and costs subsequent to acquisition.
7. Describe the accounting treatment for
3. Describe the accounting problems the disposal of property, plant, and
associated with self-constructed equipment.
4. Describe the accounting problems
10-11 associated with interest capitalization.

Self-Constructed Assets
Costs include:
 Materials and direct labor

 Overhead can be handled in two ways:

1. Assign no fixed overhead.

2. Assign a portion of all overhead to the construction


Companies use the second method extensively.

10-12 LO 3
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.
2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment for
valuation of property, plant, and costs subsequent to acquisition.
7. Describe the accounting treatment for
3. Describe the accounting problems the disposal of property, plant, and
associated with self-constructed assets. equipment.

4. Describe the accounting problems

associated with interest
10-13 capitalization.

Interest Costs During Construction

Three approaches have been suggested to account for the
interest incurred in financing the construction.

Increase to Cost of Asset $?

Capitalize no Capitalize
interest during Capitalize actual all costs of
construction costs incurred during funds

Capitalization of Interest
Costs IFRS

10-14 LO 4

Interest Costs During Construction

 IFRS requires — capitalizing actual interest (with

 Consistent with historical cost.

 Capitalization considers three items:

1. Qualifying assets.

2. Capitalization period.

3. Amount to capitalize.

10-15 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Qualifying Assets
Require a substantial period of time to get them ready for
their intended use or sale.
Two types of assets:
 Assets under construction for a company’s own use.

 Assets intended for sale or lease that are constructed or

produced as discrete projects.

10-16 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Capitalization Period
Begins when:
1. Expenditures for the assets are being incurred.

2. Activities for readying the asset for use or sale are

in progress .

3. Interest costs are being incurred.

Ends when:
The asset is substantially complete and ready for use.

10-17 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Amount to Capitalize
Capitalize the lesser of:
1. Actual interest cost incurred.

2. Avoidable interest - the amount of interest cost during

the period that a company could theoretically avoid if it
had not made expenditures for the asset.

10-18 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Illustration: Assume a company borrowed $200,000 at 12% interest

from State Bank on Jan. 1, 2015, for specific purposes of constructing
special-purpose equipment to be used in its operations. Construction on
the equipment began on Jan. 1, 2015, and the following expenditures
were made prior to the project’s completion on Dec. 31, 2015:

Actual Expenditures during 2015: Other general debt existing on

January 1 $ 100,000 Jan. 1, 2015:
April 30 150,000
$500,000, 14%, 10-year
November 1 300,000 bonds payable
December 31 100,000
Total expenditures $ 650,000 $300,000, 10%, 5-year
note payable

10-19 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Step 1 - Determine which assets qualify for capitalization of

Special purpose equipment qualifies because it requires a period of
time to get ready and it will be used in the company’s operations.

Step 2 - Determine the capitalization period.

The capitalization period is from Jan. 1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2015,
because expenditures are being made and interest costs are being
incurred during this period while construction is taking place.

10-20 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Step 3 - Compute weighted-average accumulated expenditures.

Actual Capitalization Accumulated
Date Expenditures Period Expenditures
Jan. 1 $ 100,000 12/12 $ 100,000
Apr. 30 150,000 8/12 100,000
Nov. 1 300,000 2/12 50,000
Dec. 31 100,000 0/12 -
$ 650,000 $ 250,000

A company weights the construction expenditures by the amount of time

(fraction of a year or accounting period) that it can incur interest cost on the
10-21 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Step 4 - Compute the Actual and Avoidable Interest.

Selecting Appropriate Interest Rate:

1. For the portion of weighted-average accumulated expenditures
that is less than or equal to any amounts borrowed specifically to
finance construction of the assets, use the interest rate incurred on
the specific borrowings.

2. For the portion of weighted-average accumulated expenditures

that is greater than any debt incurred specifically to finance
construction of the assets, use a weighted average of interest
rates incurred on all other outstanding debt during the period.

10-22 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction
Step 4 - Compute the Actual and Avoidable Interest.

Actual Interest
Interest Actual
Debt Rate Interest Weighted-average
Specific Debt $ 200,000 12% $ 24,000 interest rate on
general debt
General Debt 500,000 14% 70,000 $100,000
= 12.5%
300,000 10% 30,000 $800,000
$ 1,000,000 $ 124,000

Accumulated Interest Avoidable

Avoidable Interest Expenditures Rate Interest
$ 200,000 12% $ 24,000
50,000 12.5% 6,250
$ 250,000 $ 30,250
10-23 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Step 5 – Capitalize the lesser of Avoidable interest or Actual


Avoidable interest $ 30,250

Actual interest 124,000

Journal entry to Capitalize Interest:

Equipment 30,250
Interest Expense 30,250

10-24 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Comprehensive Illustration: On November 1, 2014, Shalla

Company contracted Pfeifer Construction Co. to construct a building
for $1,400,000 on land costing $100,000 (purchased from the
contractor and included in the first payment). Shalla made the
following payments to the construction company during 2015.

10-25 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Pfeifer Construction completed the building, ready for occupancy, on

December 31, 2015. Shalla had the following debt outstanding at
December 31, 2015.
Specific Construction Debt
1. 15%, 3-year note to finance purchase of land and
construction of the building, dated December 31, 2014, with
interest payable annually on December 31 $750,000
Other Debt
2. 10%, 5-year note payable, dated December 31, 2011, with
interest payable annually on December 31 $550,000
3. 12%, 10-year bonds issued December 31, 2010, with
interest payable annually on December 31 $600,000

Compute weighted-average accumulated expenditures for 2015.

10-26 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Compute weighted-average accumulated expenditures for 2015.

Computation of Weighted-Average
Accumulated Expenditures

10-27 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction
Compute the avoidable interest. Computation of
Avoidable Interest

10-28 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Compute the actual interest cost, which represents the maximum

amount of interest that it may capitalize during 2015.

Computation of Actual
Interest Cost
The interest cost that Shalla capitalizes is the
lesser of $120,228 (avoidable interest) and
$239,500 (actual interest), or $120,228.

10-29 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Shalla records the following journal entries during 2015:

January 1 Land 100,000

Buildings (or CIP) 110,000
Cash 210,000
March 1 Buildings 300,000
Cash 300,000
May 1 Buildings 540,000
Cash 540,000
December 31 Buildings 450,000
Cash 450,000
Buildings (Capitalized Interest) 120,228
Interest Expense 119,272
Cash 239,500

10-30 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

At December 31, 2015, Shalla discloses the amount of interest

capitalized either as part of the income statement or in the notes
accompanying the financial statements.

Capitalized Interest
Reported in the Income

Capitalized Interest
Disclosed in a Note

10-31 LO 4
Interest Costs During Construction

Special Issues Related to Interest Capitalization

1. Expenditures for Land
 If land is purchased as a site for a structure, interest
costs capitalized during the period of construction are
part of the cost of the plant, not the land.

 Conversely, if the company develops land for lot sales,

it includes any capitalized interest cost as part of the
acquisition cost of the developed land.

2. Interest Revenue
 In general, companies should not offset interest revenue
against interest cost unless earned on specific borrowings.
10-32 LO 4

How do statement users determine the impact of interest capitalization

on a company’s bottom line? They examine the notes to the financial
statements. Companies with material interest capitalization must
disclose the amounts of capitalized interest relative to total interest
costs. For example, Royal Dutch Shell (GBR and NLD) capitalized
nearly 42 percent of its total interest costs in a recent year and provided
the following footnote related to capitalized interest.

10-33 LO 4
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues
equipment. related to acquiring and valuing
2. Identify the costs to include in initial plant assets.
valuation of property, plant, and
6. Describe the accounting treatment for
costs subsequent to acquisition.
3. Describe the accounting problems
7. Describe the accounting treatment for
associated with self-constructed assets.
the disposal of property, plant, and
4. Describe the accounting problems equipment.
associated with interest capitalization.


Companies should record property, plant, and equipment:

 at the fair value of what they give up or

 at the fair value of the asset received,

whichever is more clearly evident.

10-35 LO 5

Cash Discounts — Discounts for prompt payment.

Deferred-Payment Contracts — Assets purchased on
long-term credit contracts are valued at the present value of the
consideration exchanged.

Lump-Sum Purchases — Allocate the total cost among the

various assets on the basis of their relative fair market values.

Issuance of Shares — The market price of the shares issued

is a fair indication of the cost of the property acquired.

10-36 LO 5

Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Ordinarily accounted for on the basis of:
 the fair value of the asset given up or

 the fair value of the asset received,

whichever is clearly more evident.

Companies should recognize immediately any gains or losses on

the exchange when the transaction has commercial substance.

10-37 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Meaning of Commercial Substance

Exchange has commercial substance if the future cash flows
change as a result of the transaction. That is, if the two parties’
economic positions change, the transaction has commercial

Accounting for Exchanges

10-38 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Exchanges—Loss Situation
Companies recognize a loss immediately whether the exchange
has commercial substance or not.

Rationale: Companies should not value assets at more than their

cash equivalent price; if the loss were deferred, assets would be

10-39 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Illustration: Information Processing, Inc. trades its used machine for a

new model at Jerrod Business Solutions Inc. The exchange has
commercial substance. The used machine has a book value of €8,000
(original cost €12,000 less €4,000 accumulated depreciation) and a fair
value of €6,000. The new model lists for €16,000. Jerrod gives
Information Processing a trade-in allowance of €9,000 for the used
machine. Information Processing computes the cost of the new asset
as follows.

Computation of Cost of
New Machine

10-40 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Illustration: Information Processing records this transaction as follows:

Equipment 13,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 4,000
Loss on Disposal of Equipment 2,000
Equipment 12,000
Cash 7,000

Loss on Computation of Loss
on Disposal of Used
Disposal Machine

10-41 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Exchanges—Gain Situation
Has Commercial Substance. Company usually records the
cost of a non-monetary asset acquired in exchange for
another non-monetary asset at the fair value of the asset
given up, and immediately recognizes a gain.

10-42 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Illustration: Interstate Transportation Company exchanged a number

of used trucks plus cash for a semi-truck. The used trucks have a
combined book value of $42,000 (cost $64,000 less $22,000
accumulated depreciation). Interstate’s purchasing agent,
experienced in the secondhand market, indicates that the used
trucks have a fair market value of $49,000. In addition to the trucks,
Interstate must pay $11,000 cash for the semi-truck. Interstate
computes the cost of the semi-truck as follows.

Illustration 10-13
Computation of
Semi-Truck Cost

10-43 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Illustration: Interstate records the exchange transaction as follows:

Truck (semi) 60,000

Accumulated Depreciation—Trucks 22,000
Trucks (used) 64,000
Gain on Disposal of Trucks 7,000
Cash 11,000

Computation of Gain
Gain on on Disposal of Used

10-44 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Exchanges—Gain Situation
Lacks Commercial Substance. Now assume that Interstate
Transportation Company exchange lacks commercial

Interstate defers the gain of $7,000 and reduces the basis of

the semi-truck.

10-45 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Illustration: Interstate records the exchange transaction as


Trucks (semi) 53,000

Accumulated Depreciation—Trucks 22,000
Trucks (used) 64,000
Cash 11,000

Basis of Semi-Truck—
Fair Value vs. Book Value

10-46 LO 5
Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Summary of Gain and Loss Recognition on

Exchanges of Non-Monetary Assets

Disclosure include
 nature of the transaction(s),
 method of accounting for the assets exchanged, and
 gains or losses recognized on the exchanges.

10-47 LO 5

Government Grants
Government Grants are assistance received from a
government in the form of transfers of resources to a
company in return for past or future compliance with certain
conditions relating to the operating activities of the

IFRS requires grants to be recognized in income (income

approach) on a systematic basis that matches them with the
related costs that they are intended to compensate.

10-48 LO 5
Government Grants

Example 1: Grant for Lab Equipment. AG Company received a

€500,000 subsidy from the government to purchase lab equipment
on January 2, 2015. The lab equipment cost is €2,000,000, has a
useful life of five years, and is depreciated on the straight-line

IFRS allows AG to record this grant in one of two ways:

1. Credit Deferred Grant Revenue for the subsidy and amortize

the deferred grant revenue over the five-year period.

2. Credit the lab equipment for the subsidy and depreciate this
amount over the five-year period.

10-49 LO 5
Government Grants

Example 1: Grant for Lab Equipment. If AG chooses to record

deferred revenue of €500,000, it amortizes this amount over the
five-year period to income (€100,000 per year). The effects on the
financial statements at December 31, 2015, are:

Government Grant
Recorded as Deferred

10-50 LO 5
Government Grants

Example 1: Grant for Lab Equipment. If AG chooses to reduce

the cost of the lab equipment, AG reports the equipment at
€1,500,000 (€2,000,000 - €500,000) and depreciates this amount
over the five-year period. The effects on the financial statements
at December 31, 2015, are: ILLUSTRATION 10-18
Government Grant Adjusted to Asset

10-51 LO 5
Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.
2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment
valuation of property, plant, and for costs subsequent to acquisition.
7. Describe the accounting treatment for
3. Describe the accounting problems the disposal of property, plant, and
associated with self-constructed assets. equipment.
4. Describe the accounting problems
associated with interest capitalization.


Recognize costs subsequent to acquisition as an asset when

the costs can be measured reliably and it is probable that the
company will obtain future economic benefits.
Evidence of future economic benefit would include increases in
1. useful life,

2. quantity of product produced, and

3. quality of product produced.

10-53 LO 6

10-54 ILLUSTRATION 10-21 Summary of Costs Subsequent to Acquisition LO 6

Acquisition and Disposition of
10 Property, Plant, and
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe property, plant, and 5. Understand accounting issues related
equipment. to acquiring and valuing plant assets.
2. Identify the costs to include in initial 6. Describe the accounting treatment for
valuation of property, plant, and costs subsequent to acquisition.
7. Describe the accounting treatment
3. Describe the accounting problems for the disposal of property, plant,
associated with self-constructed assets.
and equipment.
4. Describe the accounting problems
associated with interest capitalization.


A company may retire plant assets voluntarily or dispose of

them by
 Sale,

 Exchange,

 Involuntary conversion, or

 Abandonment.

Depreciation must be taken up to the date of disposition.

10-56 LO 7

Sale of Plant Assets

Illustration: Barret Company recorded depreciation on a machine
costing €18,000 for nine years at the rate of €1,200 per year. If it
sells the machine in the middle of the tenth year for €7,000, Barret
records depreciation to the date of sale as:

Depreciation Expense (€1,200 x ½) 600

Accumulated Depreciation—Machinery 600

10-57 LO 7

Illustration: Barret Company recorded depreciation on a machine

costing $18,000 for 9 years at the rate of $1,200 per year. If it sells
the machine in the middle of the tenth year for $7,000, Barret
records depreciation to the date of sale. Record the entry to record
the sale of the asset:

Cash 7,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Machinery 11,400
Machinery 18,000
Gain on Disposal of Machinery 400

10-58 LO 7

Involuntary Conversion
Sometimes an asset’s service is terminated through some type of
involuntary conversion such as fire, flood, theft, or condemnation.

Companies report the difference between the amount recovered

(e.g., from a condemnation award or insurance recovery), if any,
and the asset’s book value as a gain or loss.

They treat these gains or losses like any other type of disposition.

10-59 LO 7

Illustration: Camel Transport Corp. had to sell a plant located on

company property that stood directly in the path of an interstate
highway. Camel received $500,000, which substantially exceeded the
book value of the land of $150,000 and the book value of the building
of $100,000 (cost of $300,000 less accumulated depreciation of
$200,000). Camel made the following entry.

Cash 500,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Buildings 200,000
Buildings 300,000
Land 150,000
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets 250,000

10-60 LO 7

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