Group - 6 - PF - Chad Cameroon - Pipeline

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The Chad-Cameroon Petroleum

Development and Pipeline Project

Group 6
Bhavesh Agrawal PGP/22/242
Abhishek Modi PGP/22/244
Amaan Lulania PGP/22/261
Roshni Sambrani PGP/22/279
Vinisha Ayyappan PGP/22/410
Rishabh Sinha PGP/22/158
Project History and Players
 In early 1970s, an oil companies’ consortium discovered oil in Chad
 By 1979, growing civil unrest forced the suspension of development of the
oil fields
 In Feb 1996, MOU was signed between Chad, Cameroon and a
reorganized consortium
 In Nov 1999, Elf and Shell dropped out of the consortium

ExxonMobil (40%) Petronas (35%) Chevron (25%)

• Global major player • Owned by Malaysian • U.S. based company

• AAA debt rating government involved in energy-
• Strong upstream portfolio • Currently operating 40 related activities
• Environmentally oriented fields in 24 countries in • Specially active in Africa
Asia and Africa • 50% stake in downstream
operator Caltex
Project Description

The Project
($3.7 Bn)

Field System Export System

($1.5 Bn) ($2.2 Bn)
300 wells in 3 fields Construction of 1070 km long pipeline
Corporate finance Project finance
Upstream Consortium (JV) TOTCO and COTCO

EssoChad (ExxonMobil subsidiary) responsible for project coordination and

upstream operations
Capital Structure
• The sponsors decided to use corporate finance for Field System and
Project Finance for the Export System.

Equity (62.4%) Debt (37.6%)

• Proposed structure included • Proposed structure included

$2.3 bn of equity $1.4 bn of debt

$883 mn ExxonMobil
$2.2 bn $0.4 bn Capital Market
$772 mn Petronas
(59.2%) (10.7%) Bonds
$551 mn Chevron
Private Sponsors

$100 mn IFC A- Loan

$0.1 bn $77 mn IBRD $1.0 bn $300 mn IFC B- Loan
(3.2%) $42 mn EIB (10.7%)
$600 mn ECA Loans

Chad and Cameroon govt. Other Agencies

(lent by EIB and IBRD)
Returns and Sensitivity Analysis
 Base calculation assumed 883 mn barrels of salable crude oil out of 917 mn
 Average price around $15 per barrel means total revenues of $13.7 bn across
the duration of the project
 Returns were mainly driven by oil prices and volume assumptions.
 World Bank’s technical staff and independent consultants confirmed that the
actual reserves could vary from 595 mn barrel of proven reserves to 1,038 mn
proven, probable and possible reserves
 Price assumptions were based on Brent Crude prices which ranged from $9 to
$42 per barrel over the last 18 years with an average price of $20 per barrel
 Due to the acidic, corrosive nature of the Doba Basin oil, it was expected that it
will sell at a discount of 10%-20% below the Brent Crude.
 Despite the discount, the price well above the project’s finding and
development cost of $5.2 per barrel
NPV ($US mn) Internal Rate of Return

Private Private
Price Chad Cameroon Chad Cameroon
Sponsors Sponsors

$12.00/bbl 108 92 -917 42% 34% <0%

595 mn
$15.25/bbl 205 104 -344 60% 35% <0%

$18.5/bbl 330 101 235 75% 35% 13%

$12.00/bbl 271 148 -98 56% 39% 9%

917 mn
$15.25/bbl 463 144 706 70% 39% 18%

$18.5/bbl 822 141 1361 84% 39% 25%

$12.00/bbl 337 162 198 60% 41% 12%

mn bbl

$15.25/bbl 603 158 1045 75% 40% 21%

$18.5/bbl 1170 156 1614 90% 40% 27%

Many years of political instability had hampered Chad’s economic development. It was one
of the poorest and least developed nation in the world. Except for oil, the landlocked
country had a few natural resources and lacked even basic infrastructure needed for
 Infrastructure development
 Poverty alleviation
 Employment opportunities (80% of operations to be handled by trained locals)
Cameroon was still a poor nation, ranking 134 out of 174 countries on UN Development index
and 99 out of 99 in terms of corruption according to Transparency International NGO
• Employment opportunities
• Poverty alleviation
• Public infrastructure improvement
Consortium of Oil Companies
 The environmental and social relations/image of the companies will improve by providing
the additional technical expertise
 Revenue and resources
World Bank’s involvement
 As Chad was a risky country to invest in, the sponsors and lenders wouldn’t invest without
some kind of protection against political risk
 Hence, the Sponsors considered including one or more multilateral development agencies
as partners in the deal.
 The World Bank was the logical choice because it had extensive lending and policy
experience with developing countries and had been working with the two countries for
many years.
 Without the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank‘s involvement, the Chad
Cameroon Pipeline Project would not have gotten off the ground.
 The senior management was intrigued with the proposal for mainly three reasons
 The project was viable and it would be Bank’s responsibility to ensure that the host countries received
returns in proportion to risks that they would bear
 The project could help jump start Chad’s listless economy
 Bank could play an important role in protecting the environment as well as indigenous people
World Bank’s involvement
 The IFC provided a $100 million loan and up to $300 million in syndicated loans to COTCO &
 The IFC has been involved in catalyzing $900 million of financing from Export Credit
 A $400 million bond issue from international capital markets
 They stated in their project documentation that commercial lenders have indicated their
unwillingness to proceed with the oil project without the Bank Group‘s involvement
 The world bank was involved in handling the revenue management program.
 Potential Risks if it chose not to participate:
 The sponsors might abandon project and look to invest in safer countries
 If the World Bank did not step in, the Chad government might develop the oil fields
with neighboring countries of Sudan and Libya
 These countries are labelled as terrorist countries by the US state department and may
use the revenues to fund civil wars
Revenue Management Plan
 Revenue Management is the application of analytics that predicts consumer behaviour at the
micro-market level to optimise product availability and price to maximise revenue growth.
 The primary aim of a revenue management strategy is selling the right product to the right
customer at the right time for the right price.
 World Bank wanted to ensure that the ‘New” wealth from the project would be invested for the
well-being of all Chadians
 Chad would receive $1.8bn of cash flow in the form of taxes, royalties and dividends

Aspects of the RMP:

 16% of cash flows as tax, to be used at the government’s discretion for general development
 Royalties and dividends to be deposited into a Special Petroleum Revenue Account and used
 10% deposited in foreign financial institutions to finance poverty reduction programs of future generations
 Of the rest 90%, 85% to finance development in 5 key sectors (education, health and social services, rural
development, infrastructure, and environment and water resources)
 Rest, 15% would go to government budget and Doba region programs

 $25 mn payment from Chevron and Petronas not covered under RMP
Oversight and control of the RMP:
 The World Bank and Chadian government would approve a detailed annual expenditure
 Program to be reviewed by an oversight committee consisting of 9 members (7 from the
government, one from an NGO and one from a trade union) with a term of 3-5 years
 Committee to publish a yearly review of operations subject to external audit
 World Bank to review all expenditures and monitor the full program
 To ensure implementation, the RMP would be a contractual obligation would be put under the
IBRD and EIB loans
 The government’s performance would also determine future lending
 In 1998, the Chadian government passed a law to implement the above stipulations
 To further demonstrate it commitment to economic reform and development,
 It privatized 45 out of 50 state-owned enterprises

 Cut the military budget in half

 Reallocated public expenditure to increase development efforts

 No history of development in Africa due to investment in oil. E.g. Nigeria,
Congo, Angola and Gabon
 Detrimental social and environmental impacts with minimal development
 The project designed had little chance of delivering the benefits claimed
while having high risk of environmental damage and social disruption
 Predicting oil leaks with the state-of-the-art technology has a failure rate of
0.002% which is equivalent to 2000 gallons a day without detection
 Vague laws that have been introduced to enable the project and lack the
details necessary details for effective oversight
 Inability of the world bank backed by history where the poor and
vulnerable groups who have been relocated to re-establish their livelihood
 Revenue management plan had corporate heavy board with less
representation for the locals and option to be changed every five years
Lessons Learnt
 Besides the feasibility of the project in terms of NPV calculations for
assessing a project, external factors are also extremely important especially
in developing nation
 Based on the kind of projects you need to assess the backlashes from the
critics, environmentalists and locals
 Assessing the political climate is extremely important as any changes in the
regime or change of mind of the leader world put a hamper to the project
 Contingency should be made for every risk factor in a project with proper
steps to oversee and manage it

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