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Lect 04

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C Pro g ram m in g

Lectu re 4 : Variab les , Data Typ es

Lecture notes : courtesy of Ohio Supercomputing Center, science and technolgy support
First Program
#include <stdio.h> Output :
int main()
{ Hello World!
/* My first program */
printf("Hello World! \n");

return 0;

 C is case sensitive.
 End of each statement must be marked with a semicolon (;).
 Multiple statements can be on the same line.
 White space (e.g. space, tab, enter, … ) is ignored.
First Program
#include <stdio.h>
int main() Output :
/* My first program */ Hello World!
printf("Hello World! \n");

return 0;
The C program starting point :
 main().
indicates where the program actually starts and
 main()
ends. {}
In general, braces {} are used throughout C to enclose a block of

statements to be treated as a unit.
COMMON ERROR: unbalanced number of open and close curly

First Program
#include <stdio.h>
int main() Output :
/* My first program */ Hello World!
printf("Hello World! \n");

return 0;

 #include <stdio.h>
Including a header file
 stdio.h
Allows the use of function
 printf
For each function built into the language, an associated header file

must be included.

 printf() is actually a function (procedure) in C that is used for

printing variables and text
First Program
#include <stdio.h>
int main() Output :
/* My first program */ Hello World!
printf("Hello World! \n");

return 0;

/* My first program */

Comments are inserted between “/*” and “*/”

Or, you can use “//”

Primarily they serve as internal documentation for program

structure and function.
Why use comments?
Documentation of variables, functions and algorithms

Ex) for each function, explain input and output of the

function, and the function does.

Describes the program, author, date, modification

changes, revisions,…
Header Files
Header files contain definitions of functions and variables

Preprocessor insert the codes of a header file into the

source code. #include

Standard header files are provided with each compiler

To use any of the standard functions, the appropriate header file

should be included.
Ex) to use function , insert
 printf() #include <stdio.h>

In UNIX, standard header files are generally located in the

/usr/include subdirectory
Header Files
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include “mylib.h”
The use of brackets <> informs the compiler to search

for the specified
file. compiler’s include directories

The use of the double quotes “” around the filename

informs the compiler to
for the specified file.the search in the current
Second Program
#include <stdio.h>
#define TAXRATE 0.10
int main () {
float balance;
float tax=0.0; /* declaration + initialization */
char rate=‘A’;
int credit_no=1;
balance = 72.10;
tax = balance * TAXRATE;
printf("The tax on %.2f is %.2f\n",balance, tax);
printf(“CREDIT RATE : %d/%c\n”, credit_no, rate);

return 0;

Output :
The tax on 72.10 is 7.21
Names in C
Identifiers (variable name)

Must begin with a character or underscore(_)

May be followed by any combination of characters,

underscores, or digits(0-9)
Case sensitive

 summary, exit_flag, i, _id, jerry7


Reserved identifiers that have predefined meaning to the C

compiler. C only has 29 keywords.
 if , else, char, int, while
Symbolic Constants
Names given to values that cannot be changed.

Use preprocessor directive
 #define
#define N 3000
#define FALSE 0
#define PI 3.14159
#define FIGURE "triangle"
Symbols which occur in the C program are replaced by

their value before actual compilation
Declaring Variables

Named memory location where data value is stored

Each variable has a certain type (e.g. …)
 int, char, float,
Contents of a variable can change

Variables must be declared before use in a program

Declaration of variables should be done at the opening brace of a

function in C. ( it is more flexible in C++ )

Basic declaration format

 data_type var1, var2, …;
 Examples)
int i,j,k;
float length, height;
Data Typ es
: 1 byte, cap ab le of hold ing one character (ascii cod e)
 char
4 byte (on 32bit com p uter) integ er
 int :
: sing le-p recision floating point
 float
: doub le-p recision floating point
 double

type size min value max value

char 1byte -27 = -128 27-1 = 127
short 2byte -215 = -32,768 215-1 = 32,767
int 4byte -231 = -2,147,483,648 231-1 = 2,147,483,647
long 4byte -231 = -2,147,483,648 231-1 = 2,147,483,647

• Min/Max values are defined in <limit.h> header file

unsigned type
 Use when representing only positive numbers
Data type size min max

unsigned char 1byte 0 28-1 = 255

unsigned short 2 byte 0 216-1 = 65,535

unsigned int 4byte 0 232-1 = 4,294,967,295

Negative integer representation

first bit represents the sign of a number

Rest of bits represent the value of a number

Negative integer number

Represented as 2’s complement

number Bit representation

+5 00000101
1’s complement of 5 11111010
2’s complement of 5 11111011
-5 11111011
floating point
real number : significant number + position of decimal point

Decimal point(.) can be placed anywhere relative to the significant

digits of the number

This position is indicated separately in the internal representation

Advantage of floating point representation

Support much wider range of values

Representing 314159265358979.3 vs 3.141592653589793

type size min max

(7 significant numbers) (7 significant numbers)
float 4 byte
-1.0E+38 1.0E+38
(15 significant numbers) (15 significant numbers)
double 8 byte
-1.0E+308 1.0E+308
Ascii Code
Escape character
Starts with backslash(\)

Indicate special meaning and interpretation

Escape character meaning

\b backspace
\t tab
\n newline
\r formfeed
\" double quote
\' single quote
\\ back slash

a 97
A 65
1 49
$ 36
+ 43
a 97
A 65
1 49
$ 36
+ 43
getchar() , putchar()
 int getchar()
Defined in <stdio.h>,

Get one character input from keyboard and return the ascii value

 int putchar(int c)
Defined in <stdio.h>

prints one character provided as a parameter

#include <stdio.h> Output :

character input : A
int main() ascii code : 65
int c;

printf(“keyboard input (one character?)”);


printf(“character input : %c\n”,c);

printf(“ascii code : %d\n”, c);

return 0;
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
short no_univ = 276;
int population = 48295000;
long budget = 237000000000000L;

printf(“korea info\n”);
printf(“univ no : %d\n”, no_univ);
printf(“population : %d\n”, population);
printf(“budget : %d\n”, budget);
Output :
korea info
return 0;
univ no : 276
} putpulation: 48295000
budget: -590360576
(integer type) overflow

occurs when storing a value that is bigger than what can be


Ex) 2,147,483,647 (= 231-1) + 1 = ?

01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int a=2147483647;

return 0;

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