Globalisation Poster
Globalisation Poster
Globalisation Poster
The beginning, political context and forming of Basque identy Basque Pride and the “Grassroots post-modernism”
Football in Vizkaya (Bizkaia) region emerged at the end of the 19-th century in and Unique in its philosophy, Athletic were lacking behind competitively in recent years. The last time The unrecognised Basque Country includes 4 Spanish and
3 French provinces (2016). Picture from:
around the port town of Bilbao, just two decades after the end of the Second Spanish they become champions was in the 1984 and since then they have not got much success. Certainly,
Carlist War. Its forefathers were a group of British enthusiasts who already lived in the based on their ideals, the team suffers in the aftermath of the Bosman rule. Football market became more and more globalised and
area and young local students. The passion for the new game quickly evolved into the Athletic had to be creative in their recruitment thinking, still they manage to be one of the only three teams never to be relegated from
birth of Athletic Club de Bilbao 1898. As Rojo-Labaien states, along with religion and Primera Division, with Real Madrid and Barcelona being the other two teams (Tunon and Brey, 2012).
war, football is one of the most powerful means in terms of collective mobilisation and
identity expression and have the ability to unite people. In the area, football and Although Athletic were proud of this achievement, and proud of their own traditions and identity, the Bilbao team slightly “relaxed”
nationalism emerged at the same time, Sabino Arana formed the Basque Nationalist their strict recruitment policy in recent years (Groves, 2011). From Arana’s Basque by blood only in the early years of the team, to
Party and created the term Euzkadi to identify the Basque Nation. The strong Basque recruiting players developed in the Basque country nowadays, Athletic is finding a path of doing things their way, preserving their
nationalist ideals manifested in a football philosophy that only players born in the identity and adapting to the contemporary trends. Gulianotti and Robertson states that football is the ultimate manifestation of
Basque country can ever play for the Athletic. Coincidence or not, football and Basque globalisation and the process often refers to fan’s and community’s alienation from their club (Vaszi, 2014). In contrast however, Bilbao
national identity were to form a symbolic relationship to last (Rojo-Labaien, 2017). apply their concept in a distinctive local pattern by symbolically empowering its community.
Taking advantage of glocalisation. Giving back to the community
The game’s popularity spread out from the area quickly. Basque youngsters studying in
Madrid even formed a brunch football club to represent their Basque identity in the The Champions team of Athletic Bilbao (1930). Picture from: By all means Athletic recruitment policy is unique. Their local Basque rivals
capital, called Atletico de Madrid. Yet, Basque players dominated on the football pitch. from San Sebastian – Real Sociadad, gave up on similar tradition in the late
Famous with their rough and physical style of play, adopted from its British founders, Globailsation of football
1980’s (Gyori Szabo, 2013) when they signed a foreign player. It is interesting
Athletic went to win Copa del Rey (the King’s cup) 9 times until the mid 1920’s (Gyori that globalisation processes of other teams in the Basque country benefited
Szabo, 2013). Moreover, Basque players formed half of the team representing Spain at Gulianotti and Robertson defines glocalisation as the
Bilbao too. Since they are the biggest team in the region, they take
the 1920 Olympic games. Although the team won silver medals, they faced criticism difference or similarity between the local and the global in
advantage of other teams academy players as they fit their criteria. Such
from the governance in Madrid for fielding too many Basques. A third of Spain’s particular cultural environment. As such, glocalisation is a
players are Kenan Kodro who is Bosnian national and Inaki Williams who has
population do not consider themselves Castilian (national identity referring to the feature of globalisation that refers to the process of
Liberian parents and also came through the Basque academies (El Diario
region of the capital – Castilla y Leon), and many provinces are still striving for modifying the global trends for the use of the local
Vasco, 2019).
autonomy and independence from Madrid (Castillo, 2008). Ever since its forming, community. In football context, that means establishing
Athletic’s team was recognised by the locals as the equipo Euzkadi and their successful local traditions in a global football phenomena, such as San Mamés Stadium (2018). Picture from: Athletic Bilbao has a strong symbolic relationship with their local community,
tour in the 1930’s in Europe, Latin America and even the Soviet Union was seen as a playing styles, recruitment practice, techniques and
just as an example: the new San Mames stadium Athletic opened in 2013
manifestation and popularization of the Basque identity worldwide (Giog, 2008). The different game formats (Gulianotti and Robertson, 2004). “Athletic Bilbao is more than a football
was publically funded, managed and built, 100%Athletic was their own local
team was also used by the Basque government as a political tool promoting the club, it is a feeling and as such its ways kit brand and when they have finally decided to give up a century old no-
Euzkadi country during the Spanish Civil War, only to see most of their plans destroyed In the case of Athletic, the football club is a social and
cultural institution that represents the Basque identity and
of operating often escape rational logo-on-our-kit tradition, they again stayed local by signing sponsorship
by FIFA and Franco’s repressive totalitarianism (Zakravsky, 2016).
a local football philosophy, hence it has a strong degree of analysis. We see ourselves as unique in contracts with Basque companies (Kirolbet, 2019; Marca, 2008; Reuters,
world of football and this defines our 2008; Visitsanmames, 2019).
The Spanish Civil War in the late 1930’s and the following 4 decades of Franco’s glocality. By fielding only players born and bred in the
dictatorship diminished the success of Athletic. Furthermore, in an attempt to unify Basque country, Athletic strengthen its symbolic identity. We do not say that we are better On another side, global football market has made it almost impossible for
the Spanish nation, Franco’s regime prohibited the Basque identity, their flag and their relationship with its community (Castro-Ramos, 2008). Yet, or worse than others, merely different. Bilbao to keep their best players, as they are offered better wages elsewhere.
language, and Hispanicize Basque names (Shulman, 2004). Robertson suggest that resisting the process of football globalisation and players’ We only wish for the sons of our soil to Since 2013 just by selling of 4 players (Martinez – Bayern; Herera – Man U;
migration is far from easy for the Bilbao team. In the
modern national identities emerge from political and economic systems, and represent our club, and in so wishing we Laporte – Man C and Arrizzabalaga – Chelsea) the club assimilated over 200
nationalism becomes stronger when oppressed (Robertson, 1992; Crolley and Hand, European contemporary football market, Shulman (2004)
suggest that relying only on local talent is practically
stand out as a sporting entity, not a million euros (Transfermarkt, 2019). With Athletic club’s Fundazioa, started
2006). That was the case with the Basques and for long time the stadiums were the
only places to one can express their belonging and political views. Nationalists suicidal. With less than 3 million population in the Basque business concept. We wish to mould our in 2002, the club caters for its local community in a variety of cultural and
players into men, not footballers, and social projects, such as Bizitegi(football participation), ADSIS(social
movements became so strong that they evolve into extremism – ETA (Euskadi Ta region, Shulman does have a point, yet Athletic resist the
integration for prisoners), Futbola Buruan(for mentally ill), Bakuva(social
Askatasuna-Basque country and freedom) fought against the dictatorship regime since temptation of football globalisation and preserve their each time that a player from the cantera inclusion), Think football(film festival) and many more. As Castillo(2007)
the 1960’s. Their activity aimed at promoting of Basque culture and identity, but soon long standing traditions. makes his debut we feel we suggest, Athletic is a living proof that with strong sense of belonging and
became violent and extreme in its methods (Goig, 2008). To understand Basque, it is have realized an objective which is in shared values, the local community can bend the rules of globalisation and
important one to understand the history background of Basque society and the events Bilbainos are extremely proud of what they are in cultural harmony with the ideologies of our persist its traditions and national
forming that identity over the years. and political context, as they are unique in this sense. Only
founders and forefathers”
Reference list:
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