Starting A Business
Starting A Business
Starting A Business
Goals: What are your GOALS for starting your own business?
(Answer WHY you want to do this. What do you intend to achieve)
More family time ● Additional income ● Primary source of income ● Greater life flexibility ●
Family member care ● Independence ● Greater Security ● Long-Term Income
What activities
make you happy!!
Do you have a hobby? Do you Inventory
like helping people? Do you have a
specialized skill that you enjoy?
What do you enjoy doing? ● How
Create a business out of what you know and much time per day can/will you
enjoy and it will not even seem like work! All devote to your business ● Can you
that remains is deciding whether you start out afford to quit your job? If not, can you
on a part-time basis or go full out. Use your build a part-time business? ● What
Personal Inventory to help identify the type of type of personality are you?
business and your Goals to keep your Outgoing, reclusive, center of
Passion fired up. attention, behind the scenes?● Do
your prefer to work with/for a
company or start your own
© Quadrant Business Management Group – All Rights Reserved company?
Helping Businesses Grow
QBMG does not imply or guarantee any degree of business success by using the information
contained within this document. QBMG assumes no liability for errors or omissions.
Business Type Guide
Business types are as individual as the business person. The
determination on what type of business to initiate is primarily driven by four
1.Own your own business or work for an established company as an
independent or franchisee.
2.The amount of time required to make and keep the business productive.
3.Finances - Whether you need to continue working while building a
business and/or have the resources to make the initial business investment.
4.Your individual skill set and level of experience (some ventures do not
require any previous skills or experience!)
Do Your Research!
An overview of each Business Type listed is provided on the following
Some Considerations
• Models and methods are provided by Example Franchises
Franchisor – you must adhere to their
• Real Estate
• Can be costly for well-known business • Carpet Cleaning
or service • Almost any business
• If less costly, most likely less known operation that can be
• You will most likely not have a say in
many matters
The above companies and references
are provided as an example and QBMG
assumes no liability for the products,
services or information provided by these
or any other entities referenced in this
Some Considerations Product and/or
• Start up costs will vary based on the Service Companies
business •Consulting
• You will be “blazing” your own trails
– business planning, •Computer training
advertising, marketing, etc. •Gift Baskets
• If product or adjunct services are •Hand-carved rocking horses
required, you will need to put
sourcing arrangements in place. •Marketing services
This can drive both the quality and •Day care providers
cost of your product or service.
• Licensing
– Does the service you provide
require a license or permit?
The above companies and references are provided
• Federal, state or local regulations as an example only and QBMG assumes no liability
– For products or services for the products, services or information provided by
these or any other entities referenced in this
Do your research in the area you select before you get started. The
Small Business Administration,, is a good source.
Some Considerations
One reference source is: “Network Marketing: Answers to Your Top 5 Questions” by
Rod Nichols, May 2006 issue of
Some Considerations
The following items should be addressed in your preliminary business planning activities.
1.Business Description – What products and/or services are you going to offer.
2.Motivation and Goals – Why do you want to start your own business and what do you intend
to achieve?
3.Target Market and Customers – To whom are you going to sell your products and/or
4.Market Analysis – Is your target market growing, static or shrinking? Why?
5.Value Statement – What value will your product and/or service give to your customer. Will
that value be perceived as worth the price you will charge for the product or service?
6.Competitive Edge – Who are your top competitors and why will people buy YOUR product or
7.Marketing/Sales Strategy – How are you going to market and sell your products/services?
What is the estimated cost of sales and marketing programs?
8.Internet (e-commerce) Marketing and Sales Strategy – How will you use the internet and
what are the associated costs?
9.Personnel Skills Assessment – What is your education background and work experience in
the business you plan to start? Are there skills you will need that you do not possess?
10.Office Location and Business Equipment Requirements– Located in home or leased
office space? Define all needed office equipment and associated cost. (e.g., desk, chairs,
phones, computer, fax, internet, printer, etc.)
11.Business Name and Registration – What type of business organization will you register as-
Sole Proprietor, Limited Liability Corp (LLC), Corporation, etc. Each type of organization has it
own rules of operation. Understand what these are.
12.Licenses, Permits and Insurance– What license, permits and insurance are needed to
operate. What is the associated cost?
13. Cost Analysis – What are all of my projected costs (fixed, variable, product, delivery, etc.)
14. Income Forecast – What are my projected revenues for the next set time period (typically
one year)
15. Cash Flow/Break-Even Statement – What will my cash position be after accounting for
estimated sales, costs and investments in my company. (typical time period is one year.) How
much do I have to sell on a monthly basis to breakeven?