Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
Nitrous Oxide: -
It is popularly known as laughing gas.
It is emitted from Nitrogen fertilizers, biomass burning, nylon
production & burning livestock waste. In pre-industrial era it was
present in air to the extent of 270 PPB now it has increased to 316
PPB. Its contribution towards green hence effect is 6 %.
Effects of Global Warming
When fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are burnt,
gases like sulphur dioxide & Nitrogen dioxide are produced.
These gases moves up wards in the atmosphere react with
water vapour and finally return to the ground in the form of
Acid rains.
Sulphur dioxide is released from coal burning, power plants
industrial boilers, smelters and petroleum refineries. It
mixes with oxygen to produce sulphur trioxide which reacts
with water vapour to produce sulphuric acid.
2 SO2 +02 ------> 2 SO3
2 SO3 + 2H2O -----> 2H2 SO4 (sulphuric acid)
Nitrogen dioxide is produced in atmosphere during
lightening in sky. It also comes out from motor vehicle
exhausts & chimneys of factories. It reacts with water
vapour in presence of oxygen to produce Nitric Acid.
Ozone layer depletion is one of the most serious problems faced by our planet earth.
It is also one of the prime reasons which are leading to global warming.
Ozone is a colourless gas which is found in the stratosphere of our upper
The layer of ozone gas is what which protects us from the harmful ultraviolet
radiations of the sun. The ozone layer absorbs these harmful radiations and thus
prevents these rays from entering the earth’s atmosphere.
Ultraviolet radiations are high energy electromagnetic waves emitted by the sun
which if enters the earth’s atmosphere can lead to various environmental issues
including global warming, and also a number of health related issues for all living
The Causes of Ozone Depletion
Chlorine released from CFC
and Bromine released from
halogens are the most important
chemicals associated with
ozone layer depletion. Halogens
are used in fire extinguishers
and CFCs are extensively used
in air conditioners and
Methyl bromide used during
packaging of fruits to prevent
bacterial action flows out into
the atmosphere as soon as the
packing is opened. This cause
heavy damage to ozone.
High altitude aircrafts and
chemicals emitted by industrial
plants and automobiles.
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion
1. UV reaches the earth and cause skin cancer of sun burn. About 2.2
million cases of skin cancer occur every year in the world.
2. Diseases like Measles, Chickenpox and Malaria increases.
3. Cataract
4. Loss of Vision
5. Damage to immune system
6. Susceptibility to herpes
7. Greenhouse effect
8. Colour of paints and fabrics fades away
9. Photosynthesis in Phytoplankton’s and Legumes and cabbage
Control Measures
Any land which is not put to optimal use is defined as waste land.
The waste land do not fulfill their life sustain potential wasteland
contributes about 20.17% of the total geographical area of India.
Wasteland reclamation is the process of turning barren,
sterile wasteland into something that is fertile and suitable for
habitation and cultivation
• Reasons for formation
Over grazing and over exploitation
Toxic effluent discharged from sewage and industrial wastes.
Mining activities destroy forest and cultivable land.
Use of pesticides also produces wasteland.
Erosion, desertification, water logging also degrade land.
Wastelands can be reclaimed by the following ways
The reserved forests shall not be diverted or dereserved without prior permission of
the central government.
The land that has been notified or registered or forest land may not be used for non-forest
Any illegal non-forest activity within a forest area can be immediately stopped under the act.
Important Amendments:
Forest departments are forbidden to assign any forest land for re-afforestation.
Clearance of any forest land of naturally grown trees for the purpose of re-
afforestation is forbidden.
Diversion of forest land for non-forest uses is a cognizable offence and the violator
is punishable under law.
• Environmental legislation is evolved to protect our environment as whole
our health and the Earth’s resources. For successful implementation, there has
to be an effective agency to collect relevant data, process it and pass it on to a
law enforcement agency. If the law rule is broken by an individual or
institution, this has to be punished through the legal process.
• Three issues that are especially important for environmental legislation are:
1. The precautionary principle
2. The polluter-pays principle
3. Freedom of information
1. The precautionary principle:
This principle has evolved to deal with risks and
uncertainties faced by environmental
The principle implies that an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure— it does not prevent
problems but may reduce their occurrence and
helps ensure contingency plans are made.
2. The polluter-pays principle :
In addition to-the obvious—the polluter pays for the
damaged caused by a development—this principle
also implies that a polluter pays for monitoring and
3. Freedom of information:
Environmental planning and management is hindered if the
public, NGOs or even official bodies are unable to get
Many countries have now begun to release more
information, USA has a Freedom of Information Act, and
the European Union is moving in this direction. But still
many governors and multinational corporations fear that
industrial secrets will leak to competitors if there is too
much disclosure, and there are situations where authorities
declare strategic needs and suspend disclosure.