Case Study Method
Case Study Method
Case Study Method
• field studies
• exploration of artifacts
Benefits and Limitations of Case Study Methods
Advantages Disadvantages
• Case studies are more flexible than many other types of • The uniqueness of the data usually
research and allow the researcher to discover and
explore as the research develops.
means that it is not able to be
• Case studies emphasize in-depth content. The
researcher is able to delve deep and use a variety of • Case studies have some level of
data sources to get a complete picture. subjectivity and researcher bias
may be a problem.
• The data is collected in a natural setting and context.
• Because of the in-depth nature of
• Often leads to the creation of new hypotheses that can
be tested later.
the data, it is not possible to
conduct the research on a large
• Case studies often shed new light on an established
theory that results in further exploration.
• There are concerns about the
• Researchers are able to study and analyze situations, reliability, validity and
events and behaviors that could be created in a generalizability of the results.
laboratory setting.
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