The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit - 1
The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit - 1
The Human Person As An Embodied Spirit - 1
Embodied Spirit
(Recognize Own
Limitations and
At the end of the session, learners are
expected to recognize own limitations and
Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson:
1.Describe the taste of water.
2. Describe the color blue to a blind person.
3. How will you describe how wonderful the
world is to a blind person?
4. Can the tip of your elbow reach your chin?
What makes/causes
a human persons’
Theories of Human Composition
According to Karl Rahner: We are a unity of body and soul. Body and soul are
equally real, true, radical, substantial, and original. They are neither uniform
nor deducible from each other. There is no existential cleavage between them.
Yet they can be distinguished from each other. Soul is the form of the body.
We can never encounter mere body and never encounter pure soul.
b. Second View. Man is matter-spirit.
The soul, which is regarded as a distinct entity from the body and the spiritual
part of man is something that cannot be seen and constitutes the inner part of
man, i.e., the mind and the will.
According to Aristotle: There are living things and non-living things. The
soul is the characteristic activity of living things. The body is alive if it has a soul.
Bodily Limitations:
• Mental and emotional disorders (e.g. anxiety, intellectual disability)
• Disabilities (amputated leg, deafness)
• Failures and experiences (failing a subject)
Overcoming Limitations:
• Bodily limitations can be tested by trying on new experiences
and working on challenges with increasing levels of difficulty. The
human body, if given enough exposure to any situation, can
attain a goal with efficiency.
• Social and environmental limitations are more difficult to
overcome than bodily limitations because they involve the
influence of other people and the external world. However, with a
proper mindset, clearly defined goals, and motivation to rise
above challenges, one may successfully overcome his or her
I have a body just like how I
have things. There is a
difference between having a
body and having things for I am
my body.
Evaluating Learning:
Make a check list of your limitations in the following
1. Physical
2. Mental/intellectual
3. Social
4. Spiritual
Flesh and spirit are antithetical realities: the first is a tangible and material
substance while the second is just the opposite. The flesh signifies material
bodily, tangible substance. The spirit or the soul signifies the immaterial, non-
bodily, invisible, reality in man. Yet the two seemingly contradictory
concepts are realized and united intimately in man. Hence they are one yet
divided, conjoined yet disjoined. Hence, man paradoxically speaking, is the
“divided union”—the disjunction-conjunction of opposites. [Felix
Man as Individual and Universal
As a living existential reality, man is invested with individuality, i.e., with
individuating, differentiating, accidental characteristics, such as height, weight,
complexion, sex, size, and all those qualities by which he is physically and personally
identified. As a human being he shares the same human nature with all other men, and is
therefore a universal human entity.
There’s no greater dynamism in life than life itself. The odds of life’s existing are rare, but
once it starts it’s very difficult to stop. And we are part of that dynamic process of life: cells
dividing and finding new ways to beat the odds. [Tim Allen, Don’t Stand too Close to a
Naked Man]
Being a part of the physical order of nature, man develops size, weight, shape and color
and other biological attributes followed naturally by other living things. He is able to
reproduce. “He occupies space and moves through time” and is “subject to the laws of
Our bodies are constantly changing. They exhibit defect, vulnerability, change, and decay.
They bear the intimations of our mortality. The way we perceive and feel about our own
bodies contribute significantly to the way we perceive and feel about the world.
Man as More than his Body
The word “have” in the sentence “I have a body” means possession. Now this is
different from “I have a book”, although both statements refer to possession.
First because I cannot dispose of my body in the way I can dispose of my book;
second, I is not equal to “my body”, I am more than my body. [Engelbert J. Van
Croonenberg; Corazon Cruz, 1987]
Man is “himself”, while a thing is “another’s”. Man calls himself “me”; and
he calls his possessions “mine”.
Man as a Biological Being
“Animal nature, however perfect, is far from representing the human being
in its completeness; and in truth, is but humanity’s handmaid, made to serve
and obey”. [Pope Leo XIII]
“Man is of the earth, but his thoughts are with the stars. Mean and petty his
wants and desires; yet they serve a soul exalted with grand glorious aims—with
immortal longings—with thoughts which sweep the heavens and wander
through eternity. A pigmy standing on the outward crust of this small planet,
his far-reaching spirit, stretches outward to the infinite, and there alone finds
rest.” [Thomas Carlyle, English Essayist (1785-1880)]
What makes you different
with other animals in terms
of physical activities?
*How do our bodies concretely
contribute to our limitations?
*How do our bodies concretely
contribute to our possibilities?
Man is physiologically the same
with other animals but has lot
of things that make a
difference when man uses his
Augustine and the Seashell
Marian Horvat
The great Doctor of the Church St. Augustine of Hippo spent over 30 years working on his treatise
De Trinitate [about the Holy Trinity], endeavoring to conceive an intelligible explanation for the
mystery of the Trinity.
The Bishop of Hippo approached him and asked, “My boy, what are doing?”
“I am trying to bring all the sea into this hole,” the boy replied with a sweet smile.
“But that is impossible, my dear child, the hole cannot contain all that water” said Augustine.
Augustine and the Seashell
Marian Horvat
“But that is impossible, my dear child, the hole cannot contain all that water” said Augustine.
The boy paused in his work, stood up, looked into the eyes of the Saint, and replied, “It is no more
impossible than what you are trying to do – comprehend the immensity of the mystery of the Holy
Trinity with your small intelligence.”
The Saint was absorbed by such a keen response from that child, and turned his eyes from him for a
short while. When he glanced down to ask him something else, the boy had vanished.
Some say that it was an Angel sent by God to teach Augustine a lesson on pride in learning. Others
affirm it was the Christ Child Himself who appeared to the Saint to remind him of the limits of
human understanding before the great mysteries of our Faith.
Through this story, the sea shell has become a symbol of St. Augustine and the study of theology.
*What does the story
convey about the human
• The freedom of the soul from the body, its imprisonment is
• Transcendence is the existence that is present beyond
normal or physical level.
• Transcendence means that: “I am my body but at the
same time I am more than my body. The things that I do,
all those physical activities and attributes which are made
real through my body, reveals the person that I am”.
Three main spiritual
Hinduism is the belief in karma and reincarnation.
• The Law and Cause and Effect (Karma) are overcome; the
cycle of rebirth is broken; and one may rest in the calm
assurance of having attained a heavenly bliss that will
stretch out into all eternity.
Sangha, or Order of Monks and later the nuns also monks,
nuns, laymen, laywomen). With single-heart purpose, this
brotherhood of believers dedicated itself to a life of self-
purification, in total loyalty to the Buddha,
• For Augustine's Christianity, the revelation of the true God, is the only full and
true philosophy.
• All Knowledge leads to God, so that faith supplements and enlightens reason
that it may proceed to ever richer and fuller understanding.
• St. Thomas of Aquinas, another medieval philosopher, of all creatures,
human beings have the unique power to change themselves and the things
for the better.
• His philosophy is best grasped in his treatises Summa Contra Gentiles and
Summa Theologica. Considers human as moral agent, the spiritual and
material and that choosing between 'good' or 'evil' is our responsibility.
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
PART 1. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
4. Which of the following spiritual philosophies based upon the teachings and
miracles of Jesus where there is only one God. Suffering leads to the Cross, the
symbol of reality of God's saving love for the human being and Evil is being
disobedient, contradicting the nature of God and distancing to God?
A. Hinduism
B. Islam
C. Buddhism
D. Christianity
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
PART 1. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
5.Which of the following is not one of the four primary values of Hindus?
A. Wealth
B. Pleasure
C. Enlightenment
10. Why did Felix Montemayor said that “Flesh and spirit are antithetical
A. Because the first is a tangible and material substance while the second is
just the opposite.
B. Because the flesh signifies material bodily, tangible substance while the
spirit or the soul signifies the immaterial, non-bodily, invisible, reality in man.
C. Neither A nor B.
D. Both A and B.
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
PART 1. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
12. Why do you think man is considered an infinitely higher being of all
God’s animal creation?
A.Man is the only animal who has been created in order that he may
know his maker.
B.Man’s aim in life is to add from day to day to his material prospects
and to his material possessions.
C.“Man is flesh and spirit in divided union.”
D.Man is composed of flesh and spirit.
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
PART 1. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
13. Which of the following theories holds that man is made up of two
irreducible elements- matter and spirit?
A. Monism
B. Dualism
C. Polytheism
D. Biblical view
14. Who said that the world of Forms is a type of world that is eternal, perfect
and unchanging?
A. Socrates
B. Parmenides
C. Aristotle
D. Plato
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
PART 1. Write only the letter of the correct answer
in your answer sheet.
A. Defects
B. Vulnerability
C. Decay
D. All of the above
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
Part 2. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is
16. According to Felix Montemayor, flesh and spirit are theatrical realities.
17. Based on the doctrine of Hinduism, the Aum (Om) is the root of the
universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything
together, the most sacred sound in which the universe arose from and
was the first thing God created.
Quiz No. 06 in Intro to Philosophy
Part 2. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is
18. Recognizing that everyone has fears is one of the ways of overcoming
our limitations.
19. Being a part of the physical order of nature, man develops size,
weight, shape and color and other biological attributes followed naturally
by other living things.
20. The second view on human composition states that man is made up
of body, soul, and spirit.