Pas 37
Pas 37
Pas 37
Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent
• PAS 37 sets the criteria for recognition and
measurement of
• Provisions;
• Contingent liabilities;
• Contingent assets; and
requires a number of disclosures about these items in
order to understand them better.
• Pas 37 applies to accounting for Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets except arising from
executory contracts unless they are onerous and those
that are covered by other PFRS.
• executory contracts – contracts that are not yet fully
executed meaning the parties thereto still have
obligations to perform.
• Onerous – burdensome. When cost of fulfilling it exceeds
the economic benefits to be derived from it.
What is a provision?
• Provision is a liability of uncertain timing
or amount.
• The word “uncertain” is very important
here, because if timing and amount are
certain or almost certain, then you don’t
deal with the provision but with a
payable or an accrual.
• It is presented in the statement of
financial position separately from other
types of liabilities
• A liability is a present obligation arising from past event that is expected
to be settled by an outflow of economic benefits from an entity.
• In other words, if there is no past event, then there is no liability and no
provision should be recognized.