1 Laws of Radiation

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Prepared by: Guided by: Prof.D.N.Gandhi

Chaudhari Manish

Chauhan Jay

Mallik Visawjeet

Patel Bhavesh

 Thermal radiation is an electromagnetic radiation emitted by a

body as a result of its temperature or we can also say that radiation
is the transfer of energy by rapid oscillations of electromagnetic
 All bodies emits such radiation to their surroundings and absorb such
radiation from them.
 Usually, most of the radiation is emitted in frequencies outside the
visible range ( for e.g. Infrared at room temperature).
 All bodies (solids or liquids) emits a continuous spectrum of radiation.
 The most important general characteristic is its wavelength.
 Radiation travels through space at the speed of light i.e. (3 x 108
ms-1) or 670,616,630 MPH
Kirchhoff’s Law

 For a given wavelength and temperature, the ratio of the Emission

and the absorptivity equals the black body emission.
 This shows also, that objects emit radiation in the same parts of the
spectrum in which they absorb radiation.
 A black body , by definition, absorbs radiation at all wavelengths
completely. Real objects are never entirely “black” – they cannot
absorb all wavelengths completely, but show a wavelength-
dependent absorptivity ε(λ) (which is < 1).
 We rearrange Kirchhoff’s law and see:

Eλ(λ,T) = ε(λ) Bλ(λ,T)

 At a given temperature, real objects emit less radiation than a

black body (since ε < 1). Therefore we can regard ε(λ) also as
emissivity. Quite often we will thus find Kirchhoff’s law in the form:
 Emissivity = Absorptivity
 Important: it applies wavelength-dependent.
 In the infrared all naturally occurring surfaces are – in very good
approximation – “black” – even snow! (which is – usually – not black
at all in the visible part of the spectrum).
 For the Earth as a whole (in the IR): ε = 0.95 (“gray body”)
Wien’s law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law are useful tools for analyzing
glowing objects like stars.

 A blackbody is a hypothetical object that is a

perfect absorber of electromagnetic radiation at
all wavelengths
 Stars closely approximate the behavior of
blackbodies, as do other hot, dense objects.
 The intensities of radiation emitted at various
wavelengths by a blackbody
at a given temperature are
shown by a blackbody curve.
Wien’s Law
Wien’s law states that the
dominant wavelength at which
a blackbody emits
electromagnetic radiation is
inversely proportional to the
Kelvin temperature of the
Stefan-Boltzmann Law

 The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that a

blackbody radiates electromagnetic waves
with a total energy flux E directly
proportional to the fourth power of the
Kelvin temperature T of the object:

E = σT4
Planck’s Law

 According to Planck’s Law (Max Planck, 1900) the energy emitted

by a black body (un-polarized radiation) per time, area, solid angle
and wave length λ equals:

 c0 = Speed of light (in vacuum) = 299 792 458 m s–1

 h = Planck constant = 6.626 069 57x10–34 Js
 kB = Boltzmann constant = 1.380 6488x10–23 J K-1
 According to our last slides this has to be – right:
 Spectral radiance with respect to wavelength [Wm–2 sr–1 m–1]
 Planck’s Law refers to un-polarized radiation per solid
angle. In case of linear polarization we would just get
half of it. If you should miss a factor π – this comes be
integrating over the half space. Planck‘s law often
comes in frequency formulation:
also, C0=vλ

 1. www.google.com
 2.www.slideshare.com
 3.ATHE GTU reference book

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