Justine James Benitez
John Francis Alcazar
Rhea Anne Begrado
Jamaica Catalan
Being an entrepreneur and having a business is not that easy. They should
think a business/ product that should fill the wants and needs of the costumers.
As an entrepreneur they should also know the present trends and the primary
needs that the costumer’s demanding. They should have to understand the
question, what business or product can we developed that can fill the wants
and needs of the costumers that can also benefit them a lot? By this question,
he/she can be guided on what will they going to prioritize on having a business.
As newbie in the business world, the proponents can also rely to others that
have an experience on starting a business. Even thought they can’t predict on
what should gonna happen to their business, they should take risk and accept
whatever gonna be the outcome of their business.
The costumers are always wanted to see something new from
them. The proponents come up into a product that can fill their
needs and wants which can also help local farmers. They assure that
their product can benefit not only the costumers but also others like
entrepreneurs. Root crops can grow all year round and can easily be
found. Sweet potato is a type tuber crops that contains vitamins and
minerals. This contains fiber that helps peoples body to become
healthy and helps negate illnesses like free radicals. The costumers
particularly the students always crave for a snack that can get them
full and satisfy their taste. Their product can be an alternative
snacks for the students. The proponents ensure that it can satisfy
the craving and can contribute to make them healthy. The purpose
of this product is not just to gain income but to help the costumers
become healthy. The experience can also give the proponents
knowledge on how to be more productive and more innovative in
sustaining and maintaining the quality of your product.
BAB-C Balls is our business name. BAB-C was form from the
initials of the surnames of the entrepreneurs; B for Benitez, A
for Alcazar, B for Begrado, C for Catalan, and Balls for our
product name (sweet potato balls). It is a simple name that has
a unique characteristic. They would like to promote that their
product is just simple but can help the costumers a lot. This is
also can be a big help to the local farmers because this can also
promote the beauty and how rich our land in terms of crops.
This can be also become the primary sources where the
entrepreneurs can get their supplies in making their products.
Marketing Plan
The name of the proponent product is sweet potato balls. It was inspired by
the original graham ball from its original ingredients which is graham. The
proponents will make some innovation which in by substituting the graham with
sweet potato. The said ingredient is healthy to the people and more affordable.
This product aims to fill the needs and wants of the costumers which can also
benefits them a lot. The proponents make sure that their product has unique
characteristics from the original graham balls in terms of taste, texture, quality,
and others. Sweet potato are nutritious root crops that contains different types
of vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help peoples body to become healthy
and negates different types of illnesses like cancer.
The proponent product will be priced from 5 pesos to 10 pesos. They use
cost plus mark-up method to recover the cost and earn approsinately profits.
Since the costumers always want to have a product that is new and affordable
and can satisfy their carvings. The proponents assure that their product can fill
their carvings and not cost too much.
The proponents think on where best to sell the product and
decided instead to sell it at the Pasalubung Center near at the
Legazpi City Jeep terminal. This is where the costumers are able
to find different products that are originally made by Bicolanos.
This may be the way that the proponent product is able to
promote their locally made and be encouraged by the
The proponent has considered that since their product is
sweet and is served like a dessert, they decided to have free
water for their costumer. In this way the costumer will not have
a toothache, tonsilities, or worst diabeties. They also sell the
product for 5 to 10 pesos. By these ways, they promote
satisfying product which is affordable, delicious, and healthy.
The strategies in order to best manage and motivate their
employees is to give their salaries always on time during pay
day and they will make sure that the salary of their employees
will always be enough and they are also willing to give a bonus
for those employees that are hardworking and also Christmas
bonus for all their employees.
They will position their brand’s name to the costumer’s level
of priority by ensuring their brand’s quality. For example, their
product will always be fresh and served well. Their price will
always be enough for their costumer.
Their will provide a small box where they will gonna place
their product. The color will be red and the design would be
Organizational Plan
Marketing Plan
Production Finance
Personnel Personnel
These are the roles that the proponents should able to do to make their
business productive. This can also help each proponent to be more
responsible in handling the roles that is assigned to them and on how they can
be more productive in fulfilling it.
Team leader- it is the one who give instructions,
directions, and guidance to achieve a better result from
the business they’ve planned.
Jamaica Catalan
She is the middle child of Mrs. Marilyn Catalan and Mr. Jaybe Catalan. She was born
on November 28, 2001 and was currently studying at Banquerohan National High School
as a grade 12 student with a track of Accountancy Business and Management. She likes
dancing and singing.
She is the marketing personnel that is assigned to deal with the product market of
the business.
Proposed salary and performance target
The proponents would like to sell their product to the market like the
Pasalubung Center in the Legazpi city so that their product can be recognize by
other investors or other business personnel that can help them to be more
Indication Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Production Sweet potato balls Sweet potato balls Sweet potato balls
Completion Making Product
Planning of Product Failed
The proponents start their business on planning to ensure that they can
make the product they wanted then they proceed to production and on how
they can successfully make their proposed product. Since the proponents cannot
perfectly make their product that easy. They have to face some failure and learn
how they can improve and make their product successfully.
Production plan
Production paradigm
Input- first, the proponents determined the materials and ingredients that are going to
be used in making their products.
Process- there are 9 processes that the proponents followed in making their product.
1st: prepare all the ingredients that were needed.
2nd: boil the sweet potatoes until it cooked.
3rd: when the sweet potatoes is cold, mashed it and mixed with eggs and sugar.
4th: slice the cheese into small cubes. Turn into balls the mixed sweet potatoes and fill it
with the sliced cheese and roll it into bread crumbs.
5th: when the sweet potatoes are all turn into balls, prepare the pan and oil.
6th: when the oil is hot, fry the sweet potatoes until it turns into golden brown
7th: when the sweet potatoes is fried prepared it into a presentable packaging/plating
8th: put the toppings on it
9th: ready to sell for the costumers
Output- sweet potato balls is the product output that was developed by the proponents.
The production process or schedule
The production process of the proponent’s product include the
preparation of all ingredients and material that were needed in
producing the product. Ingredients and materials that are needed;
sweet potatoes, cheese, bread crumbs, chocolate syrup, and
others. Material that are needed; pots and pans.
Equipment required
The equipment required in preparing the product are pots and
Sources of materials
The proponents contributed to make some money that are
used in buying all the material and ingredients needed in on
making their product.
Estimated Production Cost
Sweet Kilo 1 50 50
Cheese Pack 1 10 10
Sticks Pack 1 10 10
Oil Kilo ½ 48 24
Sugar Kilo ¼ 11 44
Bread Pack 1 15 15
Paper Plate Pack 1 20 25
Eggs Pieces 2 7 14
Variable Cost
Marshmallow Pack 20 20 20
Operation Plan
Description of the Company’s Operation
We will implement our business by cooking it inside
our booth. We will monitor everyday our income or profit
for us to know if we reach our target income in a day and
also for us to achieve our goals.
Evaluation of Suppliers
The suppliers will be the market here in Banquerohan
Legazpi City because they already have the ingredients
we need in making our product.
Purchase & Sales Procedures, Storage and
Inventory Control
The ingredients of our product sweet potato balls will
be store inside the refrigerator. We will sell and put the
sweet potato balls in our prepared paper plate to make it
neat, clean and presentable.
Financial Plan
Projected Sales and Cost
Sweet Kilo 1 50 50
Cheese Pack 1 10 10
Sticks Pack 1 10 10
Oil Kilo ½ 48 24
Sugar Kilo ¼ 11 44
Bread Pack 1 15 15
Paper Plate Pack 1 20 25
Eggs Pieces 2 7 14
Variable Cost
Unit Quantity Cost Total
Chocolate Liter 110 110 110
Sprinkles Pack 60 60 60
Marshmallow Pack 20 20 20
Unit Quantity Cost Total
Coals Pack 1 10 10
Total Production Cost
BRAVERY 20 31 51 17 24 41 25 13 2 20 5
EMPHATY 26 22 48 24 21 45 12 25 2 14 4
INTEGRETY 26 9 35 12 6 18 15 3 2 15 1
DEPENDABILITY 26 21 47 26 19 45 20 25 2 16 2
CHARITY 23 25 48 14 11 25 19 4 2 16 3
HONESTY 22 25 47 17 20 37 22 3 2 22 0
HUMILITY 24 23 47 20 21 41 26 7 2 15 5
AMIABILITY 23 27 50 20 25 45 30 15 2 25 5
NEW DELHI 15 29 44 11 24 35 16 9 2 16 0
JAKARTA 27 23 50 9 12 21 17 3 1 4 3
TEHRAN 32 24 56 14 17 31 7 8 1 5 4
TOKYO 27 22 49 10 15 25 9 13 2 21 8
BEIJING 20 30 50 16 20 36 29 5 1 16 0
JERUSALEM 29 22 51 13 18 31 14 9 1 10 4
RIYADH 26 22 48 12 17 29 9 6 1 6 3
SEOUL 28 26 54 11 13 24 12 6 1 11 1
KUALA LUMPUR 25 23 48 15 13 28 19 7 1 15 4
HAWTHORNE 14 24 38 8 21 29 7 2 20 2
MARLOWE 25 21 46 15 11 23 8 2 10 4
CHAUCER 19 31 50 19 21 37 11 2 25 0
WHITMAN 28 22 50 18 19 37 8 2 15 3
WORDSWORTH 28 21 49 13 11 24 17 3 1 10 5
TENNYSON 28 22 50 18 19 37 18 9 1 15 3
SHAKESPEARE 26 19 45 8 13 21 14 5 2 14 0
MALORY 28 22 50 17 16 33 22 3 1 22 0
SELENE 15 22 37 11 18 29 17 9 1 15 2
ATHENA 19 25 44 6 14 20 15 5 2 15 0
ATLAS 18 23 41 18 23 41 28 5 2 28 0
APHRODITE 18 27 45 16 27 43 22 6 2 22 0
ARTHEMIS 17 23 40 15 13 28 25 3 2 20 5
APOLLO 19 24 43 5 17 22 20 2 1 10 10
STEM 15 10 25 14 10 24 24 0 1 20 4
ABM 4 24 28 4 16 20 15 3 1 10 5
GAS 17 37 54 7 36 43 30 13 2 20 10
HUMSS 14 23 37 13 22 35 14 11 2 10 4
EIM 40 0 40 7 0 7 5 2 1 5 0
COOKERY 11 26 37 10 22 32 23 9 1 15 8
COM-PROG 4 16 20 4 10 14 10 4 1 8 2
STEM 17 20 37 17 20 37 22 15 2 17 5
ABM 18 23 41 18 21 39 21 15 1 20 1
GAS 6 18 24 5 15 20 10 10 1 10 0
HUMSS 5 22 27 4 14 18 10 8 2 10 0
COOKERY 5 21 26 4 16 20 20 0 1 15 5
COM-PROG 12 18 30 12 18 30 21 9 2 20 1
EIM 44 1 45 28 1 29 20 9 2 10 10
TOTAL 933 989 1922 595 760 1349 830 353 2 678 141