Fatur Reyhan Muradi
Fatur Reyhan Muradi
Fatur Reyhan Muradi
Fatur Reyhan Muradi | 150100140
Case Report
• The baby girl is born normally, after birth the patient is congested then taken to
the midwife and said there is no problem with the patient. 2 days before being
admitted to the hospital, the patient was only treated at home, as long as at
home the patient looked congested, lacked breastfeeding, inactivity, fever (-),
vomiting (-), defecate (+), urination (+). 1 day before entering the hospital, the
patient's body turned blue, did not want to breastfeed, tightness, inactivity,
because the patient's condition did not improve, the patient's parents then took
the patient to the hospital.
• Neonatal months (42 weeks) according to the period of pregnancy the weight
of the baby is born 3900 grams + respiratory distress + Hernia diaphragmatic
Case Report
• A male patient, born at term by vaginal delivery with difficult extraction, weighing 3575 g, with Apgar score 3/7 in the
first and fifth minutes of life, which required positive pressure ventilation (PPV) at birth.
• The newborn was born well and evolved with sudden respiratory distress, requiring ventilation. The newborn should
be examined for murmurs, to be conducted as a congenital and/or abdomen dug present for diaphrag- matic hernia,
being intubated immediately once he pre- sents any clinical diagnostic. Approximately twenty minutes after birth,
the newborn had a sudden respira- tory dysfunction evolved into a prolonged cardiac arrest. The newborn was
intubated and received cardiac mas- sage and resuscitation. He was then taken to the Inten- sive Care Unit and
carried out a chest radiograph, which showed atelectasis of the right lung and left diaphrag- matic hernia. He
developed acute renal failure and was not in condition to perform peritoneal dialysis, as well as surgical correction
of the hernia. He died in the sec- ond day of life.
• we observe small bowel in the chest through a posterolateral hole, shifting the mediasti- num to the right. It is also
possible to observe in this Figure the presence of a tube on the right lower hemi- thorax when the newborn was at
supine position, this tube was necessary to remove pus from the intrathoracic space due to the inflammation
mechanism in the area.
• Keep the neonate warm. If you need ventilation therapy with mild pressure.
Install a gastric sonde and do continuous sucking to prevent intestinal
distension. It can also be checked for pH and blood gas.
• Elective surgery is necessary to prevent complications. Emergency measures
are also necessary if heart-lung insufficiency is found in neonates. Hernia
repositioning and closure of the defect give good results.
• Generally the correction is done through laparotomy. In the post-operative
state, the patient needs to be given breathing assistance with a ventilator, as
well as checking the pH and frequency of blood gas.