Difference Between MA, FA & CA

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Branches Of Accounting
SR NO BASIS Financial Accounting Cost accounting Management accounting
1. Meaning FA , branch CA, examines MA, is the process of
of accounting that keeps the cost structure of a analyzing business costs and
track of a business. It does so by operations to prepare
company's financial transact collecting information internal financial report,
ions. Using standardized
about the costs incurred by records, and account to
guidelines, the transactions
are recorded, summarized,
a company's activities, aid managers' decision
and presented in assigning selected costs to making process in achieving
a financial report products and services and business goals.
or financial statement such other cost objects, and
as an income statement or a evaluating the efficiency
balance sheet. of cost usage.

2. History 2nd & 3rd century 14th century 20th century

3. Aim Profitability of business Record & reduce Costs Analyze, plan & co-ordinate
4. Users Generally External Internal & External Internal users
5. Scope Wide Narrow Wider
Branches Of Accounting
SR NO BASIS Financial Accounting Cost accounting Management accounting
6. Report Annually, Half yearly & Continuous Basis Continuous basis but more
interval Sometimes quarterly

7. Legal Mandatory under company Purely voluntary Purely voluntary

necessity law
8. Principles AS(ICAI) CAS(Guidance ICMAI) Not bound
9. Nature of Historical Historical & futuristic Futuristic & Analytical
10. Estimate Actual facts & figures Actual + estimated Approximation of figures

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