Disha foundation
(A Resource Center For Multiple Disabilities)
About the project • Location
Project : Disha Foundation
Location : Disha Path, near JDP Park,
Nirman Nagar-C, Jaipur.
Client : Blind Relief Association, New Delhi
Area : 0.247 acres (999.574 sq. Meter)
Climate : Hot And Dry climate
Rainfall : 564.89mm approx.
Wind direction : West – East (3.00 to 10 km/h)
Soil : Sandy-loam Soil
Topography : Slope Rising From North To South
• The building is the very interactive with the central atrium linked to all the corrido's and ramps with places to stand and
sit in between to Observe the activities all around .
• Central court going all weather safe and comfortable attractive space .
• The building design provides lively environment sense of community under the shelter of roof , and a
sense of independence and flexibility for the use of individual activity spaces .
Gently –sloped ramps circum-ambulate around the central courts and the building rises in comfortable stages with places for pause and rest
along the way. The activity spaces on each floor are separated from these ramps by corrido's , which act as buffer space . The corrido's have
display boards on outer walls of classroom ,which are formed on the of cabinets of classroom , thus cutting off the noises from the central
space , completely .
All workroom have glare free natural light ventilation from a windows system designed for even distribution of day light , thus elimination
the need of artificial lighting during day .
Building design
Institute Of Blind , Mexico
Architects : Mauricio Racha
Location : Mexico City, D.F; Mexico
Architect : Mauricio Racha
Landscape Architect : Jeronimo Hagerman
Structure : Grupo Sai
Area : 14000 Sq. Meter
Project Year : 2001
The center for blind and visually impaired was created as part of a
program by the Mexico city government to provide services to one of
the most disadvantages and highly – populated area of the city
;Iztapalapa is the district with the largest visually impaired population
in the Mexican capital
• A blind wall encircles the complex on its four sides and acts as an
acoustic barrier as well as a retaining wall/blank to hold the earth moved
from neighboring wasteland areas.
Room of machines
Administrative block
Library Cafeteria
• The center aims to enhance spatial perception, cultivating the five senses as experience
and source of information.
• A water channel runs through the center of the plaza, so that the sound of the water
guides users along their way .
The luminance of the building was increases drastically by using glass facades
to harness natural lighting to the maximum .
• Six types of fragrant plants and flowers in the perimeter garden act as constant
sensors to help orientate users within the complex.